Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Everything Our Government and Media Tells Us Is Fake!


"I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth..."

By Chimp

The swine flu is fake!

Global Warming is fake!

The bird flu pandemic was fake!

WMDs in Iraq were fake!

Al-Qaeda is fake!

Osama bin Laden is fake!

“Death Panels” are fake!

“Joe The Plumber” was fake!

Saddam Hussein statue toppling was fake!

Homeland Security Terror Threat Levels were fake

How can anyone believe anything our government or our corporate media tells us anymore?





  1. Awareness is always a great first step.

    The first step MUST be in concert with understanding that ACTION comes as a result of identification.

    We MUST find an opportunity to resist in a way that will serve notice to them. NON-violence is the impetus for that change but violence will inevitably come since they will NOT surrender their ideology without a struggle, just as we should NOT surrender without one also.

  2. The "Holocaust" was/is fake!

    If you don't believe me, check it out -- because exposing this massive criminal fraud is the key to taking down the whole NWO, starting with the illegal and genocidal state of Israel.

    As everyone knows, Israel was founded on the alleged genocide of the Jews during WWII In fact, a main objective of WWII was the genocide of the German people (see the bestselling 1944 book, available on line, Germany Must Perish! - or look up the "Morgenthau Plan"). This objective was accomplished in spades, as about 20 million Germans -- a quarter of the prewar population of Germany -- were killed during and immediately after the war. You won't read that in your history books!

    An easy way to check out my claims is to go to http://historicalexactitude.blogspot.com and click on some of the links you'll find there.

  3. If FOX News was fined everytime they provided false "news", they would have been out of business 9 years ago.

  4. Jessica Lynch story was fake..

  5. Right and the Pat Tillman death story was fake - covered up by the Army and the Pentagon.

  6. It's always upside down, inside out, and backward - but not necessarily 'fake'. It just isn't what they SAY it is.
    You just have to know what it is you're seeing as opposed to what you're supposed to see.

  7. There's propaganda; there's misinformation; there's disinformation: then there's disinfromation about the misinformation about the propaganda. (Or misinformation about the disinformation about the propaganda, or propaganda about the ..... well you get the idea.)

  8. Yep, like the JFK assassination. So many theories out there, impossible to tell what really happened. Maybe Mrs. K. found out that Jack was doing Marilyn and she took care of him. LOL.
