Friday, January 8, 2010

Carville: Full body scanners can ‘measure my penis’


Perhaps revealing a latent fear among some men about the potential capabilities of the full-body scanners headed to airports across the US, Democratic strategist James Carville told a radio show Friday that the devices can "measure my penis."

“They can scan me and and search me and measure my penis, then let me get on the plane," Carville told the Washington, DC-based sports radio program.

"It's not clear if Carville has discussed his plans with TSA officials or what, if any, value the length of his ragin' cajun' has to national security," Evan McMorris-Santoro wrote

"Georgie Porgie? About this big, according to the airport scanner."



  1. Har har har. Love the photo caption. Incidentally, I wasn't aware that there was a penis length requirement for boarding. Does a stuffed sock count?

  2. You know, like clothing, scanners come in three sizes, sdmall, medium and large. Extra large have to pay for two seats.

  3. Har har har. You ARE a wealth of knowledge, Chimp!

  4. Banana is brain food, you know.
