Sunday, December 13, 2009

Media "Distortions"


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Big media images were from angles that disguised that few people were present on Baghdad’s Firdous Square.

Most of those were US soldiers, and exile Iraqis flown in with very unpopular politician, Ahmed Chalabi, convicted to a long prison term for fraud in Jordan; said to be a US-Iranian secret services double agent.

"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
-- Richard Salent, Former President CBS News.


"News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising".
former NBC news President Rubin Frank


“What Really Happened” Comment:

The "Warmanistas" from "Al Gore-da" are in constant orgasms over a story running under the AP byline that claims the CRU emails do not reveal any fraud. Apparently the staffers at AP cannot comprehend complex ideas like "Hide the Decline" and “we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can't.”

I am certain that the people at AP are unable to read computer code which proves beyond a doubt the manipulation of the results.

I do wonder just how mentally deprived AP's staffers have to be that they cannot look out their windows at one of the harshest winters on record and not suspect something is up.

But then, these are the same bozos that insisted with a straight face that Saddam had nuclear weapons.

It is not a question of whether the corporate media lie. They made that choice to be a "presstitute" the day they accepted that first paycheck. This article simply lists a few of the many instances in which the lies of the presstitutes were found out and should serve as a reminder that reporters, like scientists, will say whatever the people handing them money want them to say.


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