Thursday, December 17, 2009

Al Gore’s Arctic Ice Statements Not Accurate, What A Shocker!


Al Gore says that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in 5 years, what a thing to say at Christmas time!

Problem is, Gore’s been saying it for a year and yet he still says 5 years.

Another problem is the fact that the climatologist that Gore was citing said that he never said as a matter of fact that the Arctic could be ice-free in 5 years.

Hmmm…….another quandary for global warmers? I doubt it, they seem to deny certain facts when they’re bombarded with the truth.

Dr. Wieslav Maslowski is the climatologist who will be taken off of the Gore Christmas card list this year; he said that he’s not sure how Al Gore came up with the 75% chance figure (that the caps would be ice-free).

Gore had told an audience, well seems he’s told several audiences, that Dr. Maslowski’s prediction was “fresh data”.

Fact of the matter is Dr. Maslowski says that the 75% prediction may have been a “ballpark” figure he used in a conversation with Gore several years ago. From the UK TimesOnline:

Mr Gore’s office later admitted that the 75 per cent figure was one used by Dr Maslowksi as a “ballpark figure” several years ago in a conversation with Mr Gore.

I bet that stings a little. So why would Dr. Maslowski allow Al Gore to use the 5 year term for over a year without saying a word, and now all of a sudden throw the former Vice-President and current global warming high priest under the bus? Climategate perhaps?

Seems whatever happens though, Al Gore and the movement will just keep perpetuating the myth; I suppose that’s what you have to do with mythology, keep telling it like it’s true, eventually people forget it’s myth.

The video of Gore below is from one year ago in Germany.


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