Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tony Blair says he didn't want Europe job


Tony Blair preparing to be King of Europe

Tony Blair has shrugged off his failure to become EU president, insisting he did not want the job.

The ex-PM lost out to little-known Belgian poetry fan Herman van Rompuy despite Gordon Brown campaigning for him hours before the decision.

Friends said Mr Blair decided days earlier he wanted the plum post only if it was a proper presidential role but EU leaders favoured a "chairman" figure.

One said he had privately stressed his interest in the £240,000 a year post if was "about role not title" and the "reason he never formally declared was it depends on how they want the job done".


Official British Souse: "If I can't be King of Europe and have the power to invade Islamic countries for their oil, then I don't want the job. Mommy, I don't think they like me very much. They picked an unknown sissy to run Europoe. Sob, sob, sob..."


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