Thursday, November 5, 2009

Global warming is a giant scam


Former Vice President Al Gore says the science is settled and refuses to debate anyone about global warming. Of course he can't debate anyone on the issue, because he will be exposed for the charlatan that he is.

The Nobel Peace Prize and the Oscar was bestowed upon him by his liberal cronies for his movie, "An Inconvenient Truth."

This is the same movie that is shown to our school children and presented as gospel in order to indoctrinate them into the global warming camp.

It is also the same movie British High Court Judge, Mr. Justice Barton ruled contained gross exaggerations and incorrect information and could not be shown to students without an opposite point of view or a disclaimer.

Al Gore also dismisses the 31,000 scientists from around the world who signed a petition rejecting the global warming alarmism.

Mr. Gore's crony in this scam is Dr. James Hansen of NASA. This is the same man who 30 years ago said the earth was cooling and we were headed for another ice age!

Global warming is nothing more than a grand hoax, designed by the environmental groups (the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Defense Fund are the largest with over $173 million in annual revenues and over $275 million in assets) to scare the world into voluntarily giving up fossil fuels and to steal wealth from the most prosperous nation on earth and redistribute it to those of their choosing.

These groups have a huge influence in Washington, D.C. They give lip service to "clean energy," but block all efforts by this nation to retrieve its own natural resources. They block all efforts to drill for gas and oil. They hate coal. They block access to federal lands for drilling. They oppose the importation of tar sand oil from Canada and they are opposed to the extraction of shale oil here in the United States.

They prevent us from building any new gas refineries and they are even opposed to nuclear power, which releases zero carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

They make and keep us dependent on foreign oil, while trumpeting "green energy" sources like wind and solar power.


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