Friday, November 6, 2009

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”


Killer’s pre-rampage behavior is completely at odds with the idea of him preparing to massacre more than a dozen of his colleagues.

The Empire strikes back – right when public support for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan sinks to all time lows, an anti-war Islamic extremist with links to suicide bombers goes on a shooting rampage at a U.S. army base, reinvigorating support for the war on terror and demonizing opposition to it as anti-American extremism.

The scam would be believable if it wasn’t so perfectly staged.

Without getting into convoluted conspiracy theories about mind control and whatever else, not that they aren’t without merit, the facts we already know about Hasan and his behavior prior to the deadly shootings just screams out “patsy” and “set-up” and almost exactly mirrors other terror scams the Empire has run in the past.

Hasan’s pre-shooting behavior contradicts completely the idea that he was preparing for a deadly rampage.

Shortly before the massacre, Hasan was caught on camera shopping at the convenience store located on the army base – laughing and joking.

Is this the behavior of a man psychologically readying himself for the high-intensity horror of gunning down dozens of his colleagues, or someone unaware of what was to follow?



Was Fort Hood Shooting A Mutiny Attempt By Diploid Soldiers, Covered Up By The Pentagon?


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