Wednesday, November 25, 2009

British Iraq war inquiry ‘will not hold back’???


The official inquiry into Britain’s involvement in the invasion of Iraq has begun, promising a thorough investigation which could embarrass the government in the run-up to the next general election.

Critics of the war say intelligence evidence was distorted to justify military action.

“We are not a court of law, nor are we an inquest or indeed a statutory inquiry, and our processes reflect that,” said Iraq Inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot. “No-one is on trial here, we cannot determine guilt or innocence, only courts can do that.

But I make a commitment here that once we get to our final report, we will not shy away from making criticisms, either of institutions or processes or of individuals where they are truly warranted.”

Most hearings will be held in public, but Sir John said some sessions may be in private when issues affecting national security are addressed.


1 comment:

  1. Blimey, that is hard to read underlined.

    Any way - the results of the Inquiry are in - see here:
