Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Whole World Knew Obama Coming To Florida, Except Florida Gov. Crist


Florida Governor Crist claims he had no idea President Obama was visiting his state

Don’t look now but Florida GOP Governor Charlie Crist might be going crazy from the heat.

You see, President Barak Obama just completed a busily successful trip to Florida.

He visited the naval base in Jacksonville, attended a fundraiser at the Fountainbleau Hotel where he raised bushels of money for the Democratic party, and then visited Arcadia to talk about the importance of solar energy.

The president was met by a veritable Who’s Who of politicians, entertainers, and hangers-on at every stop.

Yet, conspicuous by his absence was Florida Governor-turned U.S. Senate candidate Charlie Crist, who claims to not have been aware that Obama was coming to his state!


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