Friday, October 2, 2009

Companies are legally taking out “DEAD PEASANT” INSURANCE policies on their employees


This is just crazy and should be against the law.

Apparently in Michael Moore’s new film he covers something called 'Dead Peasant Insurance Policies'.

Companies can legally take out insurance on their employees (after one year) and if they die they give ZERO of the money to the person's family.

This means that they profit if you die and you are worth more to them dead than alive.

A whopping 25% of all life insurance policies in the USA are Dead Peasant Policies.

Companies that take out insurance on their employee include WalMart, Walt Disney, Dow Chemical, Procter & Gamble, Winn Dixie, and other Blue Chip Companies...

The younger the employee is when he/she dies, the more money the company gets. Some companies get very upset if the number of projected employees don't die as it affects their bottom line.

For each dead emplyee, they get 10s of thousands and even millions. Their families get NOTHING.

The policies actually have the words “dead peasant” on them. Why?


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