Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sarah Palin to Give Silly Talk in Hong Kong To “Offbeat” Company


"When I was young I learned that if you dig a hole deep enouigh, you'll wind-up in China. Well, I'm taking a short-cut to HJong Kong. And you thought I had no foreign policy knowledge."

Sarah Palin will give her first speech since leaving office as Governor of Alaska. The speech will be in Hong Kong on September 23rd.

Now, Sarah Palin will have a greater foreign experience besides her statement that she could see Russia from her Alaska kitchen window and she will be prepared to run the USA as president.

She did not obtain a passport until 2007 when she visited Alaskan National Guard troops in Kuwait and Germany.

The speech will be given to Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia (CLSA), a global brokerage firm at their investor forum in Hong Kong.

According to the Business Insider, CLSA has a reputation as a firm that is not afraid to invite “off-beat” speakers.

The firm has done research that includes polling Asian fortune tellers for index targets and hiring anime cartoonists to draw research.

CLSA keynote speakers are “notable” individuals who often address topics that go into the unusual and unexpected.

If the firm has a reputation for being offbeat and silly, that might be the best forum for an individual who already receives a good amount of similar ridicule back home.



  1. She is doing this for money as well.

    Sigh..someone is paying this jackass to speak? What in the blue hell is this world coming to?

    That is a rhetorical question. ;)

  2. Yes, they are paying her. The amount is a national secret.

    The Kongers better watchout if Sarah brings her rifle and hide their wild animals like leopard cats, barking deer, wild boars, monkeys and squirrels.

  3. As long as they keep her out of an airplane, her animal of choice..the wolf should be safe.

    But then..she just might be a-jonesing for something to shoot and kill.

    But then..Her dead bearskin is getting kinda nasty and she needs a replacement on her sofa.
