Wednesday, August 26, 2009

U.S. is 15 years behind South Korea in Internet speed


A report on Internet speed in the United States says the country isn’t likely to catch world leader South Korea for 15 years.

Or for much longer — at current growth rates, the United States will only reach South Korea’s speed today in 15 years.


Webmaster's Commentary:

As a little side note, your telephone bill has carried a surcharge ostensibly added to pay for improvements to the optical networks needed for higher speed broadband, but as we reported a few weeks back, phone companies never actually got around to doing the upgrades and the money was spent elsewhere.


1 comment:

  1. Hey I saw that tortoise in Miami ! Plus a few parrots squawking . The tortoise had the whole family there.

    What? You mean we are being charged for "high speed" and we are *supposed to be* even faster ? They are crooks...let's go get 'em !!
