Friday, July 31, 2009

Laura Bush in Conn. for submarine races


As you can well see, Laura's USS Texas is in the lead

© 2009 The Chimp Press
July 31, 2009

GROTON, Conn. — Former first lady Laura Bush was in Connecticut for a submarine race at the Navy's submarine base in Groton.

Bush gave brief remarks Friday morning as the three submarines raced to the end of the base and back.

Bush participated in many submarine races when she was first lady of Texas. She also spoke at submarine christenings in 2004 and in 2006 when she was the nation's first lady.

While getting quite involved in the race, Laura Bush said, “I can’t see who’s winning. It’s like when George was running for president.”

“Watching submarine races is my hobby,” Mrs. Bush added, “the sub I chose always wins. Of course, they have to tell me which one won, as I can’t see diddly squat.”


Monday, July 27, 2009

President Palin "Impossible"


As speculation over Sarah Palin's presidential aspirations heat up now that she has stepped down as Alaska's governor, a former member of George W. Bush's staff said Palin had no chance of winning the White House.

"Impossible," is how Bush's former speechwriter David Frum described the likelihood Palin would become president.

Frum based his opinion on Palin's decline in approval ratings from when she was announced as John McCain's Republican presidential running mate in August termed her "divisive" within the party.

Asked what she represents for the future of the GOP: "political defeat."

Conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter sharply disagreed with Frum, saying Palin had "amazing star power," and said she represents the Republican Party that was known for winning elections in the last two decades.

Frum's criticism of Palin Monday was a continuation of a debate he had with Coulter on Saturday's "The Early Show" in which he said of Palin:

"Basically, quitting for the stated reason that you can't get anything done in your job and because you can't endure the criticism you're receiving and then cashing in, in order to make a lot of money is not a good resume with which to run for president of the United States. She was a calamitous candidate in October of 2008. We've never seen poll numbers for ... any national candidate decline as fast as they did for Sarah Palin. The more the American people know her, the more unacceptable she became and that trend's going to continue."


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Honduras Coup: the US Connection


-Discussions in George Bush’s team revolved around the timing of the coup.

One option under consideration was to synchronize it with Georgia’s aggression against South Ossetia in order to demonstrate US assertiveness over all azimuths, but the idea was found too extreme even by the staunchest hawks given the upcoming elections in the US.

-The oil crisis that erupted in Honduras finally convinced Zelaya to change course.

US companies, which monopolized the business of importing oil to the country, manipulated prices and created an artificial shortage in the fuel supply.

Protests and strikes which left Honduras on the verge of a full-blown crisis made Zelaya temporarily expropriate oil storages owned by US companies.

As the next step, he forged closer ties with ALBA leaders and signed several deals with Venezuela to buy oil at discount prices, broaden trade between the two countries, and jointly modernize transit infrastructures.

One of Zelaya’s priority projects was to construct with the assistance of the ALBA countries a modern airport on the site occupied by the US Soto Cano Air Base....The threat of losing another strategic airbase in Latin America made Washington hurry up with the coup.

-Throughout 2008 Negroponte was building in Central America an intelligence and diplomacy network charged with the mission of regaining the positions lost by the US as well as of neutralizing left regimes and ALBA integration initiative.

At present the US ambassadors to Latin American countries – Hugo Llorens to Honduras, Robert I. Blau to El Salvador, Stephen G. McFarland to Guatemala, and Robert J. Callahan to Nicaragua - are Negroponte’s people.

All of them have practical experience of destabilizing and subverting political regimes unfriendly to the US, launching propaganda campaigns, and creating fifth columns in the form of various NGOs.


See also: What is the SOA?


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bush Was President, Dick Cheney Was The Fuhrer


By Chimpplanet

There are very few names of US Vice Presidents that Americans can remember by name.

Dick Cheney, however, will be remembered, not because of being in the shadows of George W. Bush, but because “shotgun Dick” was the Bush Puppet Master.

Every day more and more news are released proving that “bunker Dick” was a busy VP while hiding deep in the bowels of Washington.

By now, we have learned that Dick had his own Death Squad in the CIA with power to assassinate anyone he named as a terrorist leader.

This massive Cheney illegal program was concealed from the leaders in Congress.

Dick Cheney could also be investigated and potentially charged with conspiring to violate the anti-torture statute by authorizing and ordering waterboarding.

He could also be charged with violating another federal law ratifying the Geneva Conventions’ definition of war crimes.

He was a strong mouth piece during the lead-up to the Iraq invasion, constantly on news shows touting that Saddam Husein was working with Al-Qaeda and building a nuclear bomb. All of which was denied by his own Bush Administration. He eventually also denied he said all this.

But he made certain that his company. Halliburton, got no-bid contracts to feed and fuel the troops fighting in his Iraq War. This made both rich.

Here we have a man who accepted a series of student and family-related draft deferments during the Vietnam War and yet decided to send thousands to be killed and wounded in Iraq – all for profit.

And Cheney’s explanation for these deferments?

"I had other priorities in the '60s than military service."

Yeah, like making money – lots of money.

Everything Dick does is to get wealthier. Recently, he was stomping on all the major news networks for weeks, attacking President Obama.

As soon as he got his multi-million Dollar book deal, he shut up and returned to his underground bunker to plan his next profitable attack.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Cheney secret team involved saboteurs as well as assassins


WMR has learned from U.S. and foreign intelligence sources that Dick Cheney’s super-secret clandestine operations team, primarily made up of Department of Defense Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) personnel, in some cases worked closely with their Israeli commando counterparts to carry out sabotage against Iranian and Pakistani nuclear facilities, as well as assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists, other individuals who were knowledgeable about the role of Israelis in supplying nuclear materials to Pakistan and Iran, and commit terrorist attacks on civilian aircraft.

Although the CIA decided against working closely with the Cheney-directed JSOC team, agency officials were well-aware of its operations and special relationship with Mossad “Kidon” department, which is responsible for conducting assassinations and kidnappings. “Kidon” is the Hebrew word for bayonet.

During the time Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was in charge of the Pentagon, his neoconservative subordinates, including Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, authorized the entrance into the Pentagon of top Israeli Defense Force and Mossad officers, including Kidon personnel, according to information obtained by WMR.

There were no records maintained of the Israeli visits or the identities of the visitors in what was described by Pentagon officials as a complete violation of Pentagon security procedures.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Isaac Asimov, “Humanist”


Isaac Asimov in 1965

Asimov wrote, "If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul."

The same memoir states his belief that Hell is "the drooling dream of a sadist" crudely affixed to an all-merciful God; if even human governments were willing to curtail cruel and unusual punishments, wondered Asimov, why would punishment in the afterlife not be restricted to a limited term?

Asimov rejected the idea that a human belief or action could merit infinite punishment. If an afterlife of just deserts existed, he claimed, the longest and most severe punishment would be reserved for those who "slandered God by inventing Hell"

Isaac Asimov was one of the most prolific writers of all time, having written or edited more than 500 books and an estimated 9,000 letters and postcards.

