Friday, May 29, 2009

Bush And Cheney, In A Panic, Defend Their “Torture Administration”


By Chimpplanet

Former VP, Dick Cheney dashed out of his underground bunker as soon as President Obama released the CIA torture memos. He has been all over the media and other speaking venues claiming that US torture is legal and saved thousands of American lives.

The Pentagon also came to the defense of torture as it tried to quash a former general’s claims that the pictures Obama doesn’t want released show horrific torture and rape of detainees. For some unknown reason, the Pentagon feels that rape of our prisoners is worse than waterboarding, electrocuting, dog chewing, etc.

The retired general claims that a male prisoner is shown being raped with a fluorescent tube in these pictures. Imagine a fluorescent tube being shoved up your butt and imagine this tube breaking. The death of this human being would be horrifying.

The only way we will know if the Pentagon is telling the truth is by releasing these photos. Let’s make the Pentagon and Cheney happy and release all the torture photos and memos.

Now, George W. Bush comes out of the closet and defends torture (that never happened) by claiming it was all legal because his lawyers said so. Alberto Gonzales (initially his personal lawyer) led the path to legalizing torture. Lawyer John Yoo wrote memos describing what torture is “legal”. Current judge John Bybee did the same.

Basically, these Bush lawyers acquiesced to Bush and Cheney and changed the word “torture” to “harsh interrogation”. And that made it all legal. How harsh? Until they die?

President Obama says we need to look forward and not back. The problem is that if we don’t review and prosecuted our mistakes we will make them again.

Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Yoo, Bybee and others must be tried and punished for their crimes. Then, we can move forward.


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