Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big Pharma To Make Billions again, As U.S. Asks Firms to Make Swine Flu Vaccine


By Chimpplanet

The federal government has asked three drug companies to make enough swine flu vaccine to immunize at least 20 million people in key positions in health care, national security and emergency services, officials said yesterday.

Further orders for potentially hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine are expected.

Although questions remain unanswered about the effectiveness of a swine flu vaccine, how many doses it will take to protect a person and who should get it, U.S. Health Department said, "we can't wait" for the answers before putting the manufacturing machinery in motion.

The situation has raised questions about the current system, because so far the H1N1 virus does not seem to be causing illness as severe as when the outbreak began in Mexico, or as severe as is caused by the avian flu officials have been watching for several years.

Here, again, we have a “created pandemic” as was the former avian flu scare a few years back.

Again, all of this “pandemic” will be forgotten as soon as the U.S. Government pays billions for vaccine it will never use, just like it did with Tamiflu.


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