Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Under the Cloak of Questionable Premise


The official account of the events of September 11, 2001 is the linchpin in the narrative that supports today’s war and surveillance cultures. This story is the premise for the current shape of the world and provides cover for calamitous mischief.

In many corners, fear of a “fascist shift” in America is increasing along with worry about how our thinking is informed. Who tells the truth? Which stories do we believe? How compelling are different drumbeats?

In the annals of propaganda, big lies are landmarks. As part of propagating his own big lies, Hitler complained about them, writing that people “more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.… even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver ….”

Big lies create compliance by hoodwinking the population, which clears the path for despots. The War on “Terror” has replaced the War on Drugs as a broader, more nuanced rationale for anything and everything that abets social control.

Despite a long string of cognitive disconnects in the official 9/11 story, progressive mainstream rarely crosses that line in the sand.

Mysteriously, it avoids calling for discovery of what actually happened.

In lieu of knowing the real story, but outside the swamp of conjecture, let’s look at some sources who simply challenge the cardboard assumptions about 9/11 that are made to help devise U.S. domestic and foreign policies.


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