Monday, February 23, 2009

Rename Law? No Wisecrack Is Left Behind


Two years ago, an effort to fix No Child Left Behind, the main federal law on public schools, provoked a grueling slugfest in Congress, leading Representative George Miller, Democrat of California, to say the law had become “the most negative brand in America.”

Education Secretary Arne Duncan agrees. “Let’s rebrand it,” he said in an interview. “Give it a new name.”

And before Mr. Duncan has had time to float a single name, scores of educators, policy wonks and assorted rabble-rousers have rushed in with an outpouring of proposals.


George thought they were night vision binoculars!

(They should rename it, "No Child Should Be Smarter Than George W. Bush Act" or how about, "Walmart Greeters Of The Future Act". Better yet, how about doing away with it altogether?)


1 comment:

  1. This has echoes of the way things are here in the UK at the moment.
