Sunday, February 1, 2009

Father-of-four jailed for subjecting his children to 'Guantanamo Bay-style' waterboarding and electric shock punishments


A father-of-four who used an electric shock collar and water torture to discipline his children has been jailed for 16 years.

David Liskany, 39, forced his three sons and daughter to wear a shock collars' which are usually used to train dogs.

A judge told Liskany the treatment he meted out to his children made the family home in the U.S state of Ohio, like the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.


"Golddarnit, I don't understand. If George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld can do all this, why can't I? Just like God spoke to George Bush, he also spoke to me and told me this was all legal. I was only doing what the leaders of my Democratic country showed me was alright to do."



  1. Thought you must've been using some poetic licence on this story so googled it and OMFG it's true. Words fail me.

  2. Words do not fail me .......

    This is absolutely horrendous......

    ' Monkey see, monkey do '
