5 Myths About All Those Nukes Out There


But fear-mongering -- such as Dick Cheney's warning last month about the "high probability" of terrorists attempting a nuclear or biological attack -- can lead to costly mistakes.

We don't need to scare ourselves silly to guard against the worst.


"Let's see. I have eight years to do something about North Kore'a's noo-koo-lar threat. What to do. What to do. I know! Let's invade Iraq and have Saddam executed. That'll show North Korea!" - Dubya


Conservative Honcho Revels in Bush Departure


In this file photo, David Keene, left, chairman of the American Conservative Union, gestures as he introduces President Bush to their 40th anniversary gala in Washington.

American Conservative Union Chair Says GOP Is 'Free at Last'

The chairman of the American Conservative Union slammed former President George W. Bush's record on government spending and urged his fellow conservatives to return to small-government principles.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

FLASHBACK: Definition of “Anti-Semitism” expanded to include one’s personal preferences


The Jewish campaign to relegate everything to the “anti-Semitic” category because they refuse to be criticized is becoming increasingly ludicrous and more dangerous to free thinking Americans.

Now, they have determined that lack of tolerance for Israelis and Zionists is also considered anti-Semitic.

This is ridiculous! Furthermore, it is an insidious invasion of privacy in that Jewish defenders seem determined to gain access to non-Jewish minds in order to establish additional dictates regarding personal preferences, like and dislikes.

Well, I have a list of grievances for the Jewish people regarding “their” supremacist, self-righteous, racist behavior toward non-Jews.

Every Jew on the planet is an ANTI-GENTILE, however, no one not even the most devout Christian criticizes this kind of Jewish behavior. It is as if they are immune from all prosecution regardless of their actions bestowing upon them a kind of worldwide ‘Carte Blanche’ status in diplomatic immunity.

It appears perfectly acceptable for Jews to be anti-Gentile, even calling them ‘goyim’ or cattle occasionally in public. However, it is a downright abomination if one is anti-Semitic to the point that a person could lose a job, suffer ridicule and separation from their church and who are generally shunned in society, possibly forever. This glaring unfair double-standard, in my opinion, is downright anti-American!

So, why are we tolerating this behavior from Jewish Americans? Fear - is the answer.


Kyrgyzstan parliament votes to close key US airbase


The US air base in Manas near the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek, which is to be closed. Photograph: Ivan Sekretarev/AP

US to be deprived of its last military airbase in central Asia, dealing blow to Afghan mission


(Only 736 more bases to go.)


"Looking Ahead" or Overlooking Crimes Against Humanity?


I am a little stunned. I have been watching the news and listening to all the chatter about the scandal surrounding Gov. Rod Blagojevich and the alleged impropriety of people like Bill Richardson and Tom Daschle.

Watching all this, I’ve been thinking, “Somewhere in Texas, former President George W. Bush is clearing brush in perfect peace.”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is likely out duck hunting in Wyoming, as if he has every right to be walking around free.

Like we are supposed to forget their crimes.

Such as the criminal neglect in August 2005 when over 1,300 people died during Hurricane Katrina. You remember Katrina: Cadavers floating in flood waters on prime time TV while Bush was on vacation, and Condoleezza Rice was shoe-shopping on Fifth Avenue.

And the torture of prisoners sanctioned at the highest levels of government. Contests were held in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to see who could scare the naked prisoners so badly by siccing dogs on them that they would urinate themselves. All this courtesy of policies and procedures initiated by Alberto Gonzales, John Yoo and Donald Rumsfeld.

There was the detaining and kidnapping of people the U.S. government wanted to torture in what were called “extraordinary renditions,” sending them to Syria, Egypt and Uzbekistan among others.

How about the so-called Terrorist Surveillance Program that swept up the conversations and communications of millions of people on unprecedented levels? All in fundamental violation of what is supposed to be the basic constitutional protection of the right of privacy.

There was the spinning of the “weapons of mass destruction” myth as the causa belli for war in Iraq, with its staggering human toll and no end in sight. You remember Condoleezza Rice’s famous proclamation: “But we don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.” It was a lie.

With all this, we are supposed to rally behind President Barack Obama’s view that “we need to look forward as opposed to looking backward” when it comes to the crimes of Bush and company.

Well, perhaps Obama can “look ahead” past all that, but I don’t think it ought to be true for the rest of us. Doing so effectively enshrines such behavior. The stain of it stays, and even if the U.S. government did not engage in such things again — and not renouncing it heightens the possibility that it will — it still becomes part of the overall ideology of what is acceptable.

As John Ashcroft of all people noted when discussing the specifics of torture with his colleagues, “History will not judge this kindly.” I don’t think this waits on history. There is a need now to stand against this.


Cheney and the Goat Devil


I was dubious about Will Ferrell doing his Bush impersonation one more time on Broadway.

As we lurch through the disasters bequeathed by W. — the economy tanking, 17,000 more troops going to Afghanistan, Chrysler pleading for a total of $9 billion — would audiences still laugh at Ferrell’s lovable fool of a president?

I was wrong. The audience for the Sunday matinee of “You’re Welcome America. A Final Night with George W Bush” howled in delight.

I asked Adam McKay, the former head writer of “Saturday Night Live” who directed and co-wrote the show with Ferrell, why people respond this way to one of the worst presidents ever.

“He’s so clearly a neglected 13-year-old that there’s something really kind of heartbreaking about him,” McKay said, calling him “a good-time Charlie” who was “just used his whole life to front questionable business endeavors, and in a way that’s what his presidency was.

“He doesn’t have Cheney’s cartoonish need for power and greed that’s so off the charts you don’t even understand how Cheney got that way. W. may have some awareness, deep down inside, sort of like a petulant teenager who just flunked the trig quiz and knows he screwed up. I think Cheney not only knows but is delighted with everything he did, as is Rumsfeld.”

In the show, the former president dismisses waterboarding as a spa treatment at Bliss, and reveals that he did walk in on Cheney once in the basement of the White House locked in the amorous arms of a giant goat devil in a room full of pentagrams.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Passionate Bush Defends 8-Year Dictatorship


Satire by Chimpplanet

George W. Bush passionately denied his turbulent presidency had damaged America's moral standing in the world, in a defiant defense of his record while at a bathroom at a Dallas MacDonald’s.

The unpopular Republican president, who may have stolen two elections, bequeathed Democrat Barack Obama a nation locked in two foreign wars, traumatized by the worst economic slump since the 1930s and with the budget deficit heading towards a trillion dollars.

He also irreparably damaged the American moral fiber by allowing torture, rendition and jailing of humans without trial.

But Bush, largely unrepentant, argued he had acted to keep America safe by locking up all possible terrorists and torturing them until they admitted their guilt. and he spread freedom to Iraqis, if they liked it or not, and even if though he had to kill over a million of them and ruin the country’s infrastructure.

He lashed out at "elites" from Europe and elsewhere, who frowned on his policies and warned that "axis of evil" foes Iran and North Korea were still dangerous. He said that if he had more time in office, like Hugo Chavez, he would have made France and Germany part of the Axis of Evil.

He said Obama would also face the grave threat of a terror attack on the US homeland by CIA Al-Qaeda and his buddy Osama bin Laden. He had video tapes to prove it.

Bush was most impassioned when confronted with claims he had tarnished America's global reputation.

"I strongly disagree with the assessment that our moral standing has been damaged," Bush said.

"It may be damaged amongst some of the dumb middle class Americans and Europeans— but people still understand America stands for Empire; that America is a country that provides such great hope to the very wealthy.”

"You go to Africa, you ask Africans about America's generosity and compassion — go to India ... go to China and ask. They are extremely poor, work for pennies a day for American companies and don’t have Internet, so they don’t know any better."

Bush argued that he could have been popular in Europe for blaming Israel for all the problems in the Middle East, or by signing the Kyoto climate change accord, or by joining the International Criminal Court, but he was the decider and decided to please the rich and Israel and keep out of prison after his presidency was over.

"I wouldn't worry about popularity. What I would worry about is going to prison for crimes against humanity and putting torture in place that make it easier to find out what my enemy is thinking."

Bush, who opponents argue insulated himself from a broad spectrum of advice, was also dismissive of critics who have savaged his presidency.

"I don't see how I can go back home in Texas and look in the mirror and be proud of what I see if I allowed the loud voices, the loud critics, to prevent me from doing what I though was necessary to screw the country."

The president also signaled a fight for his legacy in the years ahead.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to defend a record that I am going to continue to defend because I think it is a good, strong record, no matter what 90% of the world think."

Bush warned Obama will shoulder a heavy responsibility for U.S. security.

"The most urgent threat that he'll have to deal with and other presidents after him will have to deal with is an attack on our homeland which is already being planned by Dick Cheney.”

Bush said history should remember his unpopular Iraq war policy for the surge of troops he ordered when violence threatened to spill out of control thus stopping the Iraq death toll at a mere 1-1/2 million.

"I decided to do something about it, and to send 30,000 troops in as opposed to withdrawing. That part of history is certain and the situation did change. My daddy told me I should have pulled out of Iraq immediately after going in like he should have pulled out of my mom.”

Bush warned Hamas it must halt rocket fire on Israel if there is to be a durable ceasefire in Gaza. But if the rockets stop, Israel will find other reasons to slaughter some Hamas and many more innocent Palestinians. Like Israel says, “No one is innocent.”

"President Obama's election does speak volumes about how far this country has come when it comes to racial relations. The part of the country I come from still believes there’s a place for the colored."

Bush admitted to a series of mistakes in his presidency, including the decision to give a speech under a "Mission Accomplished" banner on a US aircraft carrier just before all hell broke loose in Iraq.

He also admitted dropping his dog once by mistake and also loosing a fight with a pretzel. He now knows he shouldn’t have tried to give the German Chancellor Merkel a back massage in public and shouldn’t have let them catch him giving the finger on video.

He defended his decision to play a guitar during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, a monster storm which saw his administration accused of deserting thousands of people in inundated New Orleans.

"Could things have been done better? Absolutely not. Absolutely not."

"I just can't envision myself, you know, with the big straw hat and a Hawaiian shirt sitting on some beach, having some of those drinks with the little umbrellas, so instead I will sit on an ass and smell the cow dung on my ranch", he commented when asked about his retirement.

"Particularly since I quit drinking. HA, HA, HA! If you believe that one, you’ll believe I invaded Iraq because of nookoolar weapons."


On C-SPAN, Historians Rate W the 7th Worst President Ever


This morning we learn that C-SPAN has surveyed historians to again come up with a President's Day ranking of commanders-in-chief.

Fittingly, for this Abe-a-licious year, the 16th president comes in at #1, with Honest Abe Lincoln retaining his top slot.

The worst president, as judged by the panel of historians, is James Buchanan.

And there he is, George W. Bush, ranked as 7th worst. (8th worst is John Tyler.)


(I wonder if those 6 other worst-than-Bush presidents were responsible for the death of over a million people (in Iraq) or for the bankruptcy of the US government or for bringing back torture.

Notice how this ABC article is "fair and balanced" (sorry again, FOX) by adding a video mentioning that Clinton was the worst of all presidents in moral authority. I guess ABC can't attack Bush without showing that Clinton was worse.)
