Friday, January 2, 2009

Rice vows hard work on arranging Gaza cease-fire

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Friday said the United States and key world allies were pushing hard for a "durable and sustainable" cease-fire in Gaza, but there was no end in sight to the violence. The top U.S. diplomat said she was not planning an emergency visit to the region.

"I'll be on vacation until January 20th and will take up this Gaza thing then. What? I won't be Secretary of State then? Hillary replacing me? How come no one told me this?" - Official White Horse Rice Souse


(They had a truce. Israel broke it!

The truce had lasted for 6 months until November 4th when Israel imposed the blockade, stopping food, fuel, money, and medicine from entering Gaza.

Then one day later Israel attacked Gaza and killed 6 Hamas officials.

Then, according to the United Nations, Israel broke their own 48 hour cease fire when they stared bombing Gaza. - WRH)


1 comment:

  1. I'll be glad when the lying Miss Congoleeza fades into the sunset.
