The Association for Civil Rights in Israel recently published its annual report for 2007. (I'm certain things have gotten worse in the last 2 years, especially with a "deadly" government in Israel.)
According to these polls, 78 percent of the Jewish population opposes having Arab parties or ministers in the governing coalition, 50 percent is afraid when they hear Arabic in the street, 75 percent would not agree to live in an apartment building with Arabs, and 55 percent support the idea that the state should encourage the emigration of Arabs from Israel.
The authors of this report compared the current situation with previous years’ and concluded that racism towards Arab citizens is on a continual rise.
Is there then no racism in Israel? Of course there is. If 74 percent of the youth believe that “Arabs are unclean,” this is ugly racism that needs to be uprooted. And there are other instances: the discrimination against and isolation of immigrants from Ethiopia, and the setting of limits on the immigration of the Falashmura. During the time of the British White Paper, which set limits on immigration by Jews, tens of thousands demonstrated in the streets in opposition. Similar decisions are now being implemented by a Jewish Israeli government against Jews in Ethiopia. This is racism pure and simple.
It is time that Israel is recognized as an IMMANNENT THREAT to Humanity. Israel is armed with every WMD Weapon of Mass Destruction known to man including 2-400 secret Nuclear warheads built with material STOLEN from America. Israel is insane from 3,500 years of "biblically mandated" inbreeding, Israel Threatens LIFE on Earth. For thousands of years Israel has believed they are the "Chosen People of GOD". That belief alone should be a warning flag to any NON-Jew. For thousands of years the Jews have believed that to BE a Jew, The parents must BOTH be Jewish, the mother determines that one IS a Jew, the father determines which "tribe" one belongs to. This belief has led to mental illness from inbreeding. These people now are engaging in GENOCIDE and declaring it to be "justified" under THEIR religious beliefs. Today, Gaza, tomorrow they NUKE Europe !? Israel is engaging in War Crimes and Aggressive War against non-Jews, whom they denigrate and DEHUMANIZE as GENTILES, GOYIM, SISHKAS.
ReplyDeleteIsrael allied with APARTHEID South Africa, trading weapons and torture techniques with those "supremists", when the CIVILIZED world shunned them. Now Israel has allied with the DEATH CULTISTS of the "Rapture". They call themselves "Christian/Zionists" which is an oxymoron, you CANNOT be Christian/ANTI-Christian at the same time. These "rapture" Prophets for PROFIT are ANTI-Christ DEATH CULTISTS. God/Jesus placed you in this LIFE to learn "soul lessons", to increase your consciousness to the point of Redemption. These JUDAS GOATS REJECT the LIFE God gave you, and dangle a False Path in front of people, just as SATAN dangled Temptation in front of Jesus. Do not follow the ANTI-Christ lies of FALSE prophets. Their "shortcut" of cheating God's lessons does NOT lead to Heaven, any more than cheating on school work teaches you the subject.
Rapture belief should also be considered a sign of if not an actual mental illness. The believer is not only rejecting reality, they are rejecting LIFE.
Recognize it as the DEATH CULT that it is, and keep the believer from any position of power or authority, as their "ANTI life outlook" is inimical to God Given Life..
May 30, 2007 21:24
All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.
April 10, 2008
"All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts." This was the religious opinion issued one week ago by Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, director of the Tsomet Institute, a long-established religious institute attended by students and soldiers in the Israeli settlements of the West Bank. In an article published by numerous religious Israeli newspapers two weeks ago and run by the liberal Haaretz on 26 March, Rosen asserted that there is evidence in the Torah to justify this stand.