Saturday, January 10, 2009

Condi Rice Accepts Gaza Civilian Casualties, Of Which 1/3rd Are Children, Killed By Israelis


Rice says it is 'hard' for Israel to spare civilians in Gaza


(Condi. You only have a few days left on the job. How about shutting up and sparing the nation any further embarrassment.

Civilians would not be dying at all if Israel had not broken the cease fore back on November 5th.

Civilians would not be dying if Israel would give to the Palestinians that which Israel demands for itself, a right to exist and a state of their own. - WRH)



  1. I guess Condi wants them to go eat cake. Bitch. What the fuck does she long as it doesn't cut into her shoe shopping sprees.

  2. Maybe, if she doesn't speak out during the last ten days in office, the Israelis will not name their next nuclear bomb after her like Chevron when they named a 129,000-ton Chevron tanker "Condoleezza Rice".

  3. Puke, is the word that comes to mind.
