Monday, April 29, 2019
Wealthy Elitists Freak Out As Hordes Of Homeless People Take Over Their Neighborhoods All Over The West Coast
The elite are very "tolerant" of the homeless until they start showing up in their own neighborhoods. Even though the mainstream media keeps telling us that the U.S. economy is "booming", the number of Americans living on the streets continues to grow very rapidly, and this is particularly true in our major west coast cities. More than half a million Americans will sleep on the streets of our cities tonight, and they need help, care and shelter. Sadly, as economic conditions deteriorate that number is likely to double or even triple. Of course many among the elite are all in favor of doing something for the homeless, as long as they don’t have to be anywhere around them.
For example, let’s talk about what is going on in Los Angeles. No city on the west coast has a bigger problem with homelessness than L.A. does, and many in the homeless population enjoy camping out on the beautiful beaches in the L.A. area at night.
But of course many of the elite that paid millions of dollars for beachfront property are not too thrilled about this. Sex Pistols frontman Johnny Rotten was a key symbol of anti-establishment rebellion in the 1970s, but now he is freaking out because homeless people are making life very difficult for him and his wife in Venice Beach, and what he recently told Newsweek’s Paula Froelich is making headlines all over the nation…
He told her the homeless situation in his swanky LA neighborhood is so bad that thieves are tearing the bars from the windows of his multimillion-dollar home, lobbing bricks, setting up unsightly tent cities and littering the beach with syringes.
"A couple of weeks ago I had a problem," the former punk prince opined. "They came over the gate and put their tent inside, right in front of the front door. It’s like . . . the audacity. And if you complain, what are you? Oh, one of the establishment elite? No, I’m a bloke that’s worked hard for his money and I expect to be able to use my own front door."
It is more than just a little bit ironic that a man that used drugs, sex and rock and roll to shoot to global fame now sounds like a tired old crank that just wants to get the hippies off of his front lawn.
And he also says that the beach in front of his home is almost unusable because of all the needles and human poop in the sand…
Rotten added of the punks: "They’re aggressive, and because there’s an awful lot of them together they’re gang-y. And the heroin spikes . . . You can’t take anyone to the beach because there’s jabs just waiting for young kids to put their feet in — and poo all over the sand."
Well, Johnny might as well become accustomed to his new neighbors, because the situation is only going to get worse as our national homelessness crisis intensifies.
In Los Angeles, the number of homeless people that have died has risen 76 percentover the past five years, and this has happened during supposedly "good economic times".
So how bad will things get when the economy really starts going downhill?
In America? Rapper charged with terrorism over controversial lyrics critical of police
(INTELLIHUB) — Rapper Mayhem Mal from the group Ghetto Superstar Committee has been charged with "terrorism" after the group uploaded a song titled Fuck the Police to both YouTube and Facebook which apparently constitutes a "true threat," according to new federal legal terminology.
The bombshell news posted by the Rutherford Institue on Wednesday reveals the actual nature and intent of those at the top of this so-called free country who truly pull the strings of all Americans.
A segment of the shocking report reads:
By refusing to hear the case of rapper Jamal Knox (a.k.a. "Mayhem Mal"), who was charged with making terroristic threats after posting a song critical of police on Facebook and YouTube, the U.S. Supreme Court has approved the government’s expansion of the definition of "true threats." In asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case, The Rutherford Institute in conjunction with CATO Institute, had argued that allowing the government to expand its definition of what constitutes a "true threat" could have significant chilling effects on online communications and controversial art forms, including expressive activity shared through social media such as Facebook and YouTube, particularly in an age when the government engages in unprecedented monitoring of new and ever-changing forms of expression, online and otherwise.
"Instead of targeting terrorists engaged in true threats, the government has turned ordinary citizens into potential terrorists, so that if we dare say the wrong thing in a phone call, letter, email or on the internet, especially social media, we end up investigated, charged and possibly jailed," said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. "This criminalization of free speech, which is exactly what the government’s prosecution of those who say the ‘wrong’ thing using an electronic medium amounts to, is at the heart of every case that wrestles with where the government can draw the line when it comes to expressive speech that is protected as opposed to speech that could be interpreted as connoting a criminal intent."
Despite the fact that the old school rap group N.W.A. featuring Eazy-E and Dr. Dre released a song with a similar title (Fuck tha Police) back in 1988, Americans in the year 2019 are not granted the same privileges, according to the new ruling.
That’s right folks, we no longer live in a free society and things are getting worse.
The fact is, freedom of speech is not a "true threat" to anything. However, the Democrats and the deep state see it as such because they themselves do not want to be exposed for their dirty doings.
U.N. eroding U.S. sovereignty
The United Nations is helping out the migrant caravans that are making a mockery of our immigration laws and asylum process, once again raising the question of why in the world the U.S. is still forking over millions of tax-payer dollars to the organization.
According to research from the Immigration Reform Law Institute, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees is providing support and assistance to the large caravans of migrants coming out of Central America and has sent at least 45 staff members to assist their efforts to enter the United States:
The UNHCR has stated that refugees and asylum-seekers from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador have been forced into displacement by a confluence of factors that have led to an escalating situation of chronic violence and insecurity. These factors range from the influence of organized crime such as drug cartels and urban gangs to the limited national capacity—compounded by corruption, poverty, and exclusion—of UN member states to provide protection. However, these factors are not recognized by U.S. law as criteria for asylum.
"We wish to reiterate and underline that any individuals within that group that are fleeing persecution and violence, they need to be given access to territory and they need to be allowed to exercise their fundamental human rights to seek asylum and have access to refugee status determination procedures," says UNCHR spokesman Charlie Yaxlie.
The vast majority of would-be immigrants from Central America do not have claimes that meet the statutory threshold for asylum outlined in United States law. And are a high flight risk if released into the United States interior with instructions to come back for later court dates.
What the United Nations is helping to perpetuate, under the guise of humanitarian aid, is a public health crisis at the already overwhelmed border, support of international crime syndicates and the destabilization of the United States sovereignty.
As it stands, the United States is the largest financial backer of the UN providing over one-fifth of the regular budget and almost 30 percent of the peacekeeping budget, according to a 2018 Congressional Research Service
Now that the organization is directly assisting in the erosion of our sovereignty in the midst of a full-blown border crisis, it might be time to re-evaluate those numbers.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Can there ever be a sensible discussion about vaccines & why they are not safe?
What one learns as the most important and irreversible axiom of U.S. law is that FACT or TRUTH is the ultimate legal defense, which cannot be nullified! However, that principle apparently does not apply to pharmacological science where FRAUD and corporate vested interests reign supreme, especially in vaccinology, a science rendered as "consensus" not actual and factual, as has been divulged by numerous whistleblowers over the last several years. Even U.S. federal health agencies, i.e., the FDA, are known for their fraudulent ways.
During two decades as editor of the prestigious The New England Journal of Medicine, Doctor Angell experienced ‘up-close and personal’ such appalling behavior on the part of the pharmaceutical industry that she authored a virtual exposé titled, The Truth About the Drug Companies — How They Deceive Us, and What to Do About It. More recently, Professor Light, who edited the book The Risks of Prescription Drugs,takes us to a new level of understanding of how our health and safety are being compromised by falsified science, agencies run amok, and clever industry marketing. In two other well argued, erudite books, Global Censorship of Health Information and The Rise of Tyranny — How Federal Agencies Abuse Power and Pose Risks to Your Life and Liberty, authored by a brilliant constitutional attorney, Jonathan Emord shows how frighteningly lawless some of our regulatory agencies have become. Emord tells us, "…FDA refuses to honor five decisions holding its censorship unconstitutional."1
An attorney in the FDA Chief Counsel’s office regarding a court order to FDA made this really shocking statement, "Jonathan, the FDA will never abide by the Pearson decision."2
Despite Jonathan’s noting it was a final and binding decision—an order of the court—the FDA attorney said, "That may be so, but I am telling you the FDA will never abide by that court decision, never, ever."3 Emord tells us, "His words pierced to the very core of my being. Here was an agency’s legal officer telling me that the agency was, intentionally, lawless."
Source: Vaccines and Vaccinations: The Need for Congressional Investigation. Frompovich, CJ and Laraine C Abbey-Katzev. January, 2011. (Pp. 7-8)
With the current "vaccine police state" U.S. citizens find themselves living under, plus the media realms of astroturfing and ad hominem remarks, which seem to have paid off for vaccine acolytes, it’s time for pushback. However, officialdom’s obsessive over-reach in demanding draconian healthcare-like measures now MUST be addressed from a true position of "sense and sensibility."
One such sensible approach is what the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has done. Seven members of the PA State House introduced into the 2019-20 legislation sessions House Bill No. 286 Providing for informed consent for vaccinations and for penalties. The bill language is in this link.
HB 286 just may be a perfect bill to address the issues clouding valid, vested-interest-free vaccine scienceand the resultant draconian measures such fraudulent misinformation has generated. The bill provides for restructuring how the pharmaceutical and medical industries must inform and treat patients; prohibition against discrimination in treating patients with vaccine options; prohibition against medical harassment for declining vaccination under that act; investigation of child protective services; fines and penalties imposed upon the medical profession; plus much more to provide protection for those who currently are being abused by the system.
Vaccines are not what they are cracked up to have consumers believe they are. Below are talking points every healthcare consumer and vaccinee ought to be discussing with law enforcement officials.
This chart provides graphic proof vaccines have been hyped to the maximum of vaccine predominance.
Note how communicable infectious diseases automatically were on the decline long before vaccines were introduced and subsequently have taken credit for eliminating. The automatic decline and/or elimination were due to improved living standards such as potable water, improved sanitation systems, refrigeration and better overall nutrition. Third World or developing countries, where those aspects of modern life are lacking, still provide frightening measles statistics the HHS/CDC/FDA love to emphasize and dramatize. However, with a current decline in food nutrition due to GMOs and other chemical and technological innovations, plus fast food diets, quality nutrition seems to be on the wane in the USA. Will those diseases make resurgences since the human immune system has been compromised by various factors?
On page 5 of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Monthly Statistics Report Petitions Filed, Compensated and Dismissed, by Alleged Vaccine, Since the Beginning of VICP, 10/01/1988 through 4/01/2019 we see several measles vaccines have vaccine damage data recorded as follows:
Page 8 reveals the total amount paid as of April 1, 2019 to be $4,119,686,42.89. That’s BILLION, which also includes attorneys’ fees.
Now, let’s take a look at actual CDC measles cases recorded for previous years:
*Cases as of December 29, 2018. Case count is preliminary and subject to change.
**Cases as of April 19, 2019. Case count is preliminary and subject to change. Data are updated every Monday.
Source: CDC
It must be noted a medical anomaly appears in some children who had contracted measles.
Lately, in addition to deaths from acute measles infections, there have been even more deaths from subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE).
About 6 to 8 years after having measles, children with SSPE develop progressive neurological symptoms, including memory loss, behavior changes, uncontrollable movements, and even seizures. As symptoms progress, they may become blind, develop stiff muscles, become unable to walk, and eventually deteriorate to a persistent vegetative state.
Source: Vaxopedia
[Since 2000 to 2017, there have been 33 deaths attributed to SSPE.]
According to Precision Vaccinations, "72 Measles-Related Deaths In the Americas During 2018" resulting from 6,629 measles cases in 11 countries in North, Central and South America.
However, "the United States has recorded 124 measles cases to the PAHO during 2018." Interestingly, the CDC’s chart above indicates 372 cases with an asterisk signifying "preliminary and subject to change."
Well, if 124 is the corrected number per the Pan American Health Organization, then why hasn’t CDC corrected its chart for accuracy? Could such misinformation be another form of disease-vaccine propaganda, which seems rife with the CDC and FDA, plus state health agencies and the mainstream media?
Why can’t agencies at least have corresponding numbers for statistics? Statistics is a very interesting subject to study. Once there is an understanding of how figures don’t lie, but liars figure, one somehow acquires a jaundiced eye when looking at data and charts.
Where is common sense when it comes to immunity and Pharma’s "rewiring" Nature’s perfect disease-processing schematic, the immune system?
A. The human immune system has "two parts":
a. The cellular or "innate immune system," which vaccines redirect and basically castrate.
b. The humoral immune system that vaccines activate to ‘prove’ immunity by initiating an adjuvant response from toxic substances, but which also redirects the body’s ability to prevent lifelong immunity, therefore the need for Big Pharma’s booster shots and the ever-expanding CDC/FDA’s vaccine mandates, not to mention bottom-line profits.
c. Here are the known vaccine adjuvants as of 2015
Aluminum: "increases local inflammation; improves antigen update; acts to increase antibody production." [Could those reactions actually be adverse vaccine damage to both the cellular and humoral immune systems?]
Virosomes: "increases uptake by APCs [antigen-presenting cells]; may interact with B cells leading to T-cell activation."
ASO4: "directly stimulates TLR-4 increasing APC maturation and Th1 responses.
MF59®: Squalene [shark liver oil] "increases APC recruitment and activation; promotes antigen uptake and migration of cells to lymph nodes."
ASO3: "Squalene with Polysorbate 80"; promotes local production of cytokines and recruitment of innate cells." [Can this be responsible for cytokine storms most children experience/suffer prior to the onset of Shaken Baby Syndrome and/or Autism?
See ]
Thermo-reversible oil in water: "Squalene; see information on squalene above."
ISA51: "mineral oil; refined from vegetable origin [GMO soy or GMO canola?]; strongly immunogenic."
B. Neonates [newborns] do not come into life with fully-developed major organs.
By the age of 3 years, N-acetyltransferase 2 activity is fully expressed, although possible competence (compared with adult values) is reached by 12 months of age. Additional research into the ontogenic [origination of an organism] development of metabolizing enzymes is needed, in particular the changes that occur in infants and children. [CJF emphasis]
C. Furthermore, has any medical thought been given to what happens to an infant, especially a prematurely-born and under-developed neonate, when given toxic vaccines, e.g., Hepatitis B starting the first day of life; then those given at any ‘well’ baby 2, 4 and 6 months visits, if still not in hospital?
Hospitals automatically give preemies their scheduled shots, which should be discouraged. Why? Can baby’s liver detoxify those toxic chemicals in vaccines? Furthermore, can bilirubin elimination become a problem, creating further "toxic shock syndrome" that contributes to chronic diseases over-vaccinated children often experience from the MMR, DTaP, polio, rotavirus and other vaccines infants and toddlers receive starting at BIRTH.
What does the vaccine schedule indicate?
A rogue industry out of control due to the U.S. Congress in 1986 bailing out the pharmaceutical industry because of a ‘boatload’ of lawsuits against their vaccines. Big Pharma threatened not to make any more vaccines, if it didn’t get product liability legal exemptions for damages from their vaccines.
It’s rather interesting that Big Pharma wanted, threatened and obtained their vaccine exemptions, but humans, parents, children and pets cannot have exemptions! What happened to a level playing field?
As a result, the pharmaceutical industry is falling all over itself in a rush to produce close to 300 new vaccines. Does that mean the CDC/FDA will mandate a vaccine a day for everyone in the USA? That should be considered criminal: Injecting neurotoxins which have not been tested for safety when given in combinations of up to nine vaccines at one time, especially to 4 and 6 month old babies!
Other possible solutions to vaccine problems are discussed in "If Truth Be Told About Vaccines" Anthology HHS-CDC-FDA Propagandize Big Pharma’s Pseudoscience Into Medical Truth."
One thing is certain:
Making people get the MMR vaccine only promotes more measles. That vaccine sheds for up to 30 days and it’s the newly-vaccinated who inadvertently may be spreading measles.
Furthermore, according to the CDC’s webpage:
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine
Some people should not get MMR vaccine or should wait.
Tell your vaccine provider if the person getting the vaccine:
•Has any severe, life-threatening allergies. A person who has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of MMR vaccine, or has a severe allergy to any part of this vaccine, may be advised not to be vaccinated. Ask your health care provider if you want information about vaccine components.
•Is pregnant, or thinks she might be pregnant. Pregnant women should wait to get MMR vaccine until after they are no longer pregnant. Women should avoid getting pregnant for at least 1 month after getting MMR vaccine.
•Has a weakened immune system due to disease (such as cancer or HIV/AIDS) or medical treatments (such as radiation, immunotherapy, steroids, or chemotherapy).
•Has a parent, brother, or sister with a history of immune system problems.
•Has ever had a condition that makes them bruise or bleed easily.
•Has recently had a blood transfusion or received other blood products. You might be advised to postpone MMR vaccination for 3 months or more.
•Has tuberculosis.
•Has gotten any other vaccines in the past 4 weeks. Live vaccines given too close together might not work as well.
•Is not feeling well. A mild illness, such as a cold, is usually not a reason to postpone a vaccination. Someone who is moderately or severely ill should probably wait. Your doctor can advise you.
Aren’t the above automatic vaccine exemptions?
Does your healthcare provider tell you about them?
Probably the most illogical part of any sensible discussion regarding vaccines has to center around the "often told lie that became a truth" regarding the role of vaccines conquering diseases. So why all the vaccines listed below, if the U.S. has the greatest number of unhealthy children in the modern world?
Source: Vaxopedia
While child mortality progressively declined across all countries, mortality in the US has been higher than in peer nations since the 1980s. From 2001 to 2010 the risk of death in the US was 76 percent greater for infants and 57 percent greater for children ages 1–19.
Source: Health Affairs
Question: Why can’t anyone report the facts and real science regarding vaccines and their ingredients, and probably true reasons for their being: Big Pharma is the most powerful geopolitical industry in the world.
What most factual vaccine-science-ignorant people, including doctors and most healthcare professionals, don’t know is the unbelievable amount of FRAUD that takes place within Big Pharma, which basically are chemical companies.
Can you imagine what can be learned during the Discovery process of a class action lawsuit? The CDC and FDA are rank with fraudsters, which I have discussed numerous times in my article archives cataloged at
Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
The ADHD overdiagnosis epidemic is a schooling problem, not a child one
Childhood exuberance is now a liability. Behaviors that were once accepted as normal, even if mildly irritating to adults, are increasingly viewed as unacceptable and cause for medical intervention. High energy, lack of impulse control, inability to sit still and listen, lack of organizational skills, fidgeting, talking incessantly—these typical childhood qualities were widely tolerated until relatively recently. Today, children with these characteristics are being diagnosed with, and often medicated for, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at an astonishing rate.
The ADHD Medical Dragnet
While ADHD may be a real and debilitating ailment for some, the startling upsurge in school-age children being labeled with and medicated for this disorder suggests that something else could be to blame. More research points to schooling, particularly early schooling, as a primary culprit in the ADHD diagnosis epidemic.
Over the last several decades, young people are spending more time in school and school-like activities than ever before. They are playing less and expected to do more at very young ages. When many of us were kids, kindergarten was mellow, playful, and short with few academic expectations.
Now, 80 percent of teachers expect children to learn to read in kindergarten. It’s not the teachers’ fault. They are responding to national curriculum frameworks and standardized testing requirements that over the past two decades have made schooling more oppressive—particularly for young children.
The youngest children are the ones most often caught in the ADHD medical dragnet. Last fall, Harvard researchers found that early school enrollment was linked to significantly higher rates of ADHD diagnosis. In states with a September 1 school enrollment age cutoff, children who entered school after just turning five in August were 30 percent more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than children born in September who were about to turn six. Immaturity, not pathology, was the real factor.
The ADHD Fallacy
Marilyn Wedge, author of A Disease Called Childhood: Why ADHD Became An American Epidemic, sounds the alarm on ADHD overdiagnosis. In a Time Magazine article called "The ADHD Fallacy," she writes:
By nature, young children have a lot of energy. They are impulsive, physically active, have trouble sitting still, and don’t pay attention for very long. Their natural curiosity leads them to blurt out questions, oblivious in their excitement to interrupting others. Yet we expect five- and six-year-old children to sit still and pay attention in classrooms and contain their curiosity. If they don’t, we are quick to diagnose them with ADHD.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percent of very young children (ages two to five) who were diagnosed with ADHD increased by over 50 percent between 2007/2008 and 2011/2012. As of 2016, data show that 9.4 percent of all American children, or over six million kids, had been diagnosed with ADHD, and almost two-thirds of current ADHD-diagnosed children were taking medication for it. A March 2019 report on ADHD by Blue Cross and Blue Shield found that among commercially insured children of all ages, ADHD diagnosis rates increased 30 percent in just eight years.
While the symptoms of ADHD may be troublesome, looking first at the environment, rather than the child, may be an important step toward curbing the ADHD diagnosis epidemic. In his book, ADHD Does Not Exist, Dr. Richard Saul, a Chicago behavioral neurologist, explains that individuals diagnosed with ADHD either have external factors that exacerbate normal symptoms or have some other underlying condition that should be identified and treated. In the latter instance, he finds that once the underlying condition is discovered and treated, the ADHD symptoms usually disappear. In the former instance, changing the environment is a key step toward improvement. This is true for both children and adults with an ADHD diagnosis. Dr. Saul writes:
Like many children who act out because they are not challenged enough in the classroom, adults whose jobs or class work are not personally fulfilling or who don’t engage in a meaningful hobby will understandably become bored, depressed and distracted. In addition, today’s rising standards are pressuring children and adults to perform better and longer at school and at work.
Addressing an environmental mismatch for ADHD-diagnosed adults could mean switching one’s job or field of study or pursuing a true passion. Maybe you’re an accountant who wants to be a carpenter or a nurse who wants to be an entrepreneur. For ADHD children, changing the environment could mean removing children from restrictive schooling altogether. As Boston College psychology professor Peter Gray writes:
What does it mean to have ADHD? Basically, it means failure to adapt to the conditions of standard schooling. Most diagnoses of ADHD originate with teachers’ observations.
Jennifer Walenski saw firsthand how transformative removing her ADHD-diagnosed child from standard schooling could be. She shares her family’s journey at The Bus Story and told me:
Our kids were actually in public school originally. Our son also was diagnosed with both ADHD and autism while he was in the school system. And they wanted to medicate him. But we said no. Then we took him and his sister out of school and began homeschooling them. Fast forward several years, he has absolutely no need at all for medication. He is just a normal boy who did not belong in that kind of environment. And most of us don’t. Think about it.
Walenski’s experience echoes that of other parents who removed their ADHD-diagnosed children from standard schooling. In an informal survey analysis, Gray discovered that when ADHD-labeled children left school for homeschooling, most of them no longer needed medication for ADHD symptoms. Their ADHD characteristics often remained but were no longer problematic outside of the conventional classroom.
Gray’s analysis also revealed that the ADHD-labeled young people who fared best outside of standard schooling were those who were able to learn in a more self-directed way. He found that the
few kids in this sample who were still on ADHD medications during homeschooling seemed to be primarily those whose homeschooling was structured by the parent and modeled after the education one would receive in a conventional school.
Replicating school-at-home can also replicate the problematic behaviors found at school, whereas moving toward unschooling, or self-directed education, can give young people the freedom to flourish.
Ending the ADHD overdiagnosis epidemic depends on a societal reality check where we no longer pathologize normal childhood behaviors. Much ADHD-labeling originates from forced schooling environments with learning and behavioral expectations that are developmentally inappropriate for many children. Freeing young people from restrictive schooling and allowing them to learn and grow through their own self-directed curiosity can lead to happier and healthier families and children.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
CDC warn ” deadly ” kissing bugs spreading north in U.S. … don’t get bitten.
Health officials warn deadly kissing bugs spreading north in U.S.
Kissing bugs are blood-sucking insects that can transmit the potentially FATAL CHAGAS DISEASE
The CDC warned that they have been reported in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Winter storm to dump snow on millions this weekend
•Winter Storm Xyler will spread snow to the southern Great Lakes Saturday.
•Some areas will also see snow into next week.
•Below-average temperatures are expected from the Rockies into the Great Lakes region.
It may be late April, but Winter Storm Xyler will make you forget that it is spring in the Midwest this weekend as it is expected to bring some unusually heavy late season snowfall.
Snow, yes, that white stuff that we’d all rather forget about this time of the year, is on the way from the Dakotas to upstate New York. In some areas this could be one of the heaviest snowfalls so late in the season.
Cooler temperatures are also on the way from the northern Rockies into the northern Plains and Great Lakes as a pattern change will usher in another round of below-average temperatures.
CORRUPTION: Crooked Dem Mayor Missing After FBI Raid As Corruption Scandal Erupts
The walls are closing in on one of the most corrupt mayors in America who also happens to be a Democrat…
In a stunning development, federal agents raided the home and offices of Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh on Thursday as the scandal-plagued politician’s woes continue to mount over her alleged chicanery involving bulk sales of her self-published series of children’s books and kickbacks.
Pugh has been on an indefinite leave of absence for alleged health reasons and has faced numerous calls for her resignation although she continues to collect her paycheck.
On Thursday morning, things just got real for Mayor Pugh.
Via The Associated Press, "Searches by FBI, IRS add to Baltimore mayor’s mounting woes":
Federal agents raided the homes and City Hall offices of Baltimore’s embattled mayor on Thursday amid dramatically widening investigations to determine whether she used bulk sales of her self-published children’s books to disguise kickbacks.
The multiple early-morning searches pushed the latest political scandal for Maryland’s largest city to a crescendo after weeks of uncertainty and mounting pressure for Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh to step down. The politically isolated first-term mayor, who has long been an avid runner, slipped out of sight April 1, citing deteriorating health, just as the governor called on the state prosecutor to investigate allegations of "self-dealing" by the embattled Democrat.
Gov. Larry Hogan joined calls for her immediate resignation after news broke of the Thursday morning raids, as agents with the FBI and the IRS criminal division carried boxes of evidence out of her City Hall suite. Agents also scoured her two Baltimore homes, the home of an aide and a nonprofit organization she once led.
As for Pugh? There are conflicting reports as to her whereabouts leading to speculation that she has gone on the lam.
According to the Washington Times, "Baltimore mayor whereabouts unknown as FBI, IRS raid her office, home":
Since April 1, Ms. Pugh has been on a self-imposed, paid leave of absence "to recover from pneumonia." She has denied any wrongdoing related to her financial dealings, and legal analysts noted that Thursday’s raids did not mean Ms. Pugh has been charged with any crimes.
But her absence has fed questions and rumors about her location. News anchor Rick Ritter for Baltimore’s CBS-TV affiliate WJZ said on Twitter that she had fled the state.
Pugh spokesman James Bentley told The Washington Times on Thursday that he did not know where Ms. Pugh was and would not comment "on speculation about the mayor’s whereabouts."
Meanwhile, the Mayor’s Office of Public Affairs did not respond to phone calls or emails. A quick survey of its news websites revealed that no updates had been posted since April 1.
In a statement, Ms. Pugh’s attorney, Mr. Silverman, pushed back on the idea his office had been "raided" and said federal agents served a subpoena to collect her original financial records related to her children’s book work.
"We will continue to defend the Mayor, who is entitled to the presumption of innocence," Mr. Silverman said.
His office told The Times they had no further comments to offer.
The city that was famously portrayed in HBO’s gritty crime series The Wire is every bit as much a sewer of incompetence and political corruption in real life and Pugh has been a major reason as her priorities have catered to those who are race-obsessed social justice warriors at the expense of productive citizens who are fleeing the city in droves.
Among Pugh’s priorities have been the use of taxpayer money to fund the defense of illegal immigrants, banning styrofoam containers, getting rid of civil war monuments and authorizing city resources to send 60 busloads of student activists to last year’s David Hogg lead anti-Second Amendment rally in D.C.
Now just when it looked like she had become a serious player in Democrat machine politics, she is fighting for her survival.
Sometimes life comes at you fast.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Thursday, April 25, 2019
FBI Raids Baltimore Mayor’s City Hall Offices, Home Amid Corruption Probe
Pugh took a leave of absence from her position earlier this month after it was revealed that she made $500,000 selling copies of her Healthy Holly children’s-health book to the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) while sitting on the system’s board.
It was later revealed that health insurance provider Kaiser Permanente paid Pugh $100,000 for 20,000 copies of the book while the company was seeking a lucrative contract to insure the city’s employees.
In total, Pugh made $800,000 selling copies of her book to local entities since 2011, according to the Sun.
Agents also raided the Maryland Center for Adult Education, a local non-profit that Pugh used to run, as well as her attorney’s offices.
Maryland governor Larry Hogan responded to the news of the raids by calling on Pugh to resign in a Thursday morning statement.
"On April 1, I directed the state prosecutor to investigate the disturbing allegations surrounding Mayor Catherine Pugh’s questionable financial dealings with the University of Maryland Medical System…Now more than ever, Baltimore City needs strong and responsible leadership," the statement read. "Mayor Pugh has lost the public trust. She is clearly not fit to lead. For the good of the city, Mayor Pugh must resign."
Pugh apologized in March for having "done something to upset the people" and returned $100,000 to the UMMS. She has maintained, however, that she did not exploit her position for personal financial gain.
"All my income is reported to the IRS and everything is filed," Pugh told the Sun when asked whether she would release her tax returns publicly. "I don’t know what witch hunt y’all are on, but it’s done. I’ve got 1099s and I pay my taxes and everything is filed."
Tom Fitton: Obama White House is Implicated in Hillary Clinton Email Scandal!
JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network to discuss the discovery of Clinton emails in the Obama White House.
US Might Preemptively Strike Russia & China with Space Based Weapons – Russian MoD
The US may be plotting a preemptive strike on the nuclear arsenals of Russia and China, Russian military said, citing the revival of the 1980s ‘Star Wars’ program and ever-growing US “missile defense” in Europe as evidence.
The analysis of the “probable actions” of Washington shows that Americans are seeking to achieve strategic superiority through the so-called ‘on-start interception’ doctrine, Deputy Chief of the General Staff operative command Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir said Wednesday. Under such a plan, the US would seek to destroy the “overwhelming majority” of their adversaries’ missiles while the munitions are still sitting in their silos.
Communist Chinese embedding spies in cancer centers to steal U.S. government-funded cancer research
When you think of jobs that are serving the greater good, cancer researchers often come out near the top given the potential to save millions of lives. However, not all of them have such pure aspirations. Two tenured scientists at a renowned cancer hospital in the U.S. were recently fired because of their involvement in a Chinese effort to steal American research.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center President Dr. Peter Pisters said the facility received a letter from the National Institutes of Health last year outlining five faculty members’ conflicts of interest and unreported foreign income. Letters were also sent by the NIH to more than 10,000 institutions funded by the agency to warn them of threats to the integrity of American biomedical research.
He said: "As stewards of taxpayer dollars invested in biomedical research, we have an obligation to follow up." M.D. Anderson Cancer Center received NIH grants totaling $148 million last year.
Dr. Pisters believes the center was targeted because it’s the top cancer center in the world. It’s not known what intellectual property was stolen. All three of the scientists who were fired were ethnically Chinese. Two had resigned ahead of their termination proceedings, while the third is challenging their dismissal. A further scientist is under investigation, and authorities determined termination wasn’t necessary for a fifth scientist.
According to investigative reports, the three had ties to China and Chinese institutions and failed to disclose international collaborators; at least one confidential application for a grant is known to have been sent to a Chinese scientist in violation of federal policy. Some failed to disclose the fact that they had been receiving funds from foreign sources while also getting funds from the NIH. It is not yet known if any will face federal charges or deportation.
Dr. Pisters added: "A small but significant number of individuals are working with government sponsorship to exfiltrate intellectual property that has been created with the support of U.S. taxpayers, private donors and industry collaborators."
Concerns about espionage are growing
Concerns have been growing in Washington, D.C. that China and other foreign governments are using visiting scholars and students to steal confidential intellectual property from grant applications. A report by the FBI showed that intellectual property theft is costing our country up to $600 billion each year. FBI Director Christopher Wray said that China is our nation’s most significant threat, with active espionage across all 50 states.
Predictably, some Chinese Americans are voicing objections, saying the crackdown is essentially racial profiling and could be holding useful research back.
According to the NIH, 55 different institutions around the nation are currently investigating similar concerns in hopes of curbing this type of behavior. It’s not just China they’re focusing on. Although programs in that country like the Thousand Talents Plan, which is aimed at luring global experts from universities and firms in the West, are being scrutinized, other countries are also being looked into for similar practices.
It is also taking place in other fields outside of biomedical research. For example, research funded by the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation has also been a target. Last summer, the federal government made a move to limit visas for certain Chinese students in some high-tech fields.
While it’s not exactly surprising that the Chinese government has spies stealing American research, it is part of a very alarming trend that must be addressed swiftly.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Tom Fitton: Rep. Schiff Has Knowingly Lied about Russian Collusion
JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network to discuss the fallout from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report.
CNN’s Stelter: Trump Avoiding Correspondent’s Dinner Is an ‘Attack Against the Media’
Whingy CNN anti-Trump obsessive Brian Stelter complained Tuesday that President Trump’s decision not to attend the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner this past weekend actually constituted an ‘attack’ on the media.
Despite the fact that the WHCD is a back slapping self-congratulatory monumental waste of time, and that the President should really have better things to do, Stelter was adamant that the snub by Trump was part of a rabid anti-media agenda.
Stelter’s CNN co-hort Brooke Baldwin teed it up for him, stating that "it is no secret the President likes to insult the free press but now we’re learning the White House is actually telling the administration officials to boycott the dinner celebrating the First Amendment."
"[L]isten, you know, say what you will about the press, this is an event that honors the First Amendment." Baldwin claimed, even though it blatantly isn’t.
"Yes. That’s what it’s about, It is an awards dinner and a fundraiser." Stelter replied.
OK, so is it about the First Amendment or is it an awards dinner? The two are not the same.
Additionally, CNN isn’t so concerned about the First Amendment when people exercise it to chant ‘CNN sucks’.
Stelter continued "In the past, presidents have shown up even if they were angry at the press at any given time and, importantly, it’s useful for White House aides to smooze with reporters."
Yeah, again, not so much First Amendment stuff being described here.
No one can recall the Constitution protecting the right to smooze.
"As you said, another example of a tradition at least being put on pause during the Trump age." Stelter added.
Or, did Trump just not show up to "smooze with reporters"?
After this blathering idiocy ended, Stelter upped the ante, describing the dinner as "another example" of "[t]his administration’s attack against the media" with "one form" being Trump "having a rally this Saturday instead of attending the dinner"
"I do think it matters mostly because what it means about these tensions continuing to escalate." Stelter added.
Watching the likes of Baldwin and Stelter grasping at thin air and attempting to mould it into evidence of Trump being an evil and violent dictator is a never ending source of cringe inducing hilarity.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
REPOST: White House petition demands Nancy Pelosi be removed for treason
A petition posted to the White House "We the People" website demands that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., be removed from office for treason over her refusal to provide the necessary security on the southern border.
The petition, which can be seen here, demands: "Impeach Nancy Pelosi for crimes of Treason!"
The petition reads:
Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to the American People!
The Constitution defines, "Treason against the US.. ..adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Illegal aliens are enemies that invade our country with drugs, human trafficking, and terrorist causing death and crime to American citizens. Nancy Pelosi adheres to these enemies by voting for and providing them aid and comfort through Sanctuary policies funded by US citizen tax dollars, and refuses to protect American people by refusing to fund our border wall, leaving our borders open and unsafe. Pelosi refused to meet with Angel families, caused the government shut down then traveled on US dollars to Hawaii and Puerto Rico while 800,000 Fed workers don’t get paid, and uninvited Trump for SOTU. IMPEACH Pelosi for treason!
Impeachment of a member of Congress is generally not done, and from what we can tell, only one legislator, William Blount, a U.S. senator from Tennessee, was impeached on July 7, 1797, on "charges of conspiring to assist in Great Britain’s attempt to seize Spanish-controlled territories in modern-day Florida and Louisiana."
Members of Congress, however, can be expelled, censured or reprimanded. According to the House History, Art and Archives site:
Expulsion has traditionally been reserved as punishment for only the most reprehensible conduct or crimes such as treasonous acts against the government. The first three individuals expelled from the House—Missourians John B. Clark and John W. Reid, and Henry C. Burnett of Kentucky—took up arms for the Confederacy during the Civil War. In the modern era, expulsion has been used on two other occasions, both of which involved egregious violations of criminal law and/or flagrant abuses of office.
While Pelosi might not ever face impeachment as Speaker of the House, she could, at least in theory, face expulsion, reprimand or censure.
As of this writing, over 84,000 people have signed the petition. A little more than 16,000 signatures are required by February 17 to trigger a response from the White House.
Tom Fitton: President Trump Should File a Criminal Complaint with DOJ over Illicit Targeting
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Justice w/ Judge Jeanine” to discuss the purpose of the Mueller report–and what President Trump should do next.
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Judicial Watch: FBI Admits Hillary Clinton Emails Found in Obama White House
Also Confirms Over 49,000 Clinton Server Emails Found on Weiner Laptop
E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, made the disclosure to Judicial Watch as part of court-ordered discovery into the Clinton email issue.
U.S District Court Judge Royce Lamberth ordered Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, as well as Priestap, to be deposed or answer writer questions under oath. The court ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”
Priestap was asked by Judicial Watch to identify representatives of Hillary Clinton, her former staff, and government agencies from which “email repositories were obtained.” Priestap responded with the following non-exhaustive list:
- Bryan Pagliano
- Cheryl Mills
- Executive Office of the President [Emphasis added]
- Heather Samuelson
- Jacob Sullivan
- Justin Cooper
- United States Department of State
- United States Secret Service
- Williams & Connolly LLP
Priestap also testifies that 48,982 emails were reviewed as a result of a warrant for Clinton email account information from the laptop of Anthony Weiner, who had been married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.
A complete copy of Priestap’s interrogatory responses is available here. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.
“This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “No wonder Hillary Clinton has thus far skated – Barack Obama is implicated in her email scheme.”
Priestap was ordered to answer the written questions by United States District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth when he ruled in January that Judicial Watch’s discovery could begin in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. This action came in Judicial Watch’s July 2014 FOIA lawsuit for:
Copies of any updates and/or talking points given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency concerning, regarding, or related to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
Any and all records or communications concerning, regarding, or relating to talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency.
- Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system;
- whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and
- whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.
Monday, April 22, 2019
REPOST: Obama’s birth certificate proven a forgery, fraudulently fabricated document, by forensic investigators on two continents
By Shepard Ambellas -
Will President Obama be charged with treason over illegally fabricated certificate?
PHOENIX, Ariz. (INTELLIHUB) — President Barack H. Obama’s birth certificate has been proven to be a “forgery,” a fraudulently “fabricated document,” law enforcement officials and forensic investigators concluded with high certainty after an intense five year investigation.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and lead investigator Mike Zullo along with forensic experts on two continents have concluded that President Obama’s birth certificate is not authentic and are seeking to take the matter up with the federal government.
Investigators presented evidence during a press conference Thursday detailing how, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that “nine points of forgery in which words, letters and hand-placed date stamps had been digitally copied and pasted” from another Hawaii State birth certificate to create the fake image posted on the official website.
Investigators say that the first “five points of forgery were brought over in one group” from another birth certificate while the 4 remaining points were brought over separately to create the complex “forgery.”
Utilizing forensic techniques, both old and new, investigators in both the U.S. and Italy came to the same conclusion about the documents authenticity.
Zullo told the press that his investigation was thwarted early on when officials in Hawaii were unwilling to cooperate on several occasions and even threatened him and others investigating the matter with arrest.
Sheriff Arpaio told the press that his team of experts are holding out on additional and “more sensitive information” which he would not talk about publicly at this time.
If taken through the proper channels and pursued by congress and federal officials Barack Obama may be charged with treason, which holds a penalty of ‘life in prison,’ at a future date.
Sheriff Arpiao plans on turning over the investigation to federal officials within the next month.
REPOST: Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russians along with one-fifth of our uranium ore
Whore of Babylon shreds Constitution, exposed as ultimate backer of massive U.S. land grab
"The Whore is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by connection with an equally evil kingdom." — Wikipedia
As it turns out there’s a lot more to the story behind the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Princeton, Oregon. A whole lot more and this article is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
As you may or may not know, on January 4 Intellihub reported that the Hammond’s ranch and other ranchlands surrounding the refuge sit atop a vast swath of precious metals, minerals, and uranium that’s heavily desired by not only the federal government but foreign entities as well.
Prior to the publication of this article the federal government’s full motive to seize the land was not yet fully understood but it was known that nefarious elements were operating in the area.
After further investigation, more pieces of the puzzle have been put in place and you’re not going to believe the characters who are involved.
I’ll give you a hint — one of them is currently being investigated by the FBI and is also running on the Democratic ticket in hopes of becoming the next President of the United States. That’s right, you guessed it — none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton of the notorious Clinton crime family.
Hillary and her foundation are implicated in the dastardly scheme along with the Russian State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Rosatom, and a few dubious Canadian elite which is where the news gets really bad.
Rosatom is ranked #2 globally in uranium reserves and #1 globally for annual uranium extraction. The sheer power, strength, and size of the corporation is undeniable. Rostom is a major power-player in today’s world and didn’t become that way for no reason.
You see, Rosatom wanted to expand their operations into America and needed a way in. So, in 2013, Rosatom acquired a Canadian company named Uranium One as part of a sinister side deal which involved multiple parties. Ultimately the deal opened a typically secure and closed-door, thus allowing the Russians to salt their way into the Continental United States as part of a vast and extensive plan to mine Uranium ore out of states like Wyoming and Oregon.
The deal was essentially brokered by Hillary and was ran through the Clinton Foundation using Canadian-backed contributions as a cover. With one flourish of a pen, just like that, the bitch sold out the American people and one-fifth of America’s uranium resources to the Russians.
In April of 2015, two reporters for the New York Times boldly reported how the plan worked:
At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.
Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.
And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.
At the time, both Rosatom and the United States government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. Those promises have been repeatedly broken, records show.
Soon, Uranium One began to snap up companies with assets in the United States. In April 2007, it announced the purchase of a uranium mill in Utah and more than 38,000 acres of uranium exploration properties in four Western states, followed quickly by the acquisition of the Energy Metals Corporation and its uranium holdings in Wyoming, Texas and Utah.
That deal made clear that Uranium One was intent on becoming "a powerhouse in the United States uranium sector with the potential to become the domestic supplier of choice for U.S. utilities," the company declared.
While the United States gets one-fifth of its electrical power from nuclear plants, it produces only around 20 percent of the uranium it needs, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves, according to Marin Katusa, author of "The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped From America’s Grasp."
"The Russians are easily winning the uranium war, and nobody’s talking about it," said Mr. Katusa, who explores the implications of the Uranium One deal in his book. "It’s not just a domestic issue but a foreign policy issue, too."
Yes, the Russians are winning the "uranium war," thanks to Hillary
Additionally, BLM documentation shows:
In September 2011, a representative from Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One), met with local citizens, and county and state officials, to discuss the possibility of opening a uranium oxide ("yellowcake") mine in southern Malheur County in southeastern Oregon. Oregon Energy is interested in developing a 17-Claim parcel of land known as the Aurora Project through an open pit mining method. Besides the mine, there would be a mill for processing. The claim area occupies about 450 acres and is also referred to as the "New U" uranium claims.
On May 7, 2012, Oregon Energy LLC made a presentation to the BLM outlining its plans for development for the mine.
The Vale District has agreed to work with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on mitigation for the "New U" uranium claims, which are located in core sage grouse habitat. Although the lands encompassing the claims have been designated core, the area is frequented by rockhounds and hunters, and has a crisscrossing of off-highway vehicle (OHV) roads and other significant land disturbance from the defunct Bretz Mercury Mine, abandoned in the 1960s.
However, by the fall of 2012 the company said that it was putting its plans for the mine on hold until the uncertainty surrounding sage grouse issues was resolved.
Once again the Whore of Babylon Hillary Clinton, her foundation, and other members of the government have literally been caught conducting illicit, illegal, and treasonous, activities right underneath the noses of the American people and they are in no way being held accountable. Not to mention, she has the nerve to run for president! Are you kidding me?
Oregon Governor Kate Brown stepped in recently calling for a ‘swift’ resolution to the armed occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.
Clearly shilling for the Dems, Brown is criminally assisting them with their master plan to sell out every last bit of America’s public lands to foreign entities like Uranium One, fully eviscerating what’s left of the U.S. Constitution.
So there you have it. Rogue criminal factions of government are operating at all levels and are actually conspiring together to allow foreign corporations to invade and mine rich American resources, including uranium, from lands owned by the people.
Take note, Uranium One’s slogan is:
"Success through aggressive mine and land acquisition."
Also please note that President Obama has signed executive orders allowing the Department of the Interior to grab publicly owned lands.
Update 1:29 p.m.: World Net daily published an article back in 1998 titled "Federal Land Grab Called ‘Political’." In the article, the author points out how Utah Republican Jame Hansen authored a bill at the time known as the "Utah Schools and Lands Exchange Act of 1998."
According to the report, this bill passed in June of 1998, and gave "Utah 139,000 acres of federally held land, certain mineral rights, and $50 million in exchange for all of Utah’s claims to lands within national parks, monuments, forests and federal areas" under then U.S. President Bill Clinton’s orders, further demonstration how the Clinton Crime Family has been using their vast political influence to loot some of the best assets of the Corporation of the United States, selling them for pennies on the dollar to private foreign corporations and one world bodies like the United Nations.
[…] President Ronald Reagan and his advisors looked across the West’s public lands and saw dollar signs. Money was something they desperately needed in 1982, as the national deficit hit $128 billion. So James Watt, then U.S. secretary of the Interior, and John R. Block, the secretary of Agriculture, earmarked 35 million acres, or 5 percent of the nation’s public lands (excluding Alaska), for the auction block.
The plan to privatize public lands was met with outrage and skepticism, not only from Western liberals such as Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt, but also from conservatives like Sen. James McClure, R-Idaho, who objected because the states were cut out of the deal. Watt eventually withdrew Interior lands from the sale; shortly thereafter, the Forest Service’s sale lost steam, too.
However unpopular the proposed sales were, they weren’t illegal. And the idea didn’t go away. The framework for selling public lands has inched forward since the Clinton administration, and now the Interior Department wants to give it a higher priority.
The 1976 Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA) required the Bureau of Land Management to identify lands that were "uneconomical to manage," or that stood in the way of a community’s development. But the BLM lacked a strong incentive to identify such sellable lands: Under FLPMA, any money received from their sale would go directly into the U.S. Treasury, rather than into the agency’s own coffers.
Then, in 2000, Congress and the Clinton administration passed the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act (FLTFA), which changed how profits from BLM land sales were distributed. Twenty percent of any land-sale revenue would go toward the BLM’s administration costs, while the other 80 percent had to be used to buy private inholdings within BLM lands that contained "exceptional resources." The act was based on a land disposal and acquisition mechanism in the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998, which was crafted to accommodate Las Vegas’ rapid expansion onto neighboring public lands. But FLTFA’s profit scheme applied only to sellable lands identified before July 25, 2000. At that time, the BLM estimated it had 3.3 million acres of sellable land, but thanks to better inventories, its estimate has since shrunk to as low as 330,000 acres. From 2001 to 2003, the BLM sold almost 11,000 acres under FLTFA.
Note: We know some of the land acquired by Uranium One is in Oregon and we know there are precious metals on and near the Hammond Ranch. Put two and two together. Stay tuned for more updates and confirmation as it is becoming increasingly clear that other companies and government entities are most likely also involved.
The government, alongside private companies (including foreign-owned), are in the middle of a massive criminal land grab which the mainstream media is largely ignoring, instead opting to paint those in Oregon as crazy anti-government extremists. In other words, members of the mainstream media are directly responsible for helping to allow this takeover to happen.
Uranium prospecting in Oregon, 1956 — State of Oregon
What is that I spy east of I-17? BLM acquires more land for monument, prevents What is that I spy east of I-17? BLM acquires more land for monument, prevents development — Daily Courier
From Russia with no love for Colorado uranium mining climate — Colorado Independent
All Oregon Dockets — USGS
Presidential Memorandum — America’s Great Outdoors —
Public Versus Private Property Rights —
About Uranium One —
What was the Whitewater scandal? — Investopedia