Saturday, August 31, 2013

Nightmare! Hotel Sues Man For Reporting Bed Bugs (VIDEO)

"In what is believed to be a legal first in Canada — and a potential landmark case that could help to define the limits of free speech in cyberspace — a hotel is suing a former guest for $95,000 in damages over a review he wrote on the travel site TripAdvisor.

It also wants the negative review, which is still online, taken down.

But the lawyer for the Montreal man who wrote the review says the "frivolous" defamation lawsuit will be quashed in court like the bedbugs her client claims he found in his room."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

Putin: US should present Syria evidence to UN Security Council (VIDEO)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared 'utter nonsense' the idea that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons on its own people and called on the US to present its supposed evidence to the UN Security Council. READ MORE:

Obama Backed Rebels Admit to Chemical Attack (VIDEO)

Obama Backed Al-Qaeda Militants tell AP reporter they mishandled chemical weapons supplied by Saudi Arabia, causing accident  (VIDEO)

WMD Lies - They got us into the Iraq war then, and getting us into the Syria war now (VIDEO)

Keiser Report: Debt Zombie Students (E491) (VIDEO)

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the potholes in the economy causing young people to go deeply into debt for education, property and retirement. In the second half, Max talks to Iona Bain of about students debts in the UK and the merits of raising interest rates in order to encourage savings.

You Can Buy Pot With Your Credit Card Now (VIDEO)

"The Department of Justice is "actively considering" how to regulate interactions between banks and marijuana shops that operate within state laws and don't violate other federal law enforcement priorities, Attorney General Eric Holder told the governors of Washington and Colorado in a joint phone call Thursday, according to a DOJ official.

Holder laid out eight priorities that would be the aim of federal marijuana policy in his conversation with the governors, in which he told them his Justice Department would allow the states' laws legalizing marijuana to go forward.".*

All-Out War? Iran vows 'immediate destruction' of Israel if Syria attacked (VIDEO)

The likelihood of military strikes around Syria has put its neighbors on high alert, and as RT's Paula Slier reports, some worry it could be the catalyst for a large-scale regional war.

Black Budget: Snowden reveals US spends $52 billion in one year on secret programs (VIDEO)

Britain has asked the New York Times to get rid of copies of documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

That's as another US newspaper revealed from one of the top-secret files, just how much America spends on surveillance .

The so called Black Budget has never been shown to the public until now. Meanwhile Snowden's leaks have won him international recognition.

He was awarded the 2013 Whistleblower Prize by a coalition of NGO's. And as RT's Peter Oliver in Berlin says, Snowden's name is featuring prominently in Germany's upcoming general election.

Saudi-Supplied American Al-Qaeda Rebels Behind Chemical Attack In Syria (VIDEO)

As the United States readies for war there are conflicting reports on who is actually responsible for the chemical attack. Interviews with locals in Syria say that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack.
Iran's Revolutionary Guards chief said a US military attack on Syria would prove a "second Vietnam" for America.

[Iran commander]: US strike on Syria will mean the 'imminent destruction' of Israel Iran's Revolutionary Guards chief said a US military attack on Syria would prove a "second Vietnam" for America.

[Iran to work with Russia to stop strike on Syria]
According to the state TV report, President Rouhani said both Iran and Russia would work in "extensive cooperation" to prevent any military action against Syria.

Child Taken Because Dad Read Gun Magazine (VIDEO)

Reading a hunting magazine in New York, may lead your doctor to consider you a threat. In a series of events, which amplify the fallacy of the "see something, say something," snitch program.

Ulster County resident, Damir Juric's visit to the hospital destroyed his life.

Think twice about reading gun magazines in New York, Big Brother is watching and if you are a veteran, Veterans Affairs doctors are purposely seeking you out to take your guns away, as noted in a recent interview with an unnamed VA psychiatrist in NY.

They get a kickback of $3000 per veteran. If the veteran refuses to give gun back they get held in the psychiatric ward against their will.

Friday, August 30, 2013

SUPERSIZE OUR WAGES! Hundreds of fast-food industry workers across the U.S. join strike demanding $15 an hour

Fast food outlets across the United States ground to a halt on Thursday as workers at McDonald's and Burger King protested against paltry wages.

The latest action in a nearly year-long campaign to raise wages from just $7.25 an hour to $15 an hour in the service sector saw thousands of staff rally in cities including New York, Chicago, St. Louis and Seattle.

The fast-food workers were joined by retail staff from stores owned by Macy's Inc. and Sears Holdings Corp. in what organizers were expecting to be the biggest national walkouts yet in the demand for higher wages.

Read more:

ISRAELI WAR CRIMES: Amazing Footage White Phosphorus Attack Over Gaza (VIDEO)

White phosphorus


Injuries from white phosphorus produce extensive, deep second and third degree burns.

One reason why this occurs is the tendency of the element to stick to the skin.

Phosphorus burns carry a greater risk of mortality than other forms of burns due to the absorption of phosphorus into the body through the burned area, resulting in liver, heart and kidney damage, and in some cases multiple organ failure.

These weapons are particularly dangerous to exposed people because white phosphorus continues to burn unless deprived of oxygen or until it is completely consumed.

Smoke inhalation

Burning white phosphorus produces a hot, dense, white smoke consisting mostly of phosphorus pentoxide.

Exposure to heavy smoke concentrations of any kind for an extended period (particularly if near the source of emission) causes illness or death.

White phosphorus smoke irritates the eyes, mucous membranes of the nose, and respiratory tract in moderate concentrations, while higher concentrations can produce severe burns.



CAFFEINE CONTENT IN... coffee, tea, soda, etc...



Cup of regular coffee 95 - 200 mg

Cup decaf coffee 2 - 12 mg

Cup of reg. black tea 14 - 61 mg

Cup reg. green tea 24 - 40 mg

Regular Coke or Pepsi 30 - 47 mg

5-hour energy 207 mg

Monster - Red Bull 80 mg

Chocolate chips, semisweet 1 cup 104 mg


Prisoners employed to make telemarketing calls in UK (VIDEO)

TRUST US: Government promises that inmates making telemarketing calls won't pass info to rob your home (VIDEO)

Persistent sales calls can give people a rude interruption from their daily routines.

But now there's a fresh twist in the UK - and it's more than an issue of mere inconvenience.

Screw Facebook Before It Screws You (VIDEO)

There are so many reasons to not use Facebook: government, hackers, thieves, police, credit score, rapists... (VIDEO)

There are so many reasons to not use Facebook:

governments frequently use it to gather intel on us, hackers and thieves use it for ill means, extreme political factions use it to spread propaganda: but we all still use it.

We are addicted.

Two MIT candidates have a solution for how to break out addiction: the Pavlov Poke.

The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) discusses.


'Obomba, don't drone Syria!' Protesters rally against attack (VIDEO)

"OBAMBA", don't BOMBA Syria (VIDEO)

Published on Aug 30, 2013 
People across the world have protested against the Western powers' possible military action against Syria.

Demonstrators with anti-war and pro-Syrian placards marched in the US, Jordan and Venezuela.


Fool Me Twice, Shame on US (VIDEO)

Obama administration asserting the use chemical weapons by Assad feels like déjà vu of the lead-up to the Iraq War


EPIC FAIL: British Prime Minister Cameron trying to be Obama's lapdog and following him to Syria (PHOTO)


David Cameron humiliated - the newspaper reaction to his defeat

What the national newspapers thought of the commons vote against a military strike on Syria

C I A SMUGGLES in the DRUGS & ELITE have plans for Martial LAW in USA. (VIDEO)

This Interview was done by William Wagener with the doctor who taught other doctors, on the INSIDE of the CIA future plans to mass enslave and murder 2 billion People including more than 200 million Amerians.    

This is just a segment of a larger documentary that has never been released or published. Michael Jackson, was given a complete copy of the documentary in January 2008. 

He meant what he said, "They do not care about us." Exactly True. False Flag operations and "practice terrorism events" turn into ACTUAL events, like the Sept. 11th, 2001 demolistion of 7WTC + the Twin Towers, and the bombing of the Pentagon. Sept. 10 , 2001 , FEMA had already moved personel into N.Y. City for a practice, that became real. Now that 15 million Americans know having seen the evidence, which is abundant, that it was a complete INSIDE JOB, with the NETWORK media 100% "on board" to fool the public, those wishing [ BankGANGSTERS ] and Corporate WAR Mongers & Psychiatrists, to destroy all Liberty, and create a Master race made up of the ELITE Rich, vs the slave Poor are well on their way to success. What stands between them is a knowledgeable People with moral standards.

Yes, the CIA smuggles plane loads of drugs. Research Mr. Seal's death. Dr. Bill Deagle feels that there ARE some decent people in the FBI & military who will try to stop the Control freaks. But they NEED an INFORMED, ARMED population, and then the real Criminals who have gone unpunished for a century. can be ARRESTED.

Border Check Point Officer vs Young Woman in Car..'it's none of our Business (VIDEO)

lady in a car is stopped at a US border checkpoint miles from the border.Stands her ground in the face of intrusive personal questions asked by a young officer.She's upset.Detained for 15 minutes.


George Galloway HEATED Speech British Parliament Debate On Military Action Against Syria. 8/29/2013 (VIDEO)

George Galloway Syria speech. Parliament Debates Military Action Against Syria. George Galloway speaks as The British House of Commons holds an urgent debate on possible military action against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. Prime Minister David Cameron recalled parliament following reports of a chemical weapons attack against Syrian citizens.

War Imminent? US to decide on Syria strike 'on its own' (VIDEO)

Obama to decide on Syria crusade without UK's Cameron as his lapdog (VIDEO)


Rejected: Cameron's Syria intervention case bombed by UK MPs (VIDEO)

Will Obama rethink invading Syria since he doesn't have his British lapdog like Bush did?  (VIDEO)

Tony Blair's Iraq deception invasion caused UK MPs to cancel Cameron's Syria crusade (VIDEO)

UK's Cameron was hoping for a Tony Blair moment in Syria crusade but failed (VIDEO)

Any possibility of British involvement in a military campaign in Syria has been effectively ruled out after British lawmakers voted down the prospect in parliament, costing the US the nation's closest ally in a potential strike.



UK's Cameron could not fill Tony Blair's shoes as Obama's Mini-Me (VIDEO)

Washington Saber Rattling on Syria Intensifies (VIDEO)


Thursday, August 29, 2013

JFK Assassination - 50 Reasons For 50 Years - Episode 38 (VIDEO)

Mannlicher Carcano

A rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, a cheap Italian war surplus carbine, was quickly linked to an arrested building employee. But was the rifle capable of the assassination?

Governor Jesse Ventura tested the rifle for his show "Conspiracy Theory", and shares his observations.

US intelligence has no hard proof Assad used chemical weapons (VIDEO)

The violence in Syria has gained global attention, and recent chemical attacks that killed hundreds of civilians near Damascus have implored the US and its allies to consider an attack.

President Obama has been building a case that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad implemented the attack, but now US intelligence officials are saying that there isn't enough evidence to back the claim.

Investigative journalist Gareth Porter and former US Ambassador to Syria, Richard Murphy, join us for more on the latest developments out of Syria.


"Britain Will No Longer Support ANY Military Action Against Syria! IT'S OVER!" TAKE A NOTE OBAMA! (VIDEO)


"It's NOT Clear It Was A Chemical Attack! Secondly It Could Have EASILY Been The Rebels That Did It!   (VIDEO)

How one man is making money when telemarketers phone him

A man targeted by marketing companies is making money from cold calls with his own premium-rate phone number.

In November 2011 Lee Beaumont paid £10 plus VAT to set up his personal 0871 line - so to call him now costs 10p, from which he receives 7p.

The Leeds businessman told BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme that the premium line had so far made £300.


Montana judge's remarks about raped teen prompt outrage




A Montana judge who said a 14-year-old rape victim was "as much in control of the situation" as the man who assaulted her is under pressure to resign.


Cherry was raped by her teacher at 14 and shunned for reporting it. Then she shot herself dead in her mother's bed. Now her mom reveals her 'living hell' and fury that attacker got just 30 days jail

Read more:

  • Cherice Moralez, 14 at the time, was bullied by classmates after charges were brought against her Montana teacher Stacey Rambold, 48

  • Mother says friends 'gave her dark looks and walked on other side of school corridor'
  • Cherice was found by her horrified mother in her bed after shooting herself dead when it became too much to bear

  • School had issued Rambold with a warning over inappropriate behavior four years before he raped Cherice but left him in charge of minors

  • Rambold admitted to raping the vulnerable teenager on several occasions in 2007 in his marital home, car and office

  • Judge gave Rambold just 30 days in jail instead of maximum of life because 'he'd suffered enough' and claimed Cherry was 'in control'

  • Mother hit back saying: 'He is the highest authority of law and he pretty much just said it's okay'

  • 'This guy was 48. She was 14. You think you're all grown up at 14 but you're not. She wasn't. She needed protecting and looking after'

  • Protests planned for today and nationwide petition calling for judge's removal has 10,000 signatures

  • Butter-Flavored Microwave Popcorn or Breathing (VIDEO)

    The artificial butter flavoring diacetyl has been linked not only to deaths of workers handling the chemical, but also to serious lung disease in consumers of microwave popcorn.

    Führer Obama to Attack Syria without Asking Congress (VIDEO)

    Alex continues to break down the repercussions of war with Syria and how President Obama intends to get away with it despite 91% citizen opposition.

    New York City Police Dept Has Labeled At Least A Dozen Mosques "Terrorist Organizations" Since 9/11 (VIDEO)

    The NYPD should use this policy of investigating a religion to investigate pedophile priests in the Catholic Church - Now, those ARE terrorists (VIDEO)

    'Hands off Syria!' Protesters rally against UK intervention in war-torn country (VIDEO)

    Hundreds of protestors staged a demonstration at London's Downing Street on Wednesday against British military intervention in Syria. Protestors held posters reading "Hands off Syria" and called for the government to stop making military interventions as in the past in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Libyan civil wars.

    Keiser Report: Sinkhole of Stupid (E490) (VIDEO)

    In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the sinkholes of stupid causing collapse wherever they occur and, how in Texas, they are totally fracked as the sinkhole of stupid has caused water shortagesl.

    In the second half, Max talks to Chris Martenson about the four signs of dangerous bubble territory, the markets oblivious to the costs of Fukushima meltdown and the bad economics of fracking.

    'If US intervenes in Syria it will be fighting alongside terrorists' (VIDEO)

    An Al-Qaeda-linked group has promised a 'volcano of revenge' over the chemical attack in Syria. Karen Kwiatkowski - who's a retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel says if Washington launches military action against Syria it will be fighting on the same side as terrorists.


    Moral Obscenity: Toxic background to US chemical 'highground' (VIDEO)

    WARNING! Some images in this report could be disturbing for some users.

    While the British Parliament stands divided over whether to strike at Syria, Washington claims there's a moral reason to attack. But the use of chemical weapons was of no concern in the wars that the US waged in the past.


    Sarin: Stench of Hypocrisy  (VIDEO)

    John Kerry has tried to make a moral case for unleashing American weapons of mass destruction on the people of Syria. But what is the history of the US and Sarin gas? And when Kerry says:

    "Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up"

    does he see the hypocrisy of this coming from the government that has cynically attempted to cover up Agent Orange and Depleted Uranium?

    Sarin gas, created by Hitler's IG Farbin company is blamed as the deadly chemical used in Syria (VIDEO)

    Sarin gas was a standard chemical weapon used by the US and the USSR & adopted by NATO in the 1950s (VIDEO)

    The US Military Industrial Complex made a science of Sarin Gas delivery (VIDEO)

    After using and weaponizing Sarin Gas for over 40 years the US signed a treaty to ban it's use in 1993 (VIDEO)

    Journalist won a $1m law suit against CNN as they were fired for writing and proving the USA used Sarin Gas in Vietnam (VIDEO)

    Just the presence of America's Sarin Gas in Syria no matter who used it becomes justification to invade ? (VIDEO)

    Chemical experts cast doubt that Sarin gas was used in Syria at all since it will kill within 1 minute and that did not happen (VIDEO)

    The US use of millions of deadly gallons of agent orange in Vietnam that killed and maimed millions of Americans and Vietnamese was OK?  (VIDEO)

    Why is it OK when the US kills thousands with chemical weapons and not OK when Syria does it?  (VIDEO)


    Doom & Gloom: 'Unemployment bad to worse', massive social drama ahead? (VIDEO)

    With over 200 million people unemployed globally and no end in sight for the recession, the need for jobs has never been greater.

    Youth unemployment has reached critical levels and threatens to destabilize many countries.

    What can be done to create more jobs and kick-start the global economy?

    Guy Ryder, the Director-General of the ILO, joins Oksana to consider these issues.

    Sarin: Stench of Hypocrisy (VIDEO)

    Sarin gas, created by Hitler's IG Farbin company is blamed as the deadly chemical used in Syria (VIDEO)

    Sarin gas was a standard chemical weapon used by the US and the USSR & adopted by NATO in the 1950s (VIDEO)

    The US Military Industrial Complex made a science of Sarin Gas delivery (VIDEO)

    After using and weaponizing Sarin Gas for over 40 years the US signed a treaty to ban it's use in 1993 (VIDEO)

    Journalist won a $1m law suit against CNN as they were fired for writing and proving the USA used Sarin Gas in Vietnam (VIDEO)

    Just the presence of America's Sarin Gas in Syria no matter who used it becomes justification to invade ? (VIDEO)

    Chemical experts cast doubt that Sarin gas was used in Syria at all since it will kill within 1 minute and that did not happen (VIDEO)

    The US use of millions of deadly gallons of agent orange in Vietnam that killed and maimed millions of Americans and Vietnamese was OK?  (VIDEO)

    Why is it OK when the US kills thousands with chemical weapons and not OK when Syria does it?  (VIDEO)

    John Kerry has tried to make a moral case for unleashing American weapons of mass destruction on the people of Syria. But what is the history of the US and Sarin gas? And when Kerry says:

    "Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up"

    does he see the hypocrisy of this coming from the government that has cynically attempted to cover up Agent Orange and Depleted Uranium?

    Aspartame is GMO Poop (VIDEO)

    Aspartame, the diet sweetener in your food and drink, is linked to leukemia, lymphoma, other cancers, liver damage, etc.  (VIDEO)

    Over 3,000 foods and drinks with the word "Diet" are sweetened with bacteria POOP known as ASPARTAME (video)

    The patent for aspartame is now online, and it reveals how the artificial sweetener is made.

    Genetically modified E. coli bacteria are cultivated in tanks.

    They defecate proteins that contain aspartic acid-phenylalanine amino acid segments.

    That feces is collected and then treated through many chemical processes including methylation, which adds the toxic alcohol, methanol, to the mix.That's how aspartame is made.

    It might be time to rethink diet foods as healthy options.

    The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) discusses.

    Exposed: US Helped Launch Syrian Chemical Attacks. (VIDEO)

    In an explosive declaration, Syria's deputy foreign minister has now come out on record in declaring that the US, Britain, and France were instrumental in aiding the chemical attacks on Syria through a network of terrorists inside the country.

    Infowars Reporter Anthony Gucciardi joins Alex Jones to discuss the bombshell information.

    NYPD labeled mosques 'terrorist organizations' (VIDEO)

    Muslim organizations are calling for a Justice Department probe into the NYPD after the police department designated several New York City mosques as terrorist organizations so they could spy on religious leaders and use informants. 

    Now RT's Sam Sacks speaks with Manar Milbes, a regional director for the Muslim Legal Fund of America, about discrimination against Muslims in America.

    Structural Racism Persists 50 Years After Washington March (VIDEO)

    If Dr. King Was Alive Today He Would Be In The Streets Holding Leaders Accountable

    Video Proof U.S. Backed Al-Qaeda Rebels Launched Chemical Attack! In Syria (VIDEO)

    Alex exposes the lies policymakers are using to justify war in Syria. U.S. warplanes are currently touching down in Cyprus, which is the likely hub for future air campaigns in the Middle East.

    The U.S. could launch a missile attack against Syria as early as Thursday. In response, the Dow fell near 100 points as investors worry about the war leading to market turmoil.

    Why The Air Force Is Afraid Of This Yogurt (VIDEO)

    "The Air Force warned personnel over the weekend to steer clear of a specific flavor of Chobani Greek yogurt that includes hemp seeds.

    Hemp contains trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive ingredient also found in marijuana, classified alongside heroin and LSD as a Schedule I drug under federal law.

    The Air Force, as part of its anti-drug policy, added hemp seed oil products and hemp seed to a list of forbidden substances in 1999, over concerns that they could confuse the results of drug tests regularly given to service members."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

    Pat Robertson: Gays Intentionally Spread AIDS (VIDEO)

    Pat Robertson claims that San Fran gays when shaking hands, have rings that will gut your hand and give you AIDS (VIDET)

    "The Christian Broadcasting Network, which has alternately apologized or defended Pat Robertson a lot lately, reportedly edited out a comment by the 700 Club co-host from the archived version of today's broadcast.

    The host, responding to a question from a viewer who was concerned about an HIV-positive church member, claimed on air that gay people in San Francisco use rigged rings to try and give people AIDS when they shake hands.

    In a later version of the episode posted to CBN's website, however, those comments were nowhere to be found."

    Your Facebook Friends May Harm Your Credit Score (VIDEO)

    "A handful of tech startups are using social data to determine the risk of lending to people who have a difficult time accessing credit.

    Traditional lenders rely heavily on credit scores like FICO, which look at payments history. They typically steer clear of the millions of people who don't have credit scores.

    But some financial lending companies have found that social connections can be a good indicator of a person's creditworthiness."

    Bloody Split: Violence sparks between secular & orthodox Israelis (VIDEO)

    The Palestinian leadership has said it will put off the start of planned peace talks with Israel after three Palestinians were killed in an IDF raid on a refugee camp in the West Bank.

    But Israel also faces a conflict within its own society as simmering tensions between secular and orthodox Jews threaten to boil over into violent confrontation.


    The British government is the most enthusiastic country in the entire international community to get involved in Syria, and the decision on intervention has already been made, believes leader of UK Independence Party Nigel Farage.



    Keiser Report: The Killing of Tony Blair (E489) (ft. George Galloway) [VIDEO]

    In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the U.S. regulator's case against JP Morgan for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, known in polite circles as 'client hires.'

    In the second half, Max talks to George Galloway, a Member of Parliament, about the film, The Killing of Tony Blair, that he is crowdfunding on Kickstarter.

    The film explores the financial killing the former prime minister has made on the mass killings in the various wars he started across the Middle East.

    91% of Americans Don't Want War with Syria (VIDEO)

    What better way to lift the veil of distraction from the government's recently exposed domestic spy program than a brand new war?

    America is most likely going to war with Syria this week in what would be history's most unpopular war yet. According to Reuters, Americans adamantly oppose Syrian intervention with only 9 percent believing Obama should attack the nation.

    The poll reveals Americans would be more inclined to support the war if provided actual facts indicating Syrian President Bashar al-Assad did in fact use chemical weapons against his people.

    In a period of 7-10 days, American's support for the war has fallen from 30.2 percent to 25 percent, and those opinions stand only if proof of a chemical weapons attack is provided. Despite the people's opposition, the US is still aggressively positioning themselves for attack.


    9-11 - Neoconservatives Pre-Planned Middle East Destabilization (VIDEO)

    There is No Military Solution to Syria (VIDEO)

    Phyllis Bennis: US policy should emphasize direct diplomacy to negotiate a ceasefire with all sides including Syrian President Bashar Assad, but direct military intervention will lead to more bloodshed and Obama fighting on the side of an Al-Qaeda affiliated organization




    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Anthony Weiner is caught cheating again!

    Two of the 'regular New Yorkers' featured in the latest Anthony Weiner campaign video have worked for the mayoral candidate.

    The 30-second TV advert, released today, features four people from four of the city's boroughs, who explain why they plan to support Weiner.
    What two of them didn't mention on camera however, was that they worked as interns for the candidate's election campaigns, the Daily News reported.

    Read more:


    38 YEARS AGO: Alien Warning Message Live on TV in UK-"We Come to Warn you About your Race and your Planet" (VIDEO)

    The voice spoke slowly and deliberately, with a strange inward authority, calm, serene, never scolding. It said:

    This is the voice of Gramaha, the Representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you.

    For many years now you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your worlds so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your worlds and the beings on our worlds around you.

    This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

    Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again. For many years your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the earth and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment.

    The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized this -- that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use, and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction. All weapons of evil must be removed.

    The time of conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this.

    You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

    Hear now the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you -- the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends giving you worthless dross in return.

    Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within, that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you, and you will lead yourselves on to the path of evolution.

    This is our message to you our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light, and will do all we can to help you.

    Have no fears, seek only to know yourselves and live in harmony with the ways of your planet earth. We of the Asta Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence.

    May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the Cosmos.

    Thank you SUNNY ( )