Saturday, June 30, 2012
Talking Urinal Cakes (VIDEO)
In an effort to cut down on drunk driving over the Fourth of July holiday, the Michigan State Police are distributing "talking urinal cakes" to around 200 bars and restaurants. Cenk Uygur and Desi Doyen discuss.
Keiser Report: Barclays' Bad Bet (E308) VIDEO
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss 'big boys' and carding crimes, marmite pots and Olympic has-beens, wash trades and perfect games. In the second half of the show Max talks to former commodities analyst and blogger, Michael Krieger, about the meaning of the escalating and blatant financial crime wave.
Is Coca-Cola A Population Control Drink Like Bill Gate's Vaccines and Monsanto's GMOs?
Americathon 1979 (VIDEO)
Comedy set in 1998 was released in 1979. A broke America holds a telethon to raise money to pay back a debt owed to it's richest man. Harvey Korman and John Ritter head the cast in this sometimes very funny and prescient look at our alternate future.
How To Brainwash A Generation Of Students
Hackers Will Easily Take Over Control Of Over 30,000 Drones Flying Over USA Soon

How a team of students HIJACKED a drone in midair - all for a $1,000 bet with U.S. government

How a team of students HIJACKED a drone in midair - all for a $1,000 bet with U.S. government
Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin managed to take control of a small drone by mimicking a signal sent to its GPS and giving it new commands, thus proving that anyone can hijack unmanned aircraft.
Penn State officials 'covered up Sandusky child abuse allegations after talk with Joe Paterno'

'Cover-up': Joe Paterno appears to have colluded with Pen State officials to keep allegations of Sandusky's abuse under wraps

'Cover-up': Joe Paterno appears to have colluded with Pen State officials to keep allegations of Sandusky's abuse under wraps
Penn State officials almost exposed Jerry Sandusky's child abuse - but decided against it after talking to legendary coach Joe Paterno, it has been claimed.
Th question might also be if pedophile "pimp" Sandusky was providing child sex to Paterno and other elite.
Sandusky Trial: Coverup for Another Elite Pedophilia Ring? (VIDEO)
DOJ Says It Won't Prosecute DOJ Head Holder

How should we say this: we are shocked, shocked, that the DOJ won't prosecute itself.
Congressional House could arrest Holder with inherent contempt power

Too big to be jailed and above the law , Eric Holder
How should we say this: we are shocked, shocked, that the DOJ won't prosecute itself.
•BREAKING: DOJ says it won't prosecute Attorney General Holder after the GOP-led House voted to hold him in criminal contempt of Congress - Fox
Congressional House could arrest Holder with inherent contempt power
The thought is shocking, and conjures up a Hollywood-ready standoff scene between House police and the FBI agents.
Warning - Nobel Winner Talks About US Government Using Fake Alien Invasion To Push NWO
US Government Planning False Flag Alien Invasion? (VIDEO)
During a debate on CNN about the economic crisis in the USA, Nobel winner and economics expert Paul Krugman told that the US government may fabricate a hostile alien invasion in attempt to fix the economy.
Frank Serpico: "The Human Race Has Been Sold Out" (VIDEO)
Serpico is a retired American New York City Police Department officer who is known for testifying against police corruption in 1971. He is the co-author of Serpico: The Classic Story of the Cop Who Couldn't Be Bought.
Tarpley: Turkey Continues Provocations Against Syria (VIDEO)
Tarpley is the author of several books, including Obama: The Postmodern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History.
In stock market robot trades you (VIDEO)
Watch the full Keiser Report E308 later today. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss 'big boys' and carding crimes, marmite pots and Olympic has-beens, wash trades and perfect games. In the second half of the show Max talks to former commodities analyst and blogger, Michael Krieger, about the meaning of the escalating and blatant financial crime wave.
'Without asylum Assange heading straight to US for torture' (VIDEO)
With his life and liberty at stake, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is to stay under the protection of the Ecuadorian government while his asylum appeal is considered, says lawyer Susan Benn from the Julian Assange Defense Fund.
With his life and liberty at stake, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is to stay under the protection of the Ecuadorian government while his asylum appeal is considered, says lawyer Susan Benn from the Julian Assange Defense Fund.
Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst, talks to RT. He says unless Assange is granted asylum, US prosecutors getting their hands on him is a done deal. And considering the "draconian espionage act of 1917" under which he would be tried, getting to Ecuador becomes a life and death matter for the WikiLeaks founder.
Captain Kirk Gets Groped by TSA (VIDEO)
#EricHolder #Fastandfurious #contempt #scandal #watergate #LA #LAX #CaptainKirk #TSA #Alqaeda #robots ##Voyager1 #space #williamshatner
#EricHolder #Fastandfurious #contempt #scandal #watergate #LA #LAX #CaptainKirk #TSA #Alqaeda #robots ##Voyager1 #space #williamshatner
Friday, June 29, 2012
Mexican Spring: coming soon? (VIDEO)
From the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street, the youth of today are sending a clear message: they are tired of business as usual in politics. In Mexico, there is a growing uncertainty on who will be the country's next leader and hundreds of students have started protesting the current PRI party.
Congress agrees on $20 billion increase on college loans (VIDEO)
Well it looks like Congress will act just in the nick of time to preventstudent loan interest rates from doubling from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on July1, but there's more. Starting Sunday students will have to start payinginterest rates on loans while they are still in school and will no longer begiven a grace period to start paying off their debt once they graduate. RobertApplebaum, founder of ForgiveStudentLoanDebt.com, joins us with his take on howCongress is screwing college students.StudentLoanDebt.com, joins us with his take on how Congress is screwing college students.
200,000 Protesters Line the Streets of Tokyo Against Nuclear Restart in Japan 29.06.2012 (VIDEO)
The protesters, carrying placards which read "Rise up against the restart" and "The nuclear era is over," lined the streets around Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's residence in central Tokyo as police watched on, according to an AFP photographer.
The protesters, carrying placards which read "Rise up against the restart" and "The nuclear era is over," lined the streets around Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's residence in central Tokyo as police watched on, according to an AFP photographer.
The main entrance to the residence was seen guarded by armoured vehicles and barricades of uniformed police.
Organisers quoted in local media estimated turnout exceeded 100,000 people, over double the turnout they estimated at a similar protest last week.
The demonstration had been called by liberal writers Takashi Hirose and Satoshi Kamata in an online message which spread on Twitter and Facebook in what was likened by a popular tabloid to the "Arab Spring," a wave of protests that topped governments in the Arab world last year.
The crowd blocked off a six-lane road and adjoining streets leading to the Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's official residence in central Tokyo. Police parked five armoured riot control buses in front of the entrance to prevent protesters entering the compound.
Several helicopters circled overhead as the sun went down on a clear, early summer evening.
The protest capped weeks of sporadic demonstrations and was the biggest gathering in central Tokyo since Noda said this month the restart of two reactors in western Japan was necessary to avoid damaging the economy.
All of the country's 50 nuclear reactors were taken off line after an earthquake and tsunami hit the Fukushima nuclear power plant on the northeast coast on March 11 last year, triggering the world's worst atomic accident since Chernobyl in 1986.
Nuclear power had previously supplied nearly 30 percent of Japan's electricity.
The first of the two Ohi reactors operated by Kansai Electric Power Co is scheduled to be reactivated on Sunday.
The crowd, including office workers, mothers with children and elderly people, chanted "oppose restarts" and "exit nuclear power".
The decision to restart the reactors as summer power-cuts loom was seen as a victory for Japan's still-powerful nuclear industry.
But Japanese people have grown wary of nuclear power since Fukushima, with surveys showing that about 70 percent want to abandon atomic energy even if not immediately.
Alex Jones Show: Friday (6-29-12) Webster Tarpley & Frank Serpico (VIDEO)
On the Friday, June 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about Obamacare, the betrayal of the Constitution, and calls for nullification by the states in response to the Supreme Court ruling legitimizing the legislation. Guests on today's show: historian and author Webster Tarpley and Frank Serpico. Tarpley is the author of several books, including Obama: The Postmodern Coup - Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History. Serpico is a retired American New York City Police Department officer who is known for testifying against police corruption in 1971. He is the co-author of Serpico: The Classic Story of the Cop Who Couldn't Be Bought. Alex covers other important news and takes your calls.
Megaupload a mega oops for FBI (VIDEO)
Earlier this year the US government seized MegaUpload founder Kim Dotcom's assets after his website was accused of facilitating copyright infringement. The New Zealander's home was raided, his website taken down and he was taken into custody. However, New Zealand courts have ruled that the raid was illegal and search warrants were too vague.
Assange's future remains in legal limbo (VIDEO)
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange remains trapped in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London as he awaits a decision on his request for political asylum. On Thursday, British police requested Assange turn himself in so the extradition process to Sweden can begin, but he has rejected the notion.
OBAMASCARE, Colorado Fires, Fast and Furious, and More... (VIDEO)
#fastandfurious #Ericholder #Justicedepartment #civilcase #criminalcharges #civilcase #BarrySotero #obamacare ##supremecourt #WTC7 #NWO #Roberts #tax #healthcare #mittromney #Romneycare #socialism #ronpaul
#fastandfurious #Ericholder #Justicedepartment #civilcase #criminalcharges #civilcase #BarrySotero #obamacare ##supremecourt #WTC7 #NWO #Roberts #tax #healthcare #mittromney #Romneycare #socialism #ronpaul
US waging war on Latin America? (VIDEO)
Everyone knows that the US is waging a war in Afghanistan, but is Latin America next? Recently the Drug Enforcement Agency shot and killed a drug suspect in Honduras and DEA agents have been working in conjunction with the local authorities. The US is being blamed for killing innocent people in the country, but should the US be involved in Latin America? Adrienne Pine, professor at American University, joins us with more.
Occupy DC revived (VIDEO)
Occupy DC was one of the longest standing branches of the Occupy Wall Street movement in America until The National Park Service police bulldozed the headquarters back in early February. But now a resurgence of occupiers has begun. Tents are back in McPherson Square in the nation's capital. So is Occupy DC here to stay? RT's Abby Martin has more.
DHS pushes useless drone program in America (VIDEO)
The US Department of Homeland Security has already spent $240 million on the drone project for the US Border Patrol. Each predator drone costs $18 million to build and can run $3,200 per hour just to fly. So are flying robots in the sky effective for patrolling America's borders? Trevor Timm, activist for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, gives us his take.
Republican Threatening Armed Rebellion Over Obamacare (VIDEO)
*Matt Davis, a Michigan attorney who was once the state Republican Party's spokesman, sent out an email that asked whether armed rebellion would be justified in the wake of the court's decision. According to Michigan Capital Confidential, a local news service that originally reported the missive, Davis sent it "moments after the Supreme Court ruling to numerous new media outlets and limited government activists."
Fast & Furious Wiretaps Expose Eric Holder! (VIDEO)
House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa has confirmed that wiretap applications reveal in-depth detail on the Fast and Furious operation, including evidence showing that "agents were well aware that large sums of money were being used to purchase a large number of firearms, many of which were flowing across the border."
Roll Call reports today that Issa released details concerning the wiretaps in the House. His disclosure is protected by the Speech or Debate Clause in the Constitution, which offers immunity for Congressional speech on the floor.
According to Darrell Issa's letter sent to Maryland Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings on May 24, not only did ATF officials know about the purchases, they oversaw activity by straw purchasers and ended their surveillance without interdicting the guns.
"Although ATF was aware of these facts, no one was arrested, and ATF failed to even approach the straw purchasers," Issa's letter states. "Upon learning these details through its review of this wiretap affidavit, senior Justice Department officials had a duty to stop this operation. Further, failure to do so was a violation of Justice Department policy."
As we noted on June 22, Obama lied to the American people on March 23, 2011, when he said that neither he nor Attorney General Holder authorized the effort to arm the drug cartels in Mexico. Several weeks later, on May 3, Holder lied to Congress. He said he did not know who approved Fast and Furious. He also lied when he said he "probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."
Issa talks about contempt and criminal case against Holder.On Thursday, House Republicans held Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The House made the historic move after Holder refused to divulge additional documents on the gun-running operation and Obama invoked executive privilege in an attempt to block the request for more information.
White House spokesman Jay Carney said during a press conference aboard Air Force One on Friday that Obama's executive privilege assertion makes the contempt citation and any criminal investigation irrelevant.
The weapons were responsible not only for the murder of federal agent Brian Terry, but also countless Mexicans caught up in the drug cartel war.
Members of Terry's family have accused the Obama White House of "lying" and "hiding something."
Nigel Farage: Van Rompuy, Barroso worst people in EU since 1945 (VIDEO)
After a tough night of wrangling, EU leaders have agreed to set up a new authority - tasked with keeping sinking banks afloat. And to do that, the new agency will be given access to Europe's mammoth bailout funds - stocked in a large part by taxpayer money. This exact function was previously carried out by governments. But now, the EU can bailout a nation's banks - without adding to the government's debt levels - at least on the books. It's something that Germany strongly opposed, but was forced to relent on due to Spanish and Italian insistence. Nigel Farage, a member of the European Parliament and leader of the UK Independence Party, believes that it's Germany who plays the deciding role in these talks.
As a cancer scare erupts over a chemical in the fizzy drink ... just how safe is a can of Coke?
House holds Holder in contempt over ‘Fast and Furious’ documents


The House on Thursday cited Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for contempt of Congress in a historic vote weighted with political significance — though it does little to break the stalemate over his decision to withhold documents regarding the Justice Department’s actions in a botched gunwalking operation.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife: The "SUPPRESSED" Cancer Cure We Have Had For Almost 100 Years... (VIDEO)
This video covers just a short part of the amazing story of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His life and his CURE for cancer using his frequency instruments. Please Google all the information in this video and learn about this suppressed cure.
Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare,GMO Rand, and 35 Reasons Micro-Nukes Were Used on 9/11 (VIDEO)
#Supremecourt #obamacare #nukes #micronukes #RandPaul #GMOs #Sep11 #Sept11 #September11 #Corporatemedia #Deathpanels #seniors #socialist #communist #middleclass #taxes #incometax #lamestreammedia #Barrysotero #Obama #Mitt #Romney #MittRomney #monsanto #FDA #agriculture #farms #farmers #consumers #rights #geneticallyengineeredfoods #policestate #education #fluoride #groundzero #heat #moltensteel #sand #radiation #decontamination #security #pulverisation #humanbodies #disapearance #fuding #bones #fireballs #fision #chinasyndrome #epa #cancer
#Supremecourt #obamacare #nukes #micronukes #RandPaul #GMOs #Sep11 #Sept11 #September11 #Corporatemedia #Deathpanels #seniors #socialist #communist #middleclass #taxes #incometax #lamestreammedia #Barrysotero #Obama #Mitt #Romney #MittRomney #monsanto #FDA #agriculture #farms #farmers #consumers #rights #geneticallyengineeredfoods #policestate #education #fluoride #groundzero #heat #moltensteel #sand #radiation #decontamination #security #pulverisation #humanbodies #disapearance #fuding #bones #fireballs #fision #chinasyndrome #epa #cancer
Video of China Shenzhou-9 crew landing after docking mission success (VIDEO)
The capsule carrying the crew of China's Shenzhou-9 spacecraft has successfully landed in the country's Inner Mongolia region after 13 days in space. The success of the mission brings China a step closer to creating its own manned space station.
The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert (VIDEO)
Alex talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama's real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years. Dreams from My Real Father is now available at the Infowars Store.
Alex talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama's real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years. Dreams from My Real Father is now available at the Infowars Store.
At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama's family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.
Post-Tahrir Trauma: 60% Egyptians suffer from PTSD (VIDEO)
The protest mood in Egypt doesn't seem to be subsiding - despite the long-anticipated announcement of the presidential vote results last weekend. Amid the never-ending swarm of political demands, the psychological stress ordinary Egyptians are constantly under is often ignored.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Keiser Report: Zombie Bank Apocalypse (E307) VIDEO
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, demand the big banks prove they are not dead by removing the life support systems, especially cufflinky Jamie Dimon's Too-Big-To-Fail bank. In the second half of the show Max talks to Professor Steve Keen about the wages being negatively related to the level of interest rates and debt.
Alex Jones Show: Thursday (6-28-12) Lee Hazeldean (VIDEO)
On the Thursday, June 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the Supreme Court's Obamacare decision, its implications for the Constitution and the furtherance of tyranny in America. In addition to the Supreme Court's treason, Alex talks with Lee Hazeldean, a pseudonym for an undercover journalist who has blown the lid off the police state security arrangements put in place for the 2012 Olympics in London. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.
Supreme Court Endorses Medical Tyranny (VIDEO)
On the Thursday, June 28 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the Supreme Court's Obamacare decision, its implications for the Constitution and the furtherance of tyranny in America.
Students forever screwed by college loans (VIDEO)
On July 1, student loan interest rates are set to double, but it seems that Congress will step in just in time to prevent this from happening. Although doubling interest rates was eluded, other parts of the deal will have students paying interest on loans while they are in school and immediately after they graduate. Maxwell John Love, a student at University of Wisconsin -- Madison, joins us with more.
Will Obamacare get the US further into debt? (VIDEO)
On Thursday, the Obama administration achieved another historic victory. The Supreme Court decided to maintain Obama's landmark health care law often referred to as "Obamacare." The controversial legislation has divided the country because critics feel that providing insurance coverage for an additional 30 million Americans doesn't mean that the country will be overall healthier. So is Obama just playing politics? Nick Gillespie, editor in chief for Reason.com, joins us with his take on the ruling.
Is The Olympics The Next 9/11? Whistleblower Speaks Out! (VIDEO)
Alex talks with Lee Hazeldean, a pseudonym for an undercover journalist who has blown the lid off the police state security arrangements put in place for the 2012 Olympics in London.
Apple going to war with Iranian-Americans? (VIDEO)
It seems US foreign policy has hit Apple stores across America. A group of Iranians are accusing Apple of racial profiling. The incident occurred when an Apple representative refused to sell an iPad to someone who was Iranian. Now an anti-war anti-sanction group is protesting the tech giant. Bitta Mostofi, an organizer for HAVAAR, joins us with her take on the recent case.
Cyberthreat: Fact or fiction? (VIDEO)
It seems that a terrorism threat is ever present in America, but now many are saying cyber war is the wave of the future? US officials are predicting that the next "Pearl Harbor" will be online. So is this all hype or is there legitimacy to these claims. RT's Liz Wahl has more.
Affordable Care Act Upheld: Mandate Deemed Constitutional

The US Supreme Court today delivered its much anticipated ruling on the health care reform law, a decision with far-reaching legal and political implications in the months, and years, ahead.

The US Supreme Court today delivered its much anticipated ruling on the health care reform law, a decision with far-reaching legal and political implications in the months, and years, ahead.
In a 5-4 vote, with Chief Justice Roberts voting with the more liberal justices, has upheld the law in its entirety.
Texas GOP platform against gay people? (VIDEO)
The GOP is known for loving guns, God and America, but what about gays? RT's Abby Martin takes us on trip to Texas to give details on the 2012 GOP platform in the Lone Star State.
The world's first geneticallymodified humans have been created

The disclosure that 30 healthy babies were born after a series of experiments in the United States provoked another furious debate about ethics.

The disclosure that 30 healthy babies were born after a series of experiments in the United States provoked another furious debate about ethics.
So far, two of the babies have been tested and have been found to contain genes from three 'parents'.
Fifteen of the children were born in the past three years as a result of one experimental programme at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas in New Jersey.
'PIIGS too heavy for Berlin bailout backers' (VIDEO)
With growth in Europe having been stomped out by austerity, the union's leaders are gathering today in an attempt to kindle a new spark. But just how - is proving divisive. The weaker nations want Eurobonds - effectively, a piggy back ride on Germany's cheap interest rates. But Berlin is having none of it. Johan Van Overtveldt, editor-in-chief of Trends Magazine, says Germany is making a point.
Enemies in Deed: US drones & demands hit 'ally' Pakistan (VIDEO)
Three in four Pakistanis now consider the U.S. an enemy - according to a new survey published in America. Ties between the two countries have recently hit new lows over the civilian casualties caused by ongoing US drone attacks. More than twenty people have been killed in militant attacks in Pakistan over the past few days alone, adding to the thousands of lives lost since the Washington-led war in Afghanistan began eleven years ago.
Video: Secret T-90AM 'Flying Tank' performs in full camo (VIDEO)
Russian state-of-art tank T-90AM dubbed the 'flying tank' showed face at a military show in Zhukovsky outside Moscow. The secret tank was in full camouflage to hide some of its upgrades from curious eyes.
Road Warrior Level Depression Coming!! (VIDEO)
Alex runs down the latest news, including an admission by the Pentagon that putting troops on the streets of America is illegal. He also covers the globalist engineered war against Syria where rebels financed and trained by Western intelligence agencies are now ransacking Christian churches.
Sadly Not From The Onion - Texas GOP Against Thinking & Voting Rights (VIDEO)
"It seems more like a headline from the satirical newspaper The Onion, but the Republican Party of Texas recently published its party platform, a report that - among other things - calls for a ban on teaching critical thinking skills in Texas schools because of its "focus on behavior modification" that has "the purpose of challenging the student's fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority." That's just one of the many startling positions adopted by the state's Republican Party at its recent convention in Fort Worth...".
Jan Irvin: R. Gordon Wasson, the Trivium, and More (VIDEO)
#Magicmushrooms #Mushrooms #CFR #CIA #Scandals #civilwar #JPMorgan ##psyop #Aldoushuxley #MKUltra #LSD #Mindcontrol #global #NWO #borders #Imagine #Factchecking #programs #antiwar #conspiracytheory #whobenefits #spiritual
#Magicmushrooms #Mushrooms #CFR #CIA #Scandals #civilwar #JPMorgan ##psyop #Aldoushuxley #MKUltra #LSD #Mindcontrol #global #NWO #borders #Imagine #Factchecking #programs #antiwar #conspiracytheory #whobenefits #spiritual
Graphic video: Syrian family 'slain by rebels' in Hama massacre (VIDEO)
Footage showing the results of an alleged massacre in the Syrian city of Hama in April has been obtained by RT. In the video, family members claim opposition rebels committed the atrocity.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
US military weapons being used at home? (VIDEO)
With over half of the country's income taxes being spent on the military industrial complex, one would think that the money is being put to good use. The US military has some of the best equipment around the world, but did you ever wonder what happens to all that gear once the troops come home.
Robin Hood tax explained (VIDEO)
There is a growing movement in America that could potentially close the ever growing wealth inequality gap. The proposed "Robin Hood tax" would be a fee charged anytime a transaction on Wall Street is made. For decades these traders have avoided paying taxes, so is now the time to implement the Robin Hood tax, and is it really stealing?
Watergate: The Hidden History- Nixon, The Mafia, and The CIA (VIDEO)
#history #President #Watergate #History #Nixon #Mafia #CIA #drugs #Money The #HiddenHistoryNixonTheMafiaandTheCIA
#history #President #Watergate #History #Nixon #Mafia #CIA #drugs #Money The #HiddenHistoryNixonTheMafiaandTheCIA
Even if you know your history... even if you've seen "All the President's Men" 800 times... you don't really know about Watergate, and the motivations behind it. The story is much darker and long-running than you ever thought possible -- and Lamar Waldron's new book "Watergate: The Hidden History: Nixon, The Mafia, and The CIA" gives a whole new layer of insight into not just Watergate, but the long and very strange history of Richard Nixon, the Mafia and the CIA.
Freak Show by Freaking News (PHOTOS)

Road Trippin With John Bolton, George W. Bush and Mitt Romney (PHOTO)

Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (6-27-12) Leslie Manookian (VIDEO)
#AlexJonesShow, #AlexJones #LeslieManookian #TheGreaterGood #documentary #government #vaccination #WallStreet #GoldmanSachs #Pentagon #troops on #America #illegal. #globalist #wars #Syria #rebels #Western #intelligence #Christian #churches.
#AlexJonesShow, #AlexJones #LeslieManookian #TheGreaterGood #documentary #government #vaccination #WallStreet #GoldmanSachs #Pentagon #troops on #America #illegal. #globalist #wars #Syria #rebels #Western #intelligence #Christian #churches.
On the Wednesday, June 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Leslie Manookian, writer and producer of the award winning film The Greater Good, a documentary that questions government vaccination policies. The film is now available on DVD at the Infowars Store. Manookian was a successful Wall Street business executive who once worked for Goldman Sachs before turning to films. Alex also runs down the latest news, including an admission by the Pentagon that putting troops on the streets of America is illegal. He also covers the globalist engineered war against Syria where rebels financed and trained by Western intelligence agencies are now ransacking Christian churches. Alex also takes your calls and tackles other important news items.
Dirty Secret Behind Bain Capital Profits Under Mitt Romney (VIDEO)
#BainCapital #profits #MittRomney #Mitt #Romney #Republican #Presidentialcandidate #Bain #jobs #fees #debt #disgust #voters
#BainCapital #profits #MittRomney #Mitt #Romney #Republican #Presidentialcandidate #Bain #jobs #fees #debt #disgust #voters
How did Bain Capital generate their profits under Mitt Romney? The 2012 Republican Presidential candidate has touted his experience there but the games Bain played with jobs, fees, and debt would likely disgust most voters. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur explains.
Sandusky Trial: Coverup for Another Elite Pedophilia Ring? (VIDEO)
#media is #Sandusky #justice #evidence #molest #kids #pedophiles #pimping #pimps #rich #powerful #pedophilia #rings #coveredup #scapegoats #world #boys #girls #sex #rape
#media is #Sandusky #justice #evidence #molest #kids #pedophiles #pimping #pimps #rich #powerful #pedophilia #rings #coveredup #scapegoats #world #boys #girls #sex #rape
The media is all over the Sandusky case and I guess it makes people feel better to thing the Bad Guy has been caught and justice has been served, but evidence is coming out that Sandusky didn't just molest a few kids- he was pimping them out to the rich and powerful. There have been so many similar cases in the past, where large pedophilia rings have been covered up, with a few scapegoats offered up to make it look like justice has been served- but it never has and these operations continue to flourish around the world.
Is mainstream media dying? (VIDEO)
When you turn on your television it is obvious that the mainstream media's news coverage is superficial. With the decline of news ratings in recent years, many are seeking real news through alternative sources. So where can audiences go for real news?
When you turn on your television it is obvious that the mainstream media's news coverage is superficial. With the decline of news ratings in recent years, many are seeking real news through alternative sources. So where can audiences go for real news?
For more, Journalism Professor at Georgetown University Christopher Chambers joins us.
WAR on The American People 2/2 (VIDEO)
The WAR on the American people has started. Urban Warfare Drills taking place nationwide has me just a little freaked out. Thanks for watching and subscribe for weekly updates.
Monsanto's history marred by scandal (VIDEO)
The Monsanto corporation makes their money by producing man-made crops, but the company behind some controversial GMOs isn't spared from scandals. RT's Abby Martin discusses with Liz Wahl Monsanto's sordid past and their often untold history with America's agriculture business.
C2CAM - Natural Solutions & Treatments Discussed !! - 06.26.12 (VIDEO)
#salads #georgia #Listeria #dole #lettuce #food #flesheatingbacteria #adkins #calories #UK #stress #dimentia #indiana #dog #child #florida #killerbees #bees #NJ #turkeys #likonomics #Conventionalmedicine #naturalmedicine #medicine #therapies #clinics #cancer #patients #herbals #Tijuana #clinics
#salads #georgia #Listeria #dole #lettuce #food #flesheatingbacteria #adkins #calories #UK #stress #dimentia #indiana #dog #child #florida #killerbees #bees #NJ #turkeys #likonomics #Conventionalmedicine #naturalmedicine #medicine #therapies #clinics #cancer #patients #herbals #Tijuana #clinics
Visionary filmmaker and social entrepreneur Kenny Ausubel discussed his journey looking for environmental solutions drawn from nature's intelligence, and the corrosive civil war between natural and conventional medicine that has led to the suppression of promising therapies. He spoke at length about the saga of Harry Hoxsey, who set up clinics and treated cancer patients with an herbal formula. "It's been called the wildest story in medical history," with Hoxsey being jailed countless times, and engaging in a series of court battles, most of which he won. His last US clinic was closed in 1960, and moved to Tijuana where it still exists.
'Trained in terror to take advantage of US-created chaos in Muslim world' (VIDEO)
The UK's top spy agency believes new terror training camps in Arab Spring countries could pose a major threat.
The UK's top spy agency believes new terror training camps in Arab Spring countries could pose a major threat.
The head of MI5 said the uprisings, which NATO and its allies have supported, allowed Al Qaeda to move in. Up to 200 extremists from the UK are thought to have joined heavily armed groups abroad.
RT talks to retired lieutenant-colonel Tony Shay-fer from the Center for Advanced Defence Studies.
Is Europe shooting itself in the foot with Iran oil embargo? (RT interview) VIDEO
On the 1st of July Europe will cease importing oil from Iran and new US sanctions will also come into place. To talk about how this will affect the energy market RT is joined by prize-winning author and energy specialist Daniel Yergin.
USPS workers go on hunger strike (VIDEO)
United States Postal Service workers are going on a hunger strike on Capital Hill.The hope is to save the dying agency from budget cuts brought on by Congress and trying to stop massive lay-offs. Chuck Bader, treasurer for the American Postal Workers Union, joins us with more.
Turn The US Post Office business over to UPS/FEDEX/Halliburton/Blackwater and Pay $14.95 to mail a letter
Jane Burgermeister - vaccine pandemic update 25 June 2012 (VIDEO)
#swinwfluvaccine #vaccines #norway #sweden #norway #narcolepsi #Swineflu #hoax #pandemic #populationcontrol #virus #bigpharma #genocide #eugenics #WHO #UN #baxter #birdflu #virus #bioweapons #CIA #stockpile #france #poisoning #Paris #population #mainstreammedia
#swinwfluvaccine #vaccines #norway #sweden #norway #narcolepsi #Swineflu #hoax #pandemic #populationcontrol #virus #bigpharma #genocide #eugenics #WHO #UN #baxter #birdflu #virus #bioweapons #CIA #stockpile #france #poisoning #Paris #population #mainstreammedia
WAR on The American People 1/2 (VIDEO)
Tanks rolling down the street in St. Louis is the latest example of urban warfare drills breaking out across America. In San Diego the Pentagon as built a mock American City made up of 1,560 buildings for troops and special forces to train. Why is the system doing this? And what if anything does this have to do with the ecumenic collapse?
We Are Already In Re-Education Camps (VIDEO)
In today's video, Christopher Greene explains how deeply deceptive the re-education system is and argues that we are already in mind-controlling FEMA camps, we just don't know it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
'Pistol Whip' Nuns - Conservative Host's Outrageous Comments (VIDEO)
#conservative #radioshowhost #Republicans #Christian #religion #Catholic #nuns #bustour #protest #Paul Ryan #vatican #pope #Wisconsin #budget #handgun #Washington #JanMickelson #TomLatham #pistolwhip
#conservative #radioshowhost #Republicans #Christian #religion #Catholic #nuns #bustour #protest #Paul Ryan #vatican #pope #Wisconsin #budget #handgun #Washington #JanMickelson #TomLatham #pistolwhip
"A conservative radio host says that the Catholic nuns who have embarked on a nine-state bus tour to protest the injustice of Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI) proposed budget deserve to be beaten with a handgun because they "threw the first punch." "There's a bus full of nuns headed towards Washington to lobby against the Ryan plan," radio host Jan Mickelson told Rep. Tom Latham (R-IA) last week. "Do you guys, do you have any power to pull the nuns on the bus over and pistol whip them?"...".
CBS pulls down billboards calling for end to US aid to Israel (PHOTOS)

Stop30Billion billboard on Melrose Avenue -- before and after

Stop30Billion billboard on Melrose Avenue -- before and after
Two weeks back we reported on 23 billboards being put up in the Los Angeles area calling for an end to aid to Israel. The ads have been torn down by the billboard operator, CBS Outdoor, which is part of CBS, the media giant.
9/11 North Tower Demolition - West Face Descending Horizontal Blast Profile From Street Level (VIDEO)
How can concrete and steel TURN TO DUST by burning jet fuel? It can't!!!
#September11 #Sep11 #Sept11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenter #Guiliani #Cheney #Bush #Mullens #Mueller #Obama #Holder #DOD #Justice #truth #Afghanistan #Iraq #BinLaden #AlQaeda #FOIA #NIST #IranContra #Drugs #Terror #Terrorism #FalseFlag #Eyewitness #Explosion #Bomb #Bombs #Explosions #raygun #Bloomberg #media #towers #Evidence
How can concrete and steel TURN TO DUST by burning jet fuel? It can't!!!

The west face of the North Tower fails to grade in high velocity horizontal gas and material debris ejection faster than the debris on the north face falls through air, which is impossible in a mechanical collapse.
#September11 #Sep11 #Sept11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenter #Guiliani #Cheney #Bush #Mullens #Mueller #Obama #Holder #DOD #Justice #truth #Afghanistan #Iraq #BinLaden #AlQaeda #FOIA #NIST #IranContra #Drugs #Terror #Terrorism #FalseFlag #Eyewitness #Explosion #Bomb #Bombs #Explosions #raygun #Bloomberg #media #towers #Evidence
Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (6-26-12) - Billy Corgan & Jesse Ventura - (VIDEO)
#SmashingPumpkins #BillyCorgan #AlexJones in #policestate #GMO #actors, #authors, #wrestlers #Minnesota, #JesseVentura. #Ventura #TSA #whistleblower #DemoCRIPS #ReBLOODlicans #Infowars #EASSystem
#SmashingPumpkins #BillyCorgan #AlexJones in #policestate #GMO #actors, #authors, #wrestlers #Minnesota, #JesseVentura. #Ventura #TSA #whistleblower #DemoCRIPS #ReBLOODlicans #Infowars #EASSystem
Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan talks with Alex in an explosive taped interview. Corgan and Jones cover a variety of issues, from the police state to GMO and more. Alex also talks with actor, author, former professional wrestler and the former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura. Alex and Ventura talk about TSA whistleblowers, the disintegration of republic and his new book, DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans, now available at the Infowars store. Alex also confronts the latest news and takes your calls.
Monsanto's seedy legacy (VIDEO)
#Monsanto #bees #Honey #corn #gmo #geneticallymodified #foods #seeds #herbicides #FDA #government #agriculture #farmers #vietnam #agentorange #Alabama #poisoning #PCBs #crops #devastating #insects #consumers #labeling #vermont #lawsuit #GMCs #patents #pollen #decimation
Agricultural giant Monsanto is best known for their production of pesticides and genetically modified foods, but they have a controversial history as a chemical company with a slew of toxic cover ups.

#Monsanto #bees #Honey #corn #gmo #geneticallymodified #foods #seeds #herbicides #FDA #government #agriculture #farmers #vietnam #agentorange #Alabama #poisoning #PCBs #crops #devastating #insects #consumers #labeling #vermont #lawsuit #GMCs #patents #pollen #decimation
Agricultural giant Monsanto is best known for their production of pesticides and genetically modified foods, but they have a controversial history as a chemical company with a slew of toxic cover ups.
In addition to their battle against small farmers, the newest buzz about the corporation is the speculation that their GM seeds are linked to the die off of bees.

Canadians fight for their right to die (VIDEO)
Up until recently, if a doctor in Canada assisted someone with committing suicide it could land them up to 14 years in jail. But a British Columbia judged has ruled that banning euthanasia is discriminating against terminally ill patients. The judge has given the Canadian Parliament one year to change the laws, but will this happen? Sheila Noyes, past president for Dying with Dignity Canada, joins us with her take on the judge's ruling.
Swearing Ban Cursed at Protest, Agenda 21, Drones, Mosquitos and More (VIDEO)
#Swearing #Ban #Cursed #Protest #Agenda21 #Drones #Mosquitos #profanity #massachusetts #Immoral #Peaceful #Novictimnocrime #religion #nonviolent #censor #Freespeech #Victims #Bigbrother #Bigsis #nanistate #ABC #Jimmycarter #Humanrights #Obama #Carter #NWO #Romney #Mittromney #Pakistan #Innocents #Geneticallyengineered #environment #Australia #Fastandfurious #drugs #military #Britishcomandos #Syria #Greece #Parties #ericholder #Executiveprivileges #UN #Globalgovernance #humans #slavery #sheeple #fires Arizona #farmers
#Swearing #Ban #Cursed #Protest #Agenda21 #Drones #Mosquitos #profanity #massachusetts #Immoral #Peaceful #Novictimnocrime #religion #nonviolent #censor #Freespeech #Victims #Bigbrother #Bigsis #nanistate #ABC #Jimmycarter #Humanrights #Obama #Carter #NWO #Romney #Mittromney #Pakistan #Innocents #Geneticallyengineered #environment #Australia #Fastandfurious #drugs #military #Britishcomandos #Syria #Greece #Parties #ericholder #Executiveprivileges #UN #Globalgovernance #humans #slavery #sheeple #fires Arizona #farmers
Call to ban cola ingredient linked to cancer

#coloring #cancer #softdrinks #CocaCola #Pepsi #Pepsicola #coke #Dietpepsi #dietcoke #cokezero #Britain #UK #Greatbritain #England #chemical, #caramelcolor #methylimidazole #UnitedStates #US #USA #America #California #cancerwarning #world #manufacturers #consumers #Europe
A colouring which has been linked to cancer and is found in soft drinks including Coca-Cola must be banned in Britain, campaigners have said.

#coloring #cancer #softdrinks #CocaCola #Pepsi #Pepsicola #coke #Dietpepsi #dietcoke #cokezero #Britain #UK #Greatbritain #England #chemical, #caramelcolor #methylimidazole #UnitedStates #US #USA #America #California #cancerwarning #world #manufacturers #consumers #Europe
A colouring which has been linked to cancer and is found in soft drinks including Coca-Cola must be banned in Britain, campaigners have said.
The chemical, which gives some cola-flavoured drinks their caramel colour, has been linked to causing cancer according to laboratory tests.
The levels of the additive, known as 4-methylimidazole (4-MI), have already been reduced in Coca-Cola and Pepsi in the United States, after the state of California stipulated any food or drink containing it must be labelled with a cancer warning.
No such change has yet been adopted in Britain or the rest of the world.
Alberto Gonzales Confronted On Torture (VIDEO)
#GeorgeWBush #Bush #AttorneyGeneral #AlbertoGonzales #LukeRudkowski #wearechangeorg and #AbbyMartin #mediarootsorg #torture. #DepartmentofJustice #memo #WhiteHouse #DefenseDepartment #Counsels #War CrimesAct #GenevaConventions #JaySBybee #Bybee #WilliamJHaynesII #PresidentBush #international #Afghanistan #failedstate #Guantánamo #AlQaeda #US #USA #America
Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales gets confronted by Luke Rudkowski of wearechange.org and Abby Martin of mediaroots.org about torture.
#GeorgeWBush #Bush #AttorneyGeneral #AlbertoGonzales #LukeRudkowski #wearechangeorg and #AbbyMartin #mediarootsorg #torture. #DepartmentofJustice #memo #WhiteHouse #DefenseDepartment #Counsels #War CrimesAct #GenevaConventions #JaySBybee #Bybee #WilliamJHaynesII #PresidentBush #international #Afghanistan #failedstate #Guantánamo #AlQaeda #US #USA #America
Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales gets confronted by Luke Rudkowski of wearechange.org and Abby Martin of mediaroots.org about torture.
SOURCE: Jan 22, 2002 - Department of Justice memo to White House and Defense Department Counsels regarding the application of the War Crimes Act and the Geneva Conventions
The 37-page memo, written by Assistant Attorney General Jay S. Bybee, is addressed to White House Counsel Alberto R. Gonzales and General Counsel at the Pentagon William J. Haynes II.
The memo states that President Bush is not bound by international obligations to Afghanistan because it is a "failed state," and that therefore the War Crimes Act of 1984 and the Geneva Convention do not apply to prisoners from the Afghanistan conflict.
92 percent of the men ever held in Guantánamo are not "Al-Qaeda fighters," by the U.S. government's own records.
Turkey sends Tanks, Cannons and Troops to be Deployed on Syrian border 26.06.12 (VIDEO)
#Turkey #troops #Syrianborder, #Syria #Erdogan #warning #soldiers #border #Turkish #Zaman #Cihannewsagency #tanks #cannons, #Diyarbakir #Aleppo #soldiers #defectors #alJazeera #defections #helicopters
Turkey has sent troop reinforcement to the Syrian border, after Erdogan's warning that soldiers approaching the border will be treated as target, the Turkish daily Zaman reported citing the Cihan news agency.
#Turkey #troops #Syrianborder, #Syria #Erdogan #warning #soldiers #border #Turkish #Zaman #Cihannewsagency #tanks #cannons, #Diyarbakir #Aleppo #soldiers #defectors #alJazeera #defections #helicopters
Turkey has sent troop reinforcement to the Syrian border, after Erdogan's warning that soldiers approaching the border will be treated as target, the Turkish daily Zaman reported citing the Cihan news agency.
It said 15 military vehicles, including tanks and cannons, were dispatched to the border from Diyarbakir.
Meanwhile, activists in the outskirts of Aleppo say that 280 soldiers defected today in Idlib near the main highway leading to Aleppo, al-Jazeera reports.
There is no independent confirmation but if the report is correct it would be one of the largest mass defections so far.
According to the activists cited by al-Jazeera, there were clashes between the defectors and the Syrian army. One helicopter was allegedly shot down and six tanks destroyed.
News in Pictures, June 18 - 24 pictures by Freaking News (PHOTOS)

Eric Holder Wasn't FAST And He Made Them Furious

CLICK HERE FOR MORE News in Pictures, June 18 - 24 pictures by Freaking News
SWAT Team Brings TV Crew To Film Raid Against Threatening Internet Critic -- Raids Innocent Grandma Instead

Evansville, Indiana police intent on "sending a message" that online threats against police will not be tolerated organized a massive raid against a forum troll on an online forum. The police decided to bring a TV crew to film their raid against their critic, they also brought a SWAT team.

Evansville, Indiana police intent on "sending a message" that online threats against police will not be tolerated organized a massive raid against a forum troll on an online forum. The police decided to bring a TV crew to film their raid against their critic, they also brought a SWAT team.
Rather than knock on the accused's front door, which was wide open, the police instead threw two flash-bang stun grenades through their front window and storm door.
Unfortunately, rather than finding the home occupied by a gun-toting cop killer, they found an entirely innocent grandmother and 18-year-old girl, who were both shocked and confused.
Shit Mitt Romney Says (VIDEO)
Mitt Romney says a lot of crazy stuff and makes a lot of crazy money.
World Chemtrail Awareness Day 2012 July 7th (VIDEO)
#Chemtrails #USA #US #America #Worldwide #genocide #populationcontrol #germwarfare #Bio #Eugenics #weatermanipulation #HAARP #mainstreammedia #Lamestreammedia #Media #corporatemedia #governments #public #globally #citizens #WorldWeWant #July7
No matter where you live, Chemtrails are a source of concern. This is your opportunity to join forces with people from all over the world, who have the same concerns.
#Chemtrails #USA #US #America #Worldwide #genocide #populationcontrol #germwarfare #Bio #Eugenics #weatermanipulation #HAARP #mainstreammedia #Lamestreammedia #Media #corporatemedia #governments #public #globally #citizens #WorldWeWant #July7
No matter where you live, Chemtrails are a source of concern. This is your opportunity to join forces with people from all over the world, who have the same concerns.
One thing is crucial; contact your local media. This is vital to show governments and the public that we are organized globally, and that we are prepared and serious.
Tell your local governments and media you want an explanation to this destructive activity! There is safety in numbers, so join up with as many concerned citizens as you can!
Let's create the *World We Want*
Prepare prior to July 7th 2012
Ron Paul delegates banned from RNC (VIDEO)
#RonPaul #delegates #Massachusetts #RepublicanNationaConvention #RNC #Tampa, #Florida. #MittRomney #party #FreedomWorks
Seventeen Ron Paul delegates from Massachusetts have been disqualified from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.
#RonPaul #delegates #Massachusetts #RepublicanNationaConvention #RNC #Tampa, #Florida. #MittRomney #party #FreedomWorks
Seventeen Ron Paul delegates from Massachusetts have been disqualified from the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.
The motion comes after the 17members refused to sign an affidavit that would back Mitt Romney at the RNC.Never in the history of the party have delegates been required to sign the document,so why now?
Austin Petersen, director of production for Freedom Works, joins us for more.
NATO slams Syria over jet attack, Turkey rattles sabres (VIDEO)
#NATO #emergency #Turkey #jets #shotdown Syria #alliance#Damascus
#Ankara #spying
#NATO #emergency #Turkey #jets #shotdown Syria #alliance#Damascus
#Ankara #spying
NATO has held an emergency closed door meeting at Turkey's request, after one its fighter jets was shot down by Syria.
The alliance has condemned Damascus' actions... but fell short of calling it an attack on the whole bloc. RT's Tesa Arcilla reports.
Turkey claims its downed jet was unarmed, and was on a training flight, testing the country's radars. But the head of an independent Syrian media outlet, says Ankara could have been spying on Damascus
Police to get "Shock Detention Collars" with Tasers (VIDEO)
David from Washington,a police officer, tells Alex Jones his Department is getting shock collars with tasers and they will stock each patrol car with 100 of them.
The Julian Assange Show: Noam Chomsky & Tariq Ali (E10) VIDEO
A surprise Arab drive for freedom, the West's structural crisis and new hope coming from Latin America. That's the modern world in the eyes of Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali, two prominent thinkers and this week's guests on Julian Assange's show on RT.
Fast And Furious 'Gun Control' Conspiracy (VIDEO)
"House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) doubled down on a right wing conspiracy theory this morning, again suggesting that the failed "Fast and Furious" operation was a secret scheme by Democrats designed to promote stronger gun control regulation. But he also admitted that he had absolutely no evidence to back the theory and likely never would...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down, including the idea that the right might be targeting holder to assist voter suppression efforts and voter ID laws prior to the 2012 elections.
MSM Admits Alex Jones was Right! Banking Cartel Runs It All (VIDEO)
On the Monday, June 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the firestorm that has ensued following the placement of Army troops and combat vehicles on the streets of St. Louis, Missouri. The corporate media is now praising the act as a response to crime and are featuring propaganda of residents who approve of the brazen move that flies in the face of warnings by the founders against standing armies and tyranny. He takes your calls and covers the latest breaking news on today's worldwide transmission.
Is Fast and Furious Obama's Watergate? Douglas J. Hagmann Reports (VIDEO)
Unless you've been trapped in a cave or your television has been stuck on MSNBC, chances are good that you are aware of a growing scandal known as Operation Fast & Furious. Chances are equally good that you don't know all of the intricate details of Fast & Furious, as it has been the practice of this administration and many in leadership positions to confuse the public, convolute the facts, and downplay the murderous scandal that leads directly to the highest levels of this administration.
Monday, June 25, 2012
9/11 Molten Steel For Weeks After (VIDEO)
Its not possible for a 1 hour fuel accelerated class A/B office fire create enough energy to keep steel molten for weeks after the collapses unless there was additional energy, according to the laws of thermodynamics. Heat always transfers from hot to cold and you will never get more energy (heat) out of a system than you have available. A very large release of energy, far more than potential in a poorly combusted five story office fire, is the only way this is possible.
Facebook changes users' listed email addresses without warning

Facebook has introduced its latest social media innovation – changing the email addresses posted by users on their profiles, en masse and without warning.

Facebook has introduced its latest social media innovation – changing the email addresses posted by users on their profiles, en masse and without warning.
In the change, which took effect on Monday, Facebook abruptly replaced the details users had elected to associate with their account with addresses using a "@facebook.com" convention.
Emails sent to the Facebook address end up in the site's messaging system, rather than users' email accounts.
Domestic Drones 101 (VIDEO)
Here at RT America, we have brought you extensive coverage of the Federal Aviation Administration's plan to allow unmanned drones to fill America's sky by 2020, but what does this mean for Americans?
C2CAM - 9-11 Truth Discussed !! (Main Show Only) VIDEO
#September11 #Sep11 #Sept11 #architects #WTC #fabrications #dust #researchers #Engineers #Architectsandengineersfor911truth
#September11 #Sep11 #Sept11 #architects #WTC #fabrications #dust #researchers #Engineers #Architectsandengineersfor911truth
Whistleblower: TSA Hiring Criminals on Purpose!! (VIDEO)
Tsa whistleblower calls alex jones and reveals the tsa are hiring harden criminals on purpose!
Alex Jones Show: Monday (6-25-12) - Deborah Tavares - (VIDEO)
#Monday #June 25 #AlexJonesShow #Army #troops #combat #StLouis, #Missouri #corporatemedia #crime #propaganda #residents #tyranny #Agenda21 #smartmeter
#Monday #June 25 #AlexJonesShow #Army #troops #combat #StLouis, #Missouri #corporatemedia #crime #propaganda #residents #tyranny #Agenda21 #smartmeter
On the Monday, June 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the firestorm that has ensued following the placement of Army troops and combat vehicles on the streets of St. Louis, Missouri. The corporate media is now praising the act as a response to crime and are featuring propaganda of residents who approve of the brazen move that flies in the face of warnings by the founders against standing armies and tyranny. Alex also talks with anti-Agenda 21 and smart meter opponent activist Deborah Tavares . He takes your calls and covers the latest breaking news on today's worldwide transmission.
Assange Episode 10: End of the world as we know it? (VIDEO)
While Ecuador mulls the decision of giving Julian Assange diplomatic asylum, the whistleblower remains ensconced in the country's embassy in London. He sought refuge there almost a week ago, after the UK Supreme Court decided on his extradition to Sweden where he's wanted on questioning over sexual assault accusations.
Tornado in Pass-a-Grille (St. Pete Beach) Florida Tropical Storm Debby June 24, 2012 (VIDEO)
Home video shot by Lawrence Free shows a tornado as it goes through Pass-a-Grille during Tropical Storm Debby on Sunday evening. WARNING: some graphic language. I understand this tornado touched down and damaged the Seahorse Restaurant.
Thanks, Sunny
Army Looks to Strike Foes with Lightning Weapon

Today’s military lasers can blind spy satellites or burn enemy vehicles, but tomorrow’s could guide lightning bolts to strike and destroy battlefield targets.

Was this laser already tested on September 11, 2001? Nobody really saw airplanes hit the WTC buildingds or the Pentagon. Were the films showing the airplnes striking the WTC towers forgeries provided to the American news stations by the government?
Today’s military lasers can blind spy satellites or burn enemy vehicles, but tomorrow’s could guide lightning bolts to strike and destroy battlefield targets.
A U.S. Army lab is testing how lasers can create an energized plasma channel in the air — an invisible pathway for electricity to follow.
The laser-guided lightning weapon could precisely hit targets such as enemy tanks or unexploded roadside bombs, because such targets represent better conductors for electricity than the ground.
Dr Judy Wood Pt 1, 2, 3, 4 ... - DEW & 9/11 - March 16 2010 (VIDEO)
The data told us what destroyed the twin towers. The data told us that directed-energy weapons must exist. We were not aware that the US military had directed-energy weapons. After we concluded that some sort of energy weapon was used, we looked for evidence that such weapons exist and found it. - Dr. Judy Wood
reptilian shapeshifter barack obama (VIDEO)
watch him morph as he walks up...eyes shift at 3:47
Down-the-drain trading: Self-destroying cyber-sewer economy (VIDEO)
Watch the full Keiser Report 305 on Tuesday.
Watch the full Keiser Report 305 on Tuesday.
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the world looking for people looking for economic salvation in gold, the eurozone and emerging markets and ask "what kind of stupid people put precious money into messy banks?" In the second half of the show Max talks to former market maker and newsletter writer, Rick Ackerman, about inflation, deflation, the euro and the student loan market.
Military & Police Call in About Gun Confiscation Orders (VIDEO
#StLouis #USArmy #tanks #residential #neighborhoods #martiallaw. #militarypolice #FortMeade, #Maryland #armoredtanks #highways #citystreets #KSDK #Facebook #Army #CaseyNolan #citizens #video #photographs #militarization #lawenforcement #acclimation #Americans #troops #paramilitary #soldiers #NationalGuard #Hartford, #Connecticut #PuertoRico
#StLouis #USArmy #tanks #residential #neighborhoods #martiallaw. #militarypolice #FortMeade, #Maryland #armoredtanks #highways #citystreets #KSDK #Facebook #Army #CaseyNolan #citizens #video #photographs #militarization #lawenforcement #acclimation #Americans #troops #paramilitary #soldiers #NationalGuard #Hartford, #Connecticut #PuertoRico
6/25/2012 -- Tropical Storm ' Debby ' stalls out off Florida Gulf Coast (VIDEO)
If you are from #Louisiana, #Mississippi, #Alabama, or #Florida.. when the storm is gone and done with.. check for OIL on the beaches !!!!!!
'Turkey jet scandal just what NATO wants to push agenda' (VIDEO)
#NATO #Syria shooting down of a #Turkey #militaryplane. #Washington #Britain #Assad #Ankara #jet #internationalairspace #Damas #Syrian airspace #spymission #MediterraneanSea
NATO leaders are to hammer out a response to Syria's shooting down of a Turkish military plane.
#NATO #Syria shooting down of a #Turkey #militaryplane. #Washington #Britain #Assad #Ankara #jet #internationalairspace #Damas #Syrian airspace #spymission #MediterraneanSea
NATO leaders are to hammer out a response to Syria's shooting down of a Turkish military plane.
Washington has described the act as brazen and unacceptable, while Britain says the Assad regime will be held accountable.
Ankara insists the jet was downed in international airspace without warning, while Damascus maintains it was flying over Syrian territory.
Turkey has denied claims the plane was on a spying mission, saying it was on a training flight.
Syria responded that its actions were defensive and not aggressive.
Wreckage has already been located in the Mediterranean Sea, with the search for two missing pilots ongoing.
John Rees from the Stop the War Coalition, says the incident was most likely an error, that could yet turn into an international conflict.