Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sarah Palin compares herself to Reagan to defend reality show


This 2010 file photo shows almost US vice-president Sarah "Reagan" Palin and co-star Bonzo in a movie still from the film "Maverick Bonzo Goes Roque".

Sarah Palin said Sunday that her new reality television series doesn't hurt her chances in a 2012 presidential run because President Ronald Reagan was also an entertainer.

Karl Rove told the British newspaper Telegraph last week that Palin's new TLC show, Sarah Palin's Alaska, doesn't help her 2012 chances.

Hey Sarah! Regan served eight years as governor of California - he didn't quit his job like you did. Also, there are people living in California, unlike Alaska.


Brazil finds massive oil field


A newly-tapped oil field off the coast of Brazil could contain up to 15 billion barrels of oil, officials say.

"We must invade Brazil! They have WMDs! They did 9/11! They are the new Al-Qaeda headquarters! Osama bin Laden is hiding in Brazil! Yemeni bombers have cousins in Brazil! Brazil is about to build a nuclear bomb! Hurry, we must attack now!" - Official American Neocon Souse


UFO: Ronald Reagan's speech about UFO Alien at UN


Even Ronald Reagan was thinking about hoaxing the world with aliens to bring about a one world government!


Sarah Palin Says Rubio’s Ideas Are ‘Mavericky’ And 'Going Rogue' 'Kinda' Doing It, 'You Know', 'Kinda' Started It


This talk shows the new vocabulary that Sarah Palin has acquired since her failed attempt on becoming the US VP after failing at being Governor of Alaska: "Mavericky" (almost, not quite, like McCain and her), "Going Rogue" (the title of her book) and "kinda" (not quite there yet). She has really matured in two years and mastered the English language, "You know". Her hands loooked un-inked this time (maybe that's the problem) - Chimp


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Simon & Garfunkel perform live in New York City's Central Park September 19, 1981 with a crowd of half a million fans


I watched this live on TV and loved it. Eventually, I bought the VHS video. Now, I own the DVD. I still enjoy watching and listening to this concert.

Out of all the songs, the best one to me is the last one: Late in the Evening (encore performance) because of the fabulous band. I put my headphones on and blast away! TO ME, THIS IS THE GREATEST BAND SOUND EVER! - Chimp

Late in the Evening (encore performance)

This is the version of the same song, sung in the middle of this concert (the one above was the last ENCORE version):

What started as a suggestion for Paul Simon to play a concert in New York's Central Park blossomed, on September 19, 1981, as a full-blown Simon and Garfunkel reunion after an 11-year hiatus, and now proves a priceless snapshot of two of America's greatest folk-rock performers.

Performed with a who's-who of East Coast session aces before a record-setting crowd of half a million fans, The Concert in Central Park finds its stars just shy of their 40th birthdays and very much in their primes, their voices sweet and pure and their playing relaxed, perfectly in tune and in synch.

The two harmonize so well it's amazing and even though they were live, playing in front of a mammoth crowd, most of their songs sound like perfect studio takes.

Simon and Garfunkel - The Concert in Central Park (1982)

And here's a 1992 (11 years later) version by Paul Simon:




Look at the left tower right at video start, 35 seconds, and 51 seconds!

They look like rapid-fire explosions like when buildings are being demolished on purpose,


Birthday, Freaking Birthday pictures by Freaking News


Click to enlarge

It's funny and scary.

Last night, as I was in bed watching TV this black dude was singing Happy Birthday and at the end, said "Happy Birthday"..

I wondered how he knew. Don't have any idea what he was selling.

Just now, I go on Freaking News and what's their topic?

"Birthday, Freaking Birthday pictures"

I know Google knows what I'm doing. Also the CIA, Homeland Security, NSA, Secret Service, Mossad and the FBI .

But Freaking News?

- Chimp

