Thursday, September 30, 2010
Fox News Panel Unanimous In Support For U.S. Government Assassinating Citizens

During the O'Reilly Factor last night (9/28/10), there was a discussion about the Obama administration's possible plan to assassinate an American citizen without benefit of a trial because he has been deemed a national security threat.
"As long as Obama doesn't put the fair and balanced FOX News talking heads on the assassination list, we think it's great!" - Un-Foxed News Heads Souse

During the O'Reilly Factor last night (9/28/10), there was a discussion about the Obama administration's possible plan to assassinate an American citizen without benefit of a trial because he has been deemed a national security threat.
I don't know about you but I find that at best a chilling proposition.
But neither the two legal experts nor Bill O'Reilly indicated the slightest qualm.
"As long as Obama doesn't put the fair and balanced FOX News talking heads on the assassination list, we think it's great!" - Un-Foxed News Heads Souse
Russia Quietly Takes Over Ukraine

Moscow’s chance to formally take back Ukraine came on February 14, with the election of Ukraine’s new president.

Moscow’s chance to formally take back Ukraine came on February 14, with the election of Ukraine’s new president.
Russia’s puppet, Yanukovich, won, albeit by a very slim margin of only 3.48 percent.
On April 21, Yanukovich and Medvedev signed the Khariv accords, which allowed Russia to station its Black Sea fleet in the Crimea, and in return Ukraine was given a substantial discount on gas imported from Russia.
The agreement, however, is heavily in Russia’s favor and ensures Ukraine’s dependency on Russia for decades to come.
White House berated for honoring 'war criminal' Kissinger

"As an idealistic college student, Hillary Clinton protested Kissinger's mass murder of civilians in Indochina," Branfman continues.

"As an idealistic college student, Hillary Clinton protested Kissinger's mass murder of civilians in Indochina," Branfman continues.
"But on Sept. 29 she will introduce Kissinger at the State Department Historian's conference, giving him a platform to continue 40 years of Orwellian deception in which he has sought to blame Congress for the fall of Indochina rather than accepting responsibility for his massive miscalculations and indifference to human suffering."

States the Israeli spy ring were known to have operated in, according to a June 2001 Drug Enforcement Administration report (this Fox news graphic was based on information from that report). [Source: Fox News]
They entered the United States as art students, but dozens of young Israelis may have shown more of an appreciation for espionage, a stunning government report reveals.

States the Israeli spy ring were known to have operated in, according to a June 2001 Drug Enforcement Administration report (this Fox news graphic was based on information from that report). [Source: Fox News]
They entered the United States as art students, but dozens of young Israelis may have shown more of an appreciation for espionage, a stunning government report reveals.
At least 120 Israeli art students have been rounded up in the past year and deported after apparently blowing their covers with suspicious activity, officials said.
The students "may well be an organized intelligence-gathering activity," says a draft of the Drug Enforcement Administration report.
Bank Of America Debt Collectors Called Borrowers "F___ing N__ger" And "Punk" To Get Them To Pick Up The Phone

Bank of America has been busted using some seriously outrageous tactics to try to collect debts so small they're barely worth the paper they're written on.

Bank of America has been busted using some seriously outrageous tactics to try to collect debts so small they're barely worth the paper they're written on.
It wasn't until ABC News ambushed BOFA CEO Brian Moynihan Michael-Moore style outside his office that the firm finally responded by firing its debt-collection firm.
Robert Gates: 'We're Not Ever Leaving' Afghanistan

"The Afghan oil pipelines control the world distribution of oil plus Afghanistan has the largest supply of opium in the world. Why would we ever leave?" - King of Washing DC


In a shocking indication of a split between the White House and the Pentagon over the war in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates believes that the U.S. military will never leave the war-torn country.
"The Afghan oil pipelines control the world distribution of oil plus Afghanistan has the largest supply of opium in the world. Why would we ever leave?" - King of Washing DC

Censored Gulf of Mexico news: Children crying, covered in blood. Spray-poisoning backyards

Late Saturday, a North Pensacola parent anonymously reported that her preschooler tested positive for 2 VOCs: Ethyl-benzene and mpzylene. Other sick people, many bleeding, flood Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor's headquarters with phone calls and emails asking for urgent health care,
Late Saturday, a North Pensacola parent anonymously reported that her preschooler tested positive for 2 VOCs: Ethyl-benzene and mpzylene. Other sick people, many bleeding, flood Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor's headquarters with phone calls and emails asking for urgent health care,
Survival Detox Kits, as the PMIC continues its crime against humanity, now further inland, saturating land and water with poison - into people's backyards.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Kill Women & Children Empire-wide for Uncle Sam But Don't Be Gay When Doin' It - Judge Orders Lesbian Reinstated to Air Force

Click to enlarge
They did this right before her retirement to keep her from getting her benefits.
Click to enlarge
They did this right before her retirement to keep her from getting her benefits.
Good for her in fighting back.
It's amazing that in our societal upbringing, teaching kids to kill, that violence is the norm and war is a way of business or a good days work, yet nudity, sex and love is the downfall of our civilization - killing people, taking their lives, their body parts is standard practice but the beautiful natural act of the human race embracing, procreating, loving and creating human life is pornographic, sinful and needs to be regulated by bureaucrats here in the District of Criminals.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Study: Atheists Know the Most About Religion
WRH's Commentary:
Of course we know more about religion. We studied it. That's why we are atheists!
When I was a small boy living in New Hampshire farming country, I attended the local congregational church and sang in the choir. As a gift for singing in the choir I was given a bible. That was their big mistake, because I read the thing, cover to cover. And I started asking questions. And that was when I was asked to leave!
A new survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that most religious Americans don't know shit about their own religions. Sample fun finding: "A majority of Protestants, for instance, couldn't identify Martin Luther as the driving force behind the Protestant Reformation."
WRH's Commentary:
Of course we know more about religion. We studied it. That's why we are atheists!
When I was a small boy living in New Hampshire farming country, I attended the local congregational church and sang in the choir. As a gift for singing in the choir I was given a bible. That was their big mistake, because I read the thing, cover to cover. And I started asking questions. And that was when I was asked to leave!
PressTV - 'Americans seek probe into 9/11'
I do not need a new probe into 911. I am satisfied that I have come to the correct conclusions about what happened on that day and I do not cede to the government already proven a liar the authority to tell me whether I am right or wrong. Another government investigation will yield another delay followed by another government cover-up. It's just another chance for them to get their lies sorted out and cover up the earlier holes in the official story.
I do not need a new probe into 911. I am satisfied that I have come to the correct conclusions about what happened on that day and I do not cede to the government already proven a liar the authority to tell me whether I am right or wrong. Another government investigation will yield another delay followed by another government cover-up. It's just another chance for them to get their lies sorted out and cover up the earlier holes in the official story.
We know the US Government lied to us about 9-11 just as they lied about Saddam's nuclear weapons. More investigation will not change that. The time has come to quit re-capitulating the fine details about 9-11 and face up to the fact that the US Government lied to us about 9-11 just as they lied about Saddam's nuclear weapons, and to decide what We The People are going to do about it. another investigation is just a stalling tactic to keep us from dealing with the real problem, which is a government that rules us by lie and deception and hoax.
No more investigations. It is time to fire the liars!
Apparent execution by Israeli soldiers on board Mavi Marmara

This video captures the moment when according to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, 19-year old Furkhan Dogan, a native of New York and carrying a US passport, already shot by the IDF while holding a camcorder and lying helpless on the deck, is shot point-blank in the face!

Furkhan Dogan, 19-year-old US Citizen Assassinated by Israeli Comandos and Obama gave Israel a free pass
And President Pussy does nothing, on his expressed theory that the best way to Mideast peace is to pretend we don't see anything unpeaceful, no matter who it happens to.
UFO Deactivated Nuclear Weapons - National Press Club Conference 27/09/2010

An unidentified flying object was photographed by a government employee over the Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico in 1964. Photos like this one offer some of the most compelling evidence for those who believe that extraterrestrials have visited our planet.
CIA planned to use UFO scare as warfare against the US population! ARE THEY DOING THIS NOW WITH ABOVE RELEASES?

UN 'to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors'
UFO Centre for Russia
An unidentified flying object was photographed by a government employee over the Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico in 1964. Photos like this one offer some of the most compelling evidence for those who believe that extraterrestrials have visited our planet.
Former U.S. Air Force officers and a former enlisted man are about to break many years of silence about an alarming series of UFO encounters at nuclear weapons sites -- incidents officially kept secret for decades.
CIA planned to use UFO scare as warfare against the US population! ARE THEY DOING THIS NOW WITH ABOVE RELEASES?

"It is recommended that: a. The Director of Central Intelligence advise the National Security Council of the security implications inherent in the flying saucer problem. b. CIA, under its assigned responsibilities, and in cooperation with the psychological strategy board, immediately investigate possible offensive or defensive utilization of the phenomena for psychological warfare purposes both for and against the United States."
-- From a CIA declassified document titled "Flying Saucers" and dated Sept. 7, 1952

UN 'to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors'
A space ambassador could be appointed by the United Nations to act as the first point of contact for aliens trying to communicate with Earth.
UFO Centre for Russia
The long-serving leader of the south-western republic has repeatedly claimed to have met aliens – and he wants to see Russia create a centre for UFOlogy to help explore what happened to him.
U.N. names Mazlan Othman Alien – UFO ambassador
Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
Vatican: Belief In Extraterrestrials Is Ok
Vatican PSYOP - UFO Disclosure 2010 Project Bluebeam
The man that killed 2 alien greys
ELECTION SHOCKER: Christine O’Donnell Didn’t Go To Oxford As She Claimed
If those previous Christine O’Donnell revelations didn’t lock up these midterms for the Democratic Party, surely this will:

If those previous Christine O’Donnell revelations didn’t lock up these midterms for the Democratic Party, surely this will:
Her LinkedIn profile is incorrect! She didn’t go to Oxford University, even though she said she did!
Hooray, all is saved!
Democrats will have a full 80 seats in the next Senate!
Ignorance is out, smart people are here!
No ridiculous ideologues will ever step foot in Congress again!
And there will be a reverent ferocity of masturbation from Senate office to Senate office, from House seat to House seat, from on top of Robert Byrd’s coffin to inside Ted Kennedy’s coffin, and all across this great land.
Finally, we can take solace in knowing Christine O’Donnell will not be elected.

Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks!

Keep in mind when reading this, that the man being interviewed is no two-bit internet conspiracy buff.

Keep in mind when reading this, that the man being interviewed is no two-bit internet conspiracy buff.
Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people.
Israel Used 'Incredible Violence' Against Gaza Aid Flotilla, Says UN Human Rights Council

Click to enlarge
The sharply critical report found there was "clear evidence to support prosecutions" against Israel for "wilful killing" and torture committed in the raid on the flotilla on May 31. Nine activists on a Turkish ship were killed as they attempted to breach the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza.
"Blah blah Nazis blah blah anti-Semite blah blah blah Jew-haters blah blah Hitler blah blah Holocaust blah blah!" -- Israel
"La la la la I cannot hear you I have fingers in my ears my eyes are shut I am not listening to you la la la la..." -- Israel

Click to enlarge
The sharply critical report found there was "clear evidence to support prosecutions" against Israel for "wilful killing" and torture committed in the raid on the flotilla on May 31. Nine activists on a Turkish ship were killed as they attempted to breach the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza.
However, Israel brushed aside the findings of the UN Human Rights Council, which it has consistently denounced as biased against the Jewish state.
"Blah blah Nazis blah blah anti-Semite blah blah blah Jew-haters blah blah Hitler blah blah Holocaust blah blah!" -- Israel
"La la la la I cannot hear you I have fingers in my ears my eyes are shut I am not listening to you la la la la..." -- Israel
Pedophile Priests - This vileness has been going on for a long, long time

Yep, they'd been raping children, nuns made complaints to the Catholic hierarchy (apparently not to the secular authorities), and the church responded as it always does…by transferring the offending priests to a new diocese, a fresh hunting ground.

Click picture to enlarge
Yep, they'd been raping children, nuns made complaints to the Catholic hierarchy (apparently not to the secular authorities), and the church responded as it always does…by transferring the offending priests to a new diocese, a fresh hunting ground.
This was all in 1871.
It's as if child-rape is a hallowed tradition within Catholicism.
9/11: Where Are All The Whistleblowers?

There are hundreds of credible people who dismiss the official story

There are hundreds of credible people who dismiss the official story
A common tactic used to debunk questions surrounding the official 9/11 story is to claim that if there was inside involvement in the plot, whistleblowers would have gone public and exposed the conspiracy.
The claim assumes that conspiracies cannot be kept covered up, a fallacy disproved by the Manhattan Project. The development of the nuclear bomb was kept hidden for years before its announcement, despite the fact that thousands of individuals from all kinds of different disciplines worked on the project.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Israel put Nuclear Uranium into orange juice
"You think only Adolf Hitler did human experiemnts? We are much better at it then he ever was!" - Unofficial Israeli Souse
Israeli coalition government wants all Palestinians WIPED OFF THE MAP
"We want to do to Palestinians what Adolf Hitler failed to do with us Jews!" - Unofficial Zionist Souse
Demonstrations Around the U.S. vs the FBI raids (FBI's Fishing Expeditions)


FBI Launching Mass Raids of Antiwar Activists’ Homes
FBI cites terror link in raids of local activists
FBI terrorism warrants in Minn., Chicago; include anti-war group members
Activists: FBI raids an ‘attempt to intimidate anti-war movement’
FBI raids war protesters' homes
Press Conference Sept25 FBI Raids
Obama Argues His Assassination Program Is A "State Secret"

The government's increasing use of the state secrets doctrine to shield its actions from judicial review has been contentious. Some officials have argued that invoking it in the Awlaki matter, about which so much is already public, would risk a backlash. David Rivkin, a lawyer in the White House of President George H. W. Bush, echoed that concern.

The government's increasing use of the state secrets doctrine to shield its actions from judicial review has been contentious. Some officials have argued that invoking it in the Awlaki matter, about which so much is already public, would risk a backlash. David Rivkin, a lawyer in the White House of President George H. W. Bush, echoed that concern.
"I'm a huge fan of executive power, but if someone came up to you and said the government wants to target you and you can't even talk about it in court to try to stop it, that’s too harsh even for me," he said.
Are the Politicians Stealing Your Social Security?

That's the question that people should be asking their current or would be representatives in Congress. With the huge baby boom cohort at the edge of retirement, there are few issues that will matter more directly to the people who will vote in the November elections.

That's the question that people should be asking their current or would be representatives in Congress. With the huge baby boom cohort at the edge of retirement, there are few issues that will matter more directly to the people who will vote in the November elections.
The baby boomers are now mostly in their 50s or 60s. They have been especially hard hit by this downturn since this is the age cohort that was most vulnerable to seeing its wealth destroyed by the collapse of the housing bubble. Prior to the downturn, most baby boomers had accumulated substantial equity in their home, which was by far their primary source of wealth.
UN Fact-Finding Mission Says Israelis "Executed" US Citizen Furkan Doganby

Furkan Dogan, a 19-year-old US citizen of Turkish descent, was aboard the Mavi Marmara when he was killed by Israeli commandos. (Photo: freegazaorg; Edited: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)
The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style at point blank range by Israeli commandos, and that five other passengers were killed in similar circumstances.


Furkan Dogan, a 19-year-old US citizen of Turkish descent, was aboard the Mavi Marmara when he was killed by Israeli commandos. (Photo: freegazaorg; Edited: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t)
The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style at point blank range by Israeli commandos, and that five other passengers were killed in similar circumstances.
The report reveals that Dogan, the 19-year-old US citizen of Turkish descent, was filming with a small video camera on the top deck of the Mavi Marmara.
The administration has made it clear that it has no intention of pressing the issue of the murder of a US citizen in cold blood by Israeli commandos.

GOP's 'Pledge to America' Would Give Social Security Control To Wall Street Casinos

"What's hidden in this pledge is the Republican pledge to privatize Social Security," says Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of Florida.

"What's hidden in this pledge is the Republican pledge to privatize Social Security," says Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of Florida.
Privatization of Social Security, a longtime GOP priority, was the first focus of former President Bush and the Republican Congressional majorities the last time they won an election cycle—in 2004.
And, with they scheme to lock in Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, the only way Republicans will avoid creating the largest deficits in American history is by ending the nation's commitment to its seniors and to its most vulnerable citizens—by gutting Social Security and functional Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Editor: UFOs not as 'scary' as ex-military who believe in ET

A story that most would probably call silly has more serious implications, the Strategic Events Editor for a UK paper writes.

A story that most would probably call silly has more serious implications, the Strategic Events Editor for a UK paper writes.
"The story that senior US military personnel claim aliens have landed on British nuclear bases and tampered with the weapons is genuinely scary,"
Not, I hasten to add, because there is even the smallest likelihood that they are correct. But because it means that serious people with access to even more serious weaponry have been seeing ET.
An article in the Telegraph by Andy Bloxham claims, "Aliens have landed, infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons, according to US military pilots."
US Government to make snooping of your Internet and e-mails easier


"Soon, big brother will know what you did here, too..."
Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking Web sites and BlackBerries, The New York Times reported Monday.

"I'm reading your e-mails, so watch what you say!"
United Nations to appoint space ambassador to act as first contact for aliens visiting Earth
Sunday, September 26, 2010
DOD Buys And Destroys Every Copy of Book Revealing Evidence Of 9/11 Cover Up

A Shocking new report reveals that the Department of Defense has turned Hitler style Nazi by purchasing every copy of a book and destroying it.

A Shocking new report reveals that the Department of Defense has turned Hitler style Nazi by purchasing every copy of a book and destroying it.
It has been confirmed the reason for the violation of the Freedom of Speech of the author is because it contains evidence that proves the U.S Government covered up the events of 9/11.
The book reveals that the U.S Government knew about that the 9/11 attacks before they occurred, allowed the attacks to happen and then hid the truth about their knowledge of the attacks from the 9/11 investigation panel.
Whistleblower killed in hit and run

"I tell you, it really was an accident. This was not a US assassination even though this guy was on our hit list. No, that black SUV did not belong to the CIA. It was an accident, even though the driver ran him over once, backed up, and ran over him again and shot him three times point blank in the head and stuck a live grenade in his pocket." - Unofficial, off the record, CIA non-comment

He ain't gonna blow no more whistles...
Shane Schmidt, a private security guard in Iraq who raised questions about lax government oversight of U.S. defense contractors when he accused his boss of randomly shooting at, and perhaps killing, civilians in Baghdad, died Sept. 19 at a hospital in Marshfield, Wis. He was 33.
"I tell you, it really was an accident. This was not a US assassination even though this guy was on our hit list. No, that black SUV did not belong to the CIA. It was an accident, even though the driver ran him over once, backed up, and ran over him again and shot him three times point blank in the head and stuck a live grenade in his pocket." - Unofficial, off the record, CIA non-comment
U.S. congressmen threat to Obama: Free Pollard or no Mideast peace. You must do what Israel demands!

Click on image to see the volumes of secrets Pollard sent to Israel and Israel never returned to the US. These were over a million pages of secrets about EVERYTHING America was doing, including nuclear secrets!
A statement released by Democratic Representative Barney Frank "notes the positive impact that a grant of clemency would have in Israel, as a strong indication of the goodwill of our nation towards Israel and the Israeli people."
Lots of oil still coming ashore

"We continue to fight this oil every day, but often it seems the more we pick up the more there is," Nungesser said in the release. "In the past eight days we have picked up 31,905 gallons of oil/water mix in the Marshes in Bay Jimmy. In the week before that, we collected 26,375 gallons. This stuff isn't going away."
Former Air Force Officers: UFOs Messed With US Nuclear Missiles

An unidentified flying object was photographed by a government employee over the Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico in 1964. Photos like this one offer some of the most compelling evidence for those who believe that extraterrestrials have visited our planet.
CIA planned to use UFO scare as warfare against the US population! ARE THEY DOING THIS NOW WITH ABOVE RELEASES?

UN 'to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors'
UFO Centre for Russia
An unidentified flying object was photographed by a government employee over the Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico in 1964. Photos like this one offer some of the most compelling evidence for those who believe that extraterrestrials have visited our planet.
Former U.S. Air Force officers and a former enlisted man are about to break many years of silence about an alarming series of UFO encounters at nuclear weapons sites -- incidents officially kept secret for decades.
CIA planned to use UFO scare as warfare against the US population! ARE THEY DOING THIS NOW WITH ABOVE RELEASES?

"It is recommended that: a. The Director of Central Intelligence advise the National Security Council of the security implications inherent in the flying saucer problem. b. CIA, under its assigned responsibilities, and in cooperation with the psychological strategy board, immediately investigate possible offensive or defensive utilization of the phenomena for psychological warfare purposes both for and against the United States."
-- From a CIA declassified document titled "Flying Saucers" and dated Sept. 7, 1952

UN 'to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors'
A space ambassador could be appointed by the United Nations to act as the first point of contact for aliens trying to communicate with Earth.
UFO Centre for Russia
The long-serving leader of the south-western republic has repeatedly claimed to have met aliens – and he wants to see Russia create a centre for UFOlogy to help explore what happened to him.
U.N. names Mazlan Othman Alien – UFO ambassador
Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
Vatican: Belief In Extraterrestrials Is Ok
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Airborne Laser Goes Off-Target Due to Software Bug

"Meanwhile, in other news, FBI sources have concluded that the mysterious hole that appeared drilled through the UN Building in New York City must be the work of Al Qaeda! The FBI will release pictures of the culprits, shortly.
"Meanwhile, in other news, FBI sources have concluded that the mysterious hole that appeared drilled through the UN Building in New York City must be the work of Al Qaeda! The FBI will release pictures of the culprits, shortly.
It seems that the hole appeared at the same time that the President of Iran was at the podium speaking and claiming that 9/11 was an inside job done by the US for Israel and control of the Middle East.
The US and Israeli UN delegates were having coffee at a nearby Starbucks when the incident unfolded."
Alaska Tea Party Candidate Refuses To Support Palin For President

Earlier this week, I noted that Alaska's Tea Party and Sarah Palin-endorsed GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate, Joe Miller, refused to tell Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace that Palin is qualified to be president.


Earlier this week, I noted that Alaska's Tea Party and Sarah Palin-endorsed GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate, Joe Miller, refused to tell Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace that Palin is qualified to be president.
Yesterday (9/23/10), Neil Cavuto asked Miller if he'd support Palin for president.
He ducked the question, saying there are "a number of great candidates out there...

"The Dead Were Completely Unrecognisable"

Interview With Family Devastated by US Drone Attack

"They are just toys. They can't do any harm." - USA DOD Souse
Interview With Family Devastated by US Drone Attack
I am shocked that the US can come to attack Pakistan in this way and Pakistan does not even have the authority to question them on the deaths they are causing. The civilians in all these regions are extremely frightened and fearful.