Friday, March 27, 2009

Truth behind Iraq war


I assume that the purpose of any inquiry into the war in Iraq is to establish truth transparently, not bury it ("Miliband pledge to hold Iraq war inquiry dismissed as playing for time' ", The Herald, March 26). Truth enshrines due regard for history.

That Saddam was a very bad man is not in doubt; but those who nurtured the man may be considered equally bad. Donald Rumsfeld was such a man. Nor was I ever in any doubt that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), not least because shortly before I arrived in Baghdad, in 1984, Mr Rumsfeld had been in the city to sell Saddam pathogenic material.

So whoever else might have been surprised by the attack on Halabja in 1987, in which 5000 Kurds were gassed, I wasn't one of them.

The invasion of Kuwait and the onset of genocidal sanctions marked a pivotal change and I tended to the view, promoted by the French and others, that from 1991 Saddam's WMD stockpile had degraded out of existence. Otherwise, what stopped him from deploying (again) the weaponry formerly held? However, it was his alleged arsenal of WMD, no less, that led to the deaths of two million Iraqis from 1991 to 2003 via economic sanctions, which included coalition cruise missile and bombing attacks. A key such episode was Operation Desert Fox (ODF), in 1998, encompassing remorseless US/UK attacks.

For four terrifying nights, a defenceless nation was assaulted by an unseen enemy in the dark. Non-military targets destroyed included the Baghdad Teaching Hospital, the Baghdad Museum of Natural History and the Tikrit Teaching Hospital.

The US Navy launched 325 cruise missiles, the US Airforce 100. Additionally, US and UK bombers flew 650 sorties with RAF Tornadoes alone dropping 50 200lb bombs. There were massive civilian losses. ODF was the direct responsibility of Tony Blair and Bill Clinton and, like "shock and awe", five years later, it was predicated on a lie: that Saddam, now firmly the bad guy, owned WMD. The inquiry must also investigate both the politics and the quality of intelligence behind ODF again. As Rumsfeld himself might put it, "stuff happens". Question is, what?


Is Diet Soda Killing Us?


Some Studies Say Yes

Studies have said that over 90 different health side effects are related to consuming aspartame, even in small quantities.

Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener used in foods and beverages all around the world. We generally link aspartame to diet sodas. It is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. Aspartame breaks up into solution and can travel throughout the body and deposit in any tissue. The body digests aspartame unlike saccharin, which does not break down in human bodies.

There are many effects that aspartame has that relate to everyday bodily functions.
Aspartame can affect your eyes, ears, brain, state-of-mind, chest, skin, stomach, and more. It can also trigger many different illnesses such as, epilepsy and ADD.

Aspartame can change the ratio of amino acids in the blood, lowering the levels of serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline. This means that aspartame symptoms usually cannot be detected in lab tests.

Now, there are many people who dispute these claims, but certified doctors have made a lot of progress in this field so that people are exposed to the side effects. The most common effects are headaches and tiredness among the many ones that accompany this artificial sweetener.

If you want to eliminate the fear of these side effects, take the following precautions. Do not eat food with aspartame; detoxify, exercise, eat raw foods, and drink lots of water.

There are doctors that do treat aspartame poisoning if you feel that you are experiencing the side effects.


Also read: How Aspartame Became Legal - The Timeline




Americans' interrogation methods have probably destroyed the nation's reputation

It's unlikely that the United States will ever live down the shame of torture during the George W. Bush-Dick Cheney administration.

It's history now and all the piety and wit of those former U.S. officials responsible for this horrendous chapter cannot wipe out a word of it.

Mark Danner published in the New York Review of Books excerpts of a leaked report by the International Committee of the Red Cross on CIA interrogation techniques used at secret U.S. "black site" prisons abroad and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Red Cross report is based on Red Cross interviews in 2006 with 14 "high value" detainees at Guantanamo as part of the ICRC's legally recognized duties to monitor compliance with the Geneva Conventions and to supervise treatment of prisoners of war, the New York Review of Books said.

Red Cross officials interviewed each of the 14 detainees in private. The report was not intended to be released to the public but was to be given in strictest secrecy to officials of the government agency that had been in charge of holding them-- the CIA.

The shocking account tells of the sadistic punishment inflicted on prisoners picked up in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Under CIA control they were brutalized. They were beaten, their heads regularly slammed against walls and subjected to constant loud music. They also were deprived of sleep for days and, of course, there was water boarding -- a torture technique designed to make the victims think that they are drowning.

The Red Cross report noted that the detainees told similar stories of their treatment. Since the detainees were kept "in continuous solitary confinement and incommunicado detention . . . the striking similarity in their stories, even down to small details, would seem to make fabrication extremely unlikely, if not impossible."


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bush Lied And Over 100 Canadians Died


By Chimpplanet

Today, George W. Bush will give a speech defending his eight years in the White House to 1,500 Canadian elite businessmen who will pay $400 each to listen to his lies.

No Canadians died in Iraq as Canada was smart enough not to send their boys to fight a lie. However, over 100 Canadians have died in Afghanistan, thanks to Bush.

These 100 Canadians will not be able to listen to his lies and their families won’t be able to read about his lies as the Canadian press will not be allowed in the room while Bush Blabbers.

Not only does Canada allow a potential criminal to enter their country as Canada is also bound by anti-torture laws but they even pay over $600,000 to listen to the “torturer-in-chief” defend his crimes. And then, the entire event is censored from all the rest of the Canadian public.


Why The US Will Never Join The International Criminal Court


By Chimpplanet

When George Bush took over the US presidency in 2001, he “unsigned” any connection with the International Criminal Court.

At that time Bush may not have known that he and many in his administration could become the court’s main pursuit in the future but he still felt he had to protect prior criminals in the US like his father the former CIA chief who ust by being the head of the CIA, one becomes a criminal.

Also, to protect another “wanted” criminal like Henry Kissinger and many others whose crimes we Americans are not even aware of but may be hunted by the international community.

After eight years of George Bush’s reign, many new criminals have been added to the International Wanted list. This of course includes Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.

But it also includes Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Alberto Gonzales, Condi Rice and many others whose names most Americans have never even heard.

Just like Nancy Pelosi blocked all attempts to impeach Bush and Cheney while they were in office, President Obama will also block any attempts to indict these high-profile government criminals.
