Katrina called Bush's biggest blunder

In all the recriminations and reviews of the Bush presidency, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and subsequent Iraq war have loomed large.

"Politically, it (Katrina) was the final nail in the coffin," agreed Dan Bartlett, former White House communications director and later counselor to the president.


(Katrina may have been the nail in the coffin but 9/11, lies to Iraq war, 2 stolen elections, locking people up for years with no trial, torture of prisoners, attempt to destroy Social Security, billions "lost" by Pentagon, the death of over 5,000 American kids, the wounding of over 30,000, the extreme loyalty to Israel, the taking away of Americans' Constitutional rights, the illegal eavesdropping and reading of America's phones, e-mails and snail mail, false flag attacks, the outing of a CIA agent for political reasons, the secretness of the administration and many other policies allowed riggormortis to set in before Bush was put in the coffin. - Chimp)


Global warming: Reasons why it might not actually exist


2008 was the year man-made global warming was disproved, according to the Telegraph's Christopher Booker. Sceptics have long argued that there are other explanations for climate change other than man-made CO2 and here we look at some of the arguments put forward by those who believe that global warming is all a hoax.


Last night we were awakened by another thunderstorm, not unlike the one which blacked out the island a few days ago. My wife observed that we have never seen this much lightning in the many years we have lived here on Oahu. And this is certainly true.

Now then, quick meteorology lesson. Lightning is the result of static electricity created by the interaction between tiny rising droplets of water and falling bits of ice all within the storm cloud system. So, when you have lightning, it means that somewhere above you there is hail. The more lightning, the more hail. So, for Hawaii to be seeing an increase in lightning storms, it means we not only have hail high in the sky over Hawaii, we have MORE of it this year than in previous years. This is consistent with the fact that this year's temperatures have been cooler.




"Journalspace" May Have Been "Murdered"


"Journalspace", a six-year-old blogger site was pronounced "dead" on Tuesday, December 30, 2008.

"I had just seen Journalspace for the first time in six months on Wednesday December 17 and on the 18th it was taken away to the hospital.", said Chimpplanet.

Looks like they did some major "operations" on the popular six-year-old, but alas, it was never to recover. On December 30, 2008 Jouirnalspace was pronounced "dead", to be seen no more.

They performed a thorough autopsy and the "coroner" thinks it was foul play. They think the butler, who had been caught stealing in the past, may have done it.

Journalspace, you will be missed!.


"...the Jewish people control America..." - Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001


According to Israel radio (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael, [Shimon] Peres warned [Ariel] Sharon Wednesday that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and "turn the US against us."

At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."

The radio said Peres and other cabinet ministers warned Sharon against saying what he said in public because "it would cause us a public relations disaster."


Monday, December 29, 2008


By Chimpplanet

When Israel invaded South Lebanon in July of 2006, George Bush gave them one month to slaughter as many Lebanese as they could before he "asked" Israel to stop.

When that slaughter was over, over 2,000 Lebanese were killed, over 1,300 of these were innocent civilians including babies, children and women.

This time, Israel has less than a month to do their killing as George Bush will leave office on January 20th. So,Israel must complete it's slaughetr by then. Just as in Lebanon where Israel claimed there were no civilian casualties (I guess 1,300 is the same as none) this time Israel is claiming there are no civilan casualties as journalist photos prove otherwise.

The Israelis now must hurry as there are only 23 days remaining until Barack Obama takes office and he just might "ask" Israel to stop

We don't know that yet as most American politicians have sworn allegiance to Israel and have taken Israel's large donations in order to get elected.

Hurry, Israel, before the world indignation catches up with you and before Obama takes office. Kill as many as you can so you can return home and say: "Never Again!".




The bodies of five Palestinian siblings aged between 4 and 17, lie at a hospital morgue following an Israeli air strike in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. Israel has bombed Gaza for a third day in an "all-out war" on Hamas, as tanks mass on the border and the Islamists fire deadly rockets in retaliation for the blitz that has killed at least 318 people.





Photo taken in Gaza City on December 27, 2008 at dawn, just before the massacre started

I never knew death until I saw the bombing of a refugee camp
Craters filled with disfigured ankles and splattered torsos
But no sign of a face, the only impression a fading scream
I never understood pain
Until a seven-year-old girl clutched my hand
Stared up at me with soft brown eyes, waiting for answers
But I didn’t have any
I had muted breath and dry pens in my back pocket
That couldn’t fill pages of understanding or resolution

In her other hand she held the key to her grandmother’s house
But I couldn’t unlock the cell that caged her older brothers
They said, we slingshot dreams so the other side will feel our father’s presence
A craftsman
Built homes in areas where no one was building
And when he fell, he was silent
A .50 caliber bullet tore through his neck shredding his vocal cords
Too close to the wall
His hammer must have been a weapon
He must have been a weapon
Encroaching on settlement hills and demographics

So his daughter studies mathematics
Seven explosions times eight bodies
Equals four Congressional resolutions
Seven Apache helicopters times eight Palestinian villages
Equals silence and a second Nakba
Our birthrate minus their birthrate
Equals one sea and 400 villages re-erected
One state plus two peoples…and she can’t stop crying
Never knew revolution or the proper equation
Tears at the paper with her fingertips
Searching for answers
But only has teachers
Looks up to the sky and see stars of David demolishing squalor with hellfire missiles

She thinks back words and memories of his last hug before he turned and fell
Now she pumps dirty water from wells, while settlements divide and conquer
And her father’s killer sits beachfront with European vernacular
She thinks back words, while they think backwards
Of obscene notions and indigenous confusion

This our land!, she said
She’s seven years old
This our land!, she said
And she doesn’t need a history book or a schoolroom teacher
She has these walls, this sky, her refugee camp
She doesn’t know the proper equation
But she sees my dry pens
No longer waiting for my answers
Just holding her grandmother’s key…searching for ink

©Copyright 2008 by AxisofLogic.com


Obama’s silence on Israeli airstrikes disappoints many

President–elect Barack Obama blew the first opportunity that had come his way to show that unlike his predecessors, he was going to adopt a more even-handed approach to the Palestine question by choosing to keep quiet after savage Israeli airstrikes across Gaza.


(Bush has already decided to allow the slaughter to continue as he did when the Israelis did the same in Lebanon - he gave the Israelis one month to kill all the Lebanese they wanted before "asking" Israel to stop.

US veto blocks UN anti-Israel resolution to stop the genocide.)


"We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Ariel Sharon


Sunday, December 28, 2008



By Chimpplanet

My son, who studied at the University of Indiana, was required to read Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. I often heard that many modern statesmen use this book as a guide on how to govern.

After reading the chapter on WAR PROPAGANDA, I really felt that those who managed the Bush lies that led the US into Iraq knew this book by heart.

One portion on propaganda reads as follows:

"All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed.

The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble.

On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas.

These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward.

If this principle be forgotten and if an attempt be made to be abstract and general, the propaganda will turn out ineffective; for the public will not be able to digest or retain what is offered to them in this way."

This reminds me of how Americans were constantly hammered by Bush Administration officials and the Corporate Media on Saddam's WMDs and possible nuclear ambitions and how Al-Qaeda seemed to be everywhere.

Simple lies, repeated constantly with the media drums rolling until Congress approved Bush's devastation of Iraq.




Israel will listen to calls for "restraint' when pigs fly!!

... and you (Americans) paid for it all!

They probably were not terrorists before. But they sure as hell are now!

This was the raid that ended the cease fire in Gaza.

And there is the real agenda behind this morning's attacks; to wreck the government the Palestinian people voted for.

And again, no mention that Israel broke the cease fire on November 5th with their unprovoked attack that killed 6 Palestinians.

Nor did the United States make any comments back on November 5th when Israel broke the cease fire.

Again, here is the problem. Israel is not attacking missile launchers. It is attacking the civil infrastructure of a government elected by the Palestinian people.

The selection of targets is what gives away that the real agenda is to wreck Gaza rather than to stop the Qassams.

If Israel really wanted the Qassams to stop, they would give the Gazan police the equipment and supplies to hunt down the people shooting the rockets. Instead the Israelis are doing everything they can to make sure the Gazan police are unable to do anything at all. One has to wonder why that is?

And then the bombs come.

Okay, here is the total giveaway that this is all a deadly hoax.

If Israel really was worried about the Qassam, why would they destroy the only civil force working to stop those attacks?

That's like Russia saying it wants to stop terrorism happening in the US and then attacks our army and police force. It should be obvious that the real agenda is to crush the government, and terror is just the excuse.

We know when Israeli politicians lie to their countrymen and the world: they open their mouths, and they speak.

Translation: the timing of these raids was to maximize the injury and death for Gazan Palestinian kids. and their parents.

Note that Israel, despite the rhetoric about stopping the Qassam rockets, is targeting the elected HAMAS officials.

... in response to Israel's November 5th raid that killed 12 and 13 year old Palestinian boys that broke the cease fire.

You know, the guys the Palestinians actually voted for!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

What if George Bush Was Not Elected in 2000 and 2004?




By Chimpplanet

Maybe 59 million Americans were not dumb enough to elect George W. Bush as their president in the 2000 and the 2004 elections. Maybe the exit polls were correct after all and the vote results were not.

Unfortunately, the only person who may have been able to verify that the voting machines in major states were rigged, Michael Connell, is now dead due to a mysterious airplane "accident".

Do you realize what chaos could ensue if this election theft, this coup d'etat, could be verified? For the American people to learn that the past eight years of war, death, deception, theft, torture, fear and final economic devastation was caused by a leader not elected by the US population? Eight years stolen from all Americans and also from the world?

For this reason, this administration could not allow Michael Connell to testify that he may have altered the outcome of votes, possibly working directly under Karl Rove, Bush's Brain.

Unfortunately, "they" will not allow us to learn the truth.


History will vindicate Bush administration, Rice says


US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice acknowledged Monday that the Bush administration fell short of goals it had set for itself but maintained that history would prove it right.

"Over time I think that the fact that America has stood for the Arab world and for the Arabs to have the same rights and the same ability to live in freedom as we have, that that will ultimately be respected," Rice said.


(Can this woman be so delusional as to make these statements, particularly about the Arab world's perception of the Bush presidency with an absolutely straight face?!?!

What the Arab world understands full well is the fact that the US can never be perceived by them as "an honest broker in the Middle East".

They full well understand the "Svengali effect" of Israel on US foreign policy. That effect engendered an attack on Iraq, because Iraq was an alleged "existential threat" to Israel. And no matter that the attack and occupation of Israel has proven to have been justified by a pack of lies, that was what we had to do: kill and maim Iraqis so the Israelis wouldn't have to soil their hands doing it.

They are desperately trying to do the same regarding Iran, although hopefully, the next administration will be much less carnage-prone than the current one when it comes to wars without end.

And her comment about "...Hamas wreaking havoc in Gaza...". Secretary Rice, when was the last time you planted your designer-shoe clad feet on the ground in Gaza to get a real assessment of what is happening there? Does the word "never" have a good chance of being an apt description?

As well documented by UN Human Rights Commission Documents you have probably studiously ignored, because of the Israeli siege, the people of Gaza are starving; some are eating grass just to survive. Malnutrition in children under 5 leaves irreversible damage.

Of course, this is one of the outcomes Israeli politicians understand will happen to the children of Gaza.

The medically fragile and ill (including infants) are being denied access to medical care which could save their lives. Y

ou must have some family member with a kid, or an infant, somewhere. Imagine knowing that care to save their lives was possible, but that child was not being allowed to access that care because they are the wrong ethnic group???

Does that not have some resonance for you, Madame Secretary?!?

I have a news flash for you: when a legendary champion of human rights, the Bishop Desmond Tutu, makes the observation that what is going on in the Israeli treatment of Palestinians is tantamount to apartheid, this guy should be afforded at least a little "street cred" for his opinion.

And now for the "coup de grace" for Gazan Palestinians, courtesy of the IDF. There will be an assault coming, in the very near future, which may well wipe out scores of non-combatants (who are, courtesy of malnutrition and illness) going to be one heck of a lot easier to "pick off" because of their weakened physical state. Israeli diplomats have been instructed to fan the world in a "charm offensive" to justify this impending slaughter.

But this time, Madame Secretary, something will be different. This carnage will be covered from cellphone cameras, other cameras, and be all over the net in a matter of minutes from when it happened.

The world will then see who is truly responsible for the "havoc" in Gaza. - WRH)


Hans Blix: "Cheney threatened to discredit me"


Hans Blik talks about the moment Dick Cheney threatened to discredit him and Mohamed El-Baradei over Weapons Inspections in Iraq.





Last week, Cheney was all over TV setting the stage for pardons. He admitted he personally approved torture, but insisted it destroyed Al Qaeda and saved American lives.

According to a powerful article by David Rose in Vanity Fair, the Bush-Cheney torture regime accomplished exactly the opposite. The torture photos from Abu Ghraib helped Al Qaeda's recruitment soar. U.S. officers in Iraq say torture-inspired attacks on U.S. soldiers were the #1 and #2 cause of soldiers' deaths. CIA analysts say the "intelligence" produced by torture was worthless.


(I wonder if Dick Cheney believes that Jews drink the blood of Christian children? Because under waterboarding, both with the Nazis and the Inquisition, Jews confessed to doing so!

So, if Dick Cheney is correct and waterboarding produces reliable results, then yes indeed, Jews did drink the blood of Christian Children.

Likewise, and again during the inquisition, countless women, including nuns, confessed to having actual carnal relations with Satan after being waterboarded.

So, if Dick Cheney is correct and waterboarding produces reliable results, then Satan is holed up at the Hyatt in Ft. Worth, knocking up nuns as I type this!


We recognize that the Jews who confessed to drinking the blood of children did so only to stop their torture. And likewise we recognize that the victims of the inquisition said whatever their tormentors wished to hear, simply to stop the water and the fire.

You cannot have it both ways, Dick. If the screamed confessions of Iraqi victims are all true and accurate, then women do indeed turn into black cats at midnight! - WRH)




Tonight it is being reported that Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has instructed diplomats across the globe to launch what is being described as a “PR blitz” to shore up international support for an Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip.

To that end Livni, the Kadima Party’s pick for Prime Minister in the upcoming election, will reportedly make phone calls to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and the foreign ministers of several major nations.


(Translation: Israel is planning a "charm offensive" to justify the slaughter of Palestinians, already weakened by malnutrition and disease, courtesy of the siege.

Any foreign country which lauds and supports this invasion can no longer be called a moral people.

I would, however, caution Israeli politicians to be very careful about what they wish for. Immoral actions against a starved and sick populace can frequently lead to spectacularly unintended consequences. - WRH)
